Dozens Of Cybertrucks Vandalized In Florida Parking Lot

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/technology/dozens-cybertrucks-vandalized-florida-parking-lot

一群特斯拉 Cyber​​truck 车主可能会因车辆停放的佛罗里达州停车场遭到破坏而面临轻微的交货延误。 这起事件涉及到有人通过涂鸦表达对埃隆·马斯克的蔑视,在几辆赛博卡车上写着“F*ck Elon”。 社交媒体上的一篇疯传帖子显示,劳德代尔堡停车场有超过 30 辆赛博卡车出现这种损坏。 尽管需要拆除,但高质量的不锈钢外部使其变得更简单,因为不需要重新喷漆 - 只需抛光就足够了。 此外,马斯克的柏林工厂曾于五月初成为抗议者的目标。 然而,Cyber​​truck 的不锈钢车身仍然具有足够的弹性来应对此类事件,马斯克本人也强调其作为“末日防御技术”的能力。



Dozens of Tesla Cybertruck owners might experience a slight delivery delay after a Florida parking lot filled with these electric trucks was vandalized. The culprit seems to have a strong dislike toward Elon Musk. 

"Tesla cars vandalized at a parking lot near Sunrise Blvd and US1 in Ft Lauderdale," Instagram user @onlyindade wrote, accompanying a short video showing dozens of Cybertrucks with graffiti reading "F*ck Elon." 

Nic Cruz Patane reposted the video on X, which was viewed 1.2 million times in less than 24 hours. 

Nic Cruz Patane said the parking lot full of Cybertrucks is located in Fort Lauderdale. He posted an image showing the lot from a distance. 

The good news is that the Cybertruck features a high-quality stainless steel exoskeleton, which makes removing spray paint fairly simple. 

Repainting won't be necessary for the fix. It should just buff right out. 

Stainless steel is incredibly resilient. 

Let's not forget that Musk's Berlin factory was attacked in early May by woke Marxist extremists

As Musk recently noted, "Tesla Cybertruck, the finest in apocalypse defense technology!"

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