G20 国家中哪些国家的企业税率最高?
Which Countries Have The Highest Corporate Tax Rates In The G20?

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/economics/which-countries-have-highest-corporate-tax-rates-g20

G20是1999年亚洲金融危机后成立的,由全球20个主要经济体组成,约占世界经济的85%。 这些经济体虽然团结在一个保护伞下,但各自都有独特的业务管理方法。 Visual Capitalist 最近的一项分析显示,根据 2024 年 6 月的贸易经济数据,G20 国家的企业税率存在显着差异。阿根廷和印度是企业所得税最高的两个国家,达到 35%,但额外的税收可能会提高企业所得税率。 印度“永久实体”有效率超过40%。 金砖国家涵盖了整个范围,从高(巴西、印度)到中等(中国、南非),再到低(俄罗斯)。 除日本(31%)和美国(21%)外,大多数七国集团国家的这一比例都在 24% 至 30% 之间。 值得注意的是,在2018年税制改革之前,美国的企业税率高达35%; 现在,它的企业税率在同行中排名第三。



In the wake of the 1999 Asian financial crisis, government representatives from the 20 largest economies in the world decided to informally gather to coordinate policy on trade. Thus began the G20.

Together the bloc accounts for more than 85% of the world economy and has been credited with unified policy action in response to world events.

However, despite this shared affiliation, this group is still made of fundamentally different economies with varied policies towards their business entities.

For a quick overview, Visual Capitalist's Pallavi Rao visualizes and ranks the G20 countries by their headline corporate tax rates.

Data is sourced from Trading Economics, accessed June 2024. Data for the EU and the African Union (both G20 members) has not been included.

Argentina and India have the highest corporate income tax rates, at 35% in the G20.

However, both countries have a progressive ladder for taxation, so this headline number may only apply to a smaller subset of firms. For foreign companies with a “permanent entity” in India, the rate climbs past 40%.

Note: EU and African Union not included. Figures rounded. Data accessed June 2024.

Interestingly, BRICS countries cover the spectrum of corporate tax rates. Starting from the highest (India, Brazil) to middle of the pack (South Africa, China) to lowest (Russia).

On the other hand, most of the G7 cluster in the mid-ranges (24–30%), with Japan the highest outlier (31%) and the U.S. the lowest exception (21%).

In fact, after Saudi Arabia and Russia (20%), the U.S. has the third-lowest corporate tax rate of all G20 economies.

This wasn’t always the case.

The 2018 “Trump Tax” law was the largest overhaul of the tax code in three decades, part of which reduced the corporate tax rate from 35% to 21%.

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