洛杉矶新建高层建筑将收容无家可归者,单位价值 60 万美元
A New High-Rise Building Will House LA's Homeless In $600,000 Units

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/new-high-rise-building-will-house-las-homeless-600000-units

Mike Shedlock 的博客文章宣布 Weingart 大厦开业,这是一座位于洛杉矶的 19 层建筑,旨在收容该市的无家可归者。 它拥有 278 个单位,成为该地区最大的永久性支持性住房项目。 提供健身房、艺术室和咖啡馆等各种设施,居民将通过专为社会工作者提供的办公楼层获得专业帮助。 主要由 HHH 提案、地方和州资金资助,每个单元的成本约为 600,000 美元。 尽管投入巨大,洛杉矶县的无家可归者危机仍超过 75,000 人,其中市内无家可归者人数超过 46,000 人。 在扣除额外费用之前,所有无家可归者的住房总成本达到惊人的 453 亿美元。 批评者认为,该市的资源可以更好地用于解决无家可归的根本原因,而不是建造豪华住宿。 此外,反对者指出,许多无家可归者正在应对药物滥用问题或心理健康挑战,这使他们不太可能获得昂贵的住房解决方案。 在日益严重的财务压力和不断上涨的租金价格的情况下,加州普通民众都在努力负担基本必需品,而该州则花费数百万美元用于无家可归者的住房计划。



Authored by Mike Shedlock via MishTalk.com,

A grand opening of Weingart Tower will have 278 units to shelter the homeless. Hooray!?

Image courtesy of ABC News, YouTube video and details below

ABC News reports New high-rise building to house homeless in $600K units in downtown Los Angeles

There are 278 units in the 19-story development known as the Weingart Tower. It’s intended to help people currently without shelter on Skid Row and it will be L.A.’s largest permanent support housing project.

The building will have an entire floor of offices for case workers, in addition to a list of impressive amenities: a gym, art room, music room, computer room and library.

Residents will enjoy six common balconies and a café.

It’s considered affordable housing, but the cost to build this type of project still adds up. Each unit costs nearly $600,000 and it’s being funded by taxpayers.

The $165 million project is receiving permanent financing from Proposition HHH, which voters overwhelmingly passed in 2016. The new tower is also receiving state housing funds and $56 million in state tax credits.

Several elected officials, including L.A. Mayor Karen Bass, attended a grand opening ceremony at for the building.

Building Tour

Beyond Insane Math

This is beyond insane. NBC news reports There are 75,518 people are homeless in the county, and 46,260 in the city of Los Angeles, an increase from the 69,144 in the county, and 41,980 the city from 2022 as of Jan 23, 2023.

$600,000 * 278 = $166,800,000. That’s $166.8 million. And that does not include free property taxes, case workers, maintenance, utilities, insurance, food, police, clothes, doormen, or medical care.

If the county were to shelter the 75,518 homeless, the cost would be $45,310,800,000. That’s $45.3 billion, again excluding free property taxes, case workers, maintenance, utilities, insurance, food, police, clothes, doormen, or medical care.

And it would not stop there. Every homeless person in the state would move their tent to LA to participate.

Affordable Housing

This dear woke fans is what’s known as “affordable housing”.

Taxes have to rise to accommodate such stupidity. It makes me angry just thinking about this. For what? Does the city think this will cure the homeless problem?

Most of these people are some combination of drug addicts, alcoholics, mentally unstable, and physically unfit to ever work. And even if they did work, they would not be living in $600,000 units.

California Proposes Restraining Orders to Stop Thieves

More and more headlines look as if they are from the Babylon Bee. Let’s discuss the latest idiocrasy from la-la land.

Governor Gavin Newsom courtesy of the Hoover Institute

On June 17,I commented Hoot of the Day: California Proposes Restraining Orders to Stop Thieves

What’s going on in California is beyond insane.

Also see Twenty Percent of California Lives in Poverty, What’s Going On?

Meanwhile, working people are struggling.

Angry Renters

Hard working people are struggling to make ends meet due to rising inflation. And here we are offering $600,000 “affordable” units plus free food, medical care, etc. to drug addicts.

For discussion of angry renters please see Why Angry Renters Will Decide the Election, Take II

Think of the poor, nearly broke worker who gets up every day in his tiny apartment and drives a long commute to work eight hours a day so that he can pay for free healthcare for illegal migrants and $600,000 units for the homeless.

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