乔·拜登不想让你知道的 21 个事实
21 Facts That Joe Biden Doesn't Want You To Know

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/personal-finance/21-facts-joe-biden-doesnt-want-you-know

乔·拜登的总统任期:一段前所未有的挑战时期 乔·拜登总统继续就经济繁荣、边境安全、社区安全和乌克兰的胜利发表大胆声明。 然而,这些说法与现实相矛盾。 作家迈克尔·斯奈德表示,拜登的任期反而遇到了一系列艰巨的挑战。 以下 21 个事实描绘了当前形势的不同图景: 1. 与三年前相比,美国家庭每月支出增加 1,069 美元。 2. 去年,近三分之二的人面临着更大的财务压力。 3.自2019年以来,房屋保险费率上涨了38%。 4.自拜登上任以来,租金价格飙升30%。 5. 超过 60% 的美国租房者无力承担中位租金。 6. 汽油成本上涨46%。 7. 抵押贷款利率攀升148%。 8. 过去四年,住房支付中位数几乎翻了一番。 9. 退休的成年人由于生活费用高昂而考虑重返工作岗位。 10. 上个月新屋销售下降 11.3%。 11.待售房屋销售量以前所未有的速度暴跌。 12. 拜登执政期间,遇到的移民数量超过 800 万人。 13. 芝加哥的无家可归者在一年内增加了两倍。 14. 美国许多城市的谋杀率显着上升。 15.连续失业救济金跃升至近三年来的最高水平。 16. 职位空缺减少至三年多前以来的最低水平。 17. Rite Aid 计划在之前关闭的基础上再关闭 27 家商店。 18. 沃尔格林打算削减大约四分之一的美国门店。 19. 20% 的加州人生活在贫困线以下。 20. 大约 46% 的美国人缺乏 500 美元或更多的储蓄。 21. 美国在乌克兰冲突上的支出约为 1,750 亿美元,但俄罗斯军队仍然占上风。 这些统计数据赤裸裸地说明了总统任期内美国家庭和社会面临的困难



Authored by Michael Snyder via The Economic Collapse blog,

It takes a lot of gumption to go on television and repeatedly lie to more than 300 million Americans.  I honestly don’t know how Joe Biden does it.  I suppose that after you have been lying for your entire career, lying comes as naturally as breathing does.  Sadly, there are still millions of Americans that are falling for his lies after all this time.  Biden would like for us all to believe that the economy is “booming”, that the southern border is under control, that our communities are safe, and that Ukraine is going to win their war against Russia.  Our entire society is literally crumbling all around us, and Biden and his minions have brought us to the brink of global war.  I am entirely convinced that he has been the worst president in U.S. history, and that is really saying something.

Ultimately, Joe Biden is just another slimy politician that is trying to save his job.

I get that.

But come on man, how can anyone actually believe the nonsense that he is shoveling?

There are a few numbers that Biden can cherry pick to try to make himself look good, but here are 21 facts that Joe Biden doesn’t want you to know…

1. It takes the typical U.S. household $1,069 more a month just to purchase the same goods and services that it did three years ago.

2. Two-thirds of the respondents to one recent survey indicated that they had to take action to deal with rising financial stress within the past year.  Those actions included “cutting back on spending, skipping monthly bills, or taking an additional job”.

3. Home insurance rates have risen by 38 percent since 2019.

4. Home rental prices are up 30 percent since Joe Biden entered the White House.

5. A whopping 61 percent of U.S. renters cannot afford the rent on a median-priced apartment in the United States right now.

6. Gasoline prices are up 46 percent since Joe Biden entered the White House.

7. The average rate on a 30 year fixed mortgage is up 148 percent since Joe Biden entered the White House.

8. According to Zillow, the monthly mortgage payment on a typical home in this country has almost doubled during the past four years.

9. One recent poll discovered that 44 percent of retired Americans are considering going back to work because the cost of living has become so oppressive.

10. New home sales fell 11.3 percent last month.

11. Pending home sales are dropping at the fastest rate ever recorded.

12. According to the House Budget Committee, there have been more than 8 million migrant encounters nationwide while Joe Biden has been in the White House.  We truly are in the midst of an immigration crisis that is far greater than anything that we have ever witnessed before.

13. Thanks to our unprecedented immigration crisis, the homeless population in the city of Chicago actually tripled in just one year.

14. Murder rates are up by double digit percentages in many major U.S. cities this year.

15. Continuing jobless claims just shot up to the highest level in almost three years.

16. The number of job openings in the United States has dropped to the lowest level in more than 3 years.

17. Rite Aid just announced that it will be closing 27 more stores.  That is on top of more than 500 stores that it has already decided to shut down.

18. Walgreens plans to close approximately one-fourth of its 8,600 U.S. stores.  If the economy really was “booming”, why would they be doing this?

19. Today, 20 percent of the entire population of the state of California is living in poverty.

20. According to one recent survey, 46 percent of Americans don’t even have 500 dollars saved up.

21. So far, the U.S. has spent a total of approximately 175 billion dollars on the war in Ukraine, and the Russians are still winning.

Over the past three and a half years, there has just been one epic failure after another.

The nightmarish withdrawal from Afghanistan set the stage for the entire Biden presidency.  Everything that Biden and his minions have touched has gone sour.  In fact, usually the best thing that Biden and his minions can do to solve a problem is to do nothing at all.

Have you ever known someone that has a knack for royally messing things up no matter how hard they try?

Unfortunately, Biden and his minions aren’t just incompetent.

They have blended extreme incompetence with sheer evil, and now they are asking voters to give them a chance to run America for another four years.

But if we stay on the path that we are on, will our nation even survive?

If we want to turn things around, we need to do the exact opposite of what we have been doing.

And we better move fast, because the clock is ticking…

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Michael’s new book entitled “Chaos” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon.com, and you can subscribe to his Substack newsletter at michaeltsnyder.substack.com.

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