Mapping The World's Refugee Population

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/mapping-worlds-refugee-population

联合国难民事务高级专员 (UNHCR) 报告称,2023 年末,全球有超过 1.17 亿人被迫流离失所,比上一年增加 8%,比 2021 年增加 31%。五个国家占其中近三分之二 全球总数:叙利亚、阿富汗、缅甸、委内瑞拉和也门。 阿富汗人是最大的难民群体,约有 640 万人在境外寻求庇护。 紧随其后的是叙利亚难民,人数已增至 636 万。 新数据显示,乌克兰流离失所者达到596万人,成为全球第三大难民人口。 饱受冲突困扰的南苏丹难民人数激增,难民人数超过 230 万,主要定居在乌干达、苏丹、埃塞俄比亚和肯尼亚。 由于持续的冲突、粮食危机和局势恶化,再加上新的登记和对上一年积压的估计,2021 年难民署登记的难民人数大幅增加。 值得注意的是,塔利班重新控制阿富汗后,不稳定局势加剧,导致难民涌入。



According to a report by the UNHCR, the number of people fleeing war, persecution and conflict exceeded 117 million.

This number is up eight percent from the year before and increased by 31 percent compared to 2021.

As Statista's Anna Fleck shows in the following chart, 62 percent of all refugees and people in need of internal protection originated from just five countries in late 2023, while the top 10 countries of origin accounted for more than 70 percent of the global total.

Infographic: Mapping The World's Refugee Population | Statista

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Afghanistan has the highest number of displaced people outside of their home country, at 6.40 million.

Syrians are the second largest population displaced across borders, with 6.36 million living outside of the country. The latest count of displaced Ukrainians totaled 5.96 million people, the third-highest in the world.

Meanwhile, violence, food shortages, and deteriorating conditions have been pushing South Sudanese to emigrate, their numbers rising from 2.2 million refugees in 2020 to 2.3 million at the end of 2023, almost all of whom are living in Uganda (923,607), Sudan (696,246), Ethiopia (418,231) and Kenya (171,233), according to the UNHCR.

In addition to a rise in the number of people being forced to flee their homes, these figures increased in 2021 due to the registration of new births, new estimations of displacements, as well as updates following the backlog from 2020, as registration resumed in 2021 after being suspended due to Covid-19. The stark rise of Afghan refugees can possibly be attributed to the situation in the country after the Taliban rose to power again in August 2021.

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