How Satisfied Are Americans With Their Finances?

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/personal-finance/how-satisfied-are-americans-their-finances

自冠状病毒大流行和俄罗斯-乌克兰冲突以来,全球经济经历了重大转变。 这些事件导致全球能源和食品成本增加,以及科技公司在疫情期间的招聘热潮导致大规模裁员。 尽管面临这些挑战,根据消费者洞察调查,美国公民报告 2024 年初经济前景有所改善。 认为自己的个人经济状况为负面或非常负面的个人比例略有下降,而报告前景非常积极的个人比例则有所上升。 然而,对本国经济表现的积极看法也有所下降,这表明人们的担忧仍在持续。 乐观情绪在 2021 年至 2022 年期间达到顶峰,当时人们对放松 COVID-19 措施仍抱有希望。 然而,随着 2021 年末俄罗斯入侵乌克兰以及随后的 2022 年秋冬能源价格飙升,这种情况发生了巨大变化。描述这些趋势的信息图表可以在 Statista 上找到。



Global governments extreme monetary and fiscal responses to the coronavirus pandemic (and its actual logistics issues), and the war in Ukraine were and still are the main drivers of macroeconomic changes around the world, from rising energy and food prices to hundreds of thousands of jobs cut due to pandemic-induced hiring sprees by big tech firms in particular.

Four years after the outbreak of corona and two years since the beginning of Russia's war on its Western neighbor, economic worries for U.S. residents seem to be easing again.

As Statista's Florian Zandt details below, a Consumer Insights survey shows that at the start of 2024, roughly one quarter of respondents claimed their personal economic situation was negative or very negative, while 18 percent had a very positive outlook on their finances, up two percent year-over-year.

A third of survey participants claimed that they saw their country's economic performance as negative or very negative, down two percent from the previous period in 2023 as well.

Infographic: How Satisfied Are Americans With Their Finances? | Statista

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Changes in perspective were especially pronounced from 2022 to 2023.

Since the survey waves analyzed ended in March of the corresponding year, respondents were still optimistic due to the easing of coronavirus restrictions, with 46 percent having a positive or very view of their finances and only 28 percent claiming that their country was in a bad or very bad place in financial terms.

This shifted drastically after Russia's attack on Ukraine on February 28, 2022, and the resulting energy price spikes in the following fall and winter, which is evident in the results for 2023.

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