Slovakia's New Populist PM Follows Through On Blocking Arms To Ukraine

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/slovakias-new-populist-pm-follows-through-blocking-arms-ukraine

在斯洛伐克最近的选举中,罗伯特·菲科领导的左翼政党 Smer-SD 因承诺停止向乌克兰提供武器而获胜。 作为斯洛伐克新任总理,菲科最近履行了自己的承诺,宣布该国将不再向乌克兰供应武器,因为担心继续向乌克兰供应武器会产生影响。 此外,菲科呼吁欧盟对冲突采取不同的态度,将重点转向成为和平缔造者,而不是支持亲俄分裂分子与基辅政府之间持续的武装冲突。 在俄罗斯联邦总统弗拉基米尔·普京提出批评后,包括匈牙利和波兰在内的其他东欧国家也开始质疑继续向乌克兰提供武器,俄罗斯总统认为西方支持的向乌克兰提供武器会延长敌对状态,而不是导致外交解决。



Authored by Kyle Anzalone via The Libertarian Institute, 

The new government of Slovakia has followed through with its campaign pledge to terminate arms transfers and is calling on the rest of Europe to adopt Bratislava’s policy.

Slovakia’s new leader, Robert Fico, has called for the European Union to take on a peacekeeper role in the Ukraine war, and Bratislava will not support further sanctions on Moscow. 

Slovakia's new populist PM Robert Fico

Fico told members of Slovakia’s legislature on Thursday that Bratislava was abandoning the West’s proxy war against Russia. "I will support zero military aid to Ukraine… An immediate halt to military operations is the best solution we have for Ukraine. The EU should change from an arms supplier to a peacemaker,” he said. Adding, Slovakia will “no longer supply weapons to Ukraine.”

As well as terminating support for Kiev’s war effort, Fico explained Slovakia will no longer support Washington’s economic war on Moscow. “I will not vote for any sanctions against Russia unless we see analyses of their impact on Slovakia.”

He continued, "If there are to be such sanctions that will harm us, like most sanctions have, I can see no reason to support them."

Additionally, Fico said, "the people in Slovakia have bigger problems than (dealing with) Ukraine" and "further killing [in Ukraine] will not help anyone."

Fico’s left-wing Smer-SD won Slovakia’s election early this month on a platform that highlighted ending arms transfers to Ukraine. 

While President Joe Biden insists that Washington will support Ukraine for "as long as it takes," several Eastern European countries have started to terminate support for Kiev. Poland announced it would end weapons transfers after Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky slammed Warsaw during his UN address. 

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