Suspected Houthi Boat Drone "Collided" With Merchant Vessel In Southern Red Sea 

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/commodities/suspected-houthi-boat-drone-collided-merchant-vessel-southern-red-sea

伊朗支持的民兵组织胡塞武装最近袭击了几艘经过也门附近重要海上航线(即南红海)的商船。 根据英国军方海上贸易行动部 (UKMTO) 的一份报告,一艘船只在也门荷台达西北约 97 海里处被一架无人驾驶船击中。 该船的船长声称,有三艘蓝白相间的小船靠近,其中两艘每艘载有三人,而第三艘似乎是遥控的。 这些入侵者与船只相撞两次,然后在十五分钟后撤退。 虽然该船没有人员伤亡或重大结构损坏,但受到了一些轻微伤害并释放了一些烟雾。 为了避免进一步的冲突,UKMTO 建议该地区的船舶停止所有甲板活动,并与显示不确定识别标志的船舶保持距离。 这次最新的袭击事件是继去年以来胡塞武装在红海和亚丁湾袭击船只的类似事件之后发生的。 目前,这些升级引发了人们对地中海商船未来可能遭受攻击的担忧,因为这些商船靠近关键的海上通道。 此外,这一事件恰逢美国总统拜登在其“繁荣卫士行动”下试图保障这条战略水道沿线的自由通行,但迄今为止事实证明并不成功。 此外,胡塞武装在这些地区展示了使用自制无人机技术的新能力,这带来了额外的挑战。



Let's take a break from the chaos in American politics and gravitate towards the Middle East. 

Iran-backed Houthis are still lobbing missiles, kamikaze drones, and boat drones at Western-linked commercial vessels sailing through the critical maritime chokepoint in the Southern Red Sea. 

The British military's United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO) reported a vessel was attacked by a boat drone about 97 nautical miles northwest of Al Hudaydah, Yemen.

"The Master of a merchant vessel reports being attacked by 3 small craft, blue and white in color, 2 of the small craft had 3 persons onboard, the third small craft is reported to be unmanned," UKMTO wrote in the advisory note.

UKMTO said, "The reported unmanned small craft collided with the vessel twice and the 2 manned small craft fired at the vessel. The vessel conducted self-protection measures, after 15 minutes the small craft aborted the attack. The vessel and crew are reported safe and the vessel is proceeding to its next port of call."

An updated advisory by UKMTO said the attack by the boat drone "caused damage and light smoke" on the port side of the vessel. 

"Merchant shipping in the area is advised to halt crew deck movements and to stay well clear of vessels withholding" identification signals, British maritime security firm Ambrey said, adding the incident is consistent with previous Houthi attacks in the Southern Red Sea. 

The Houthis have been attacking commercial vessels in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden since November in a campaign they say is in solidarity with Palestinians amid the Gaza war. This comes as the Biden administration's efforts to ensure freedom of navigation via Operation Prosperity Guardian continue to fail on the critical maritime chokepoint. 

In recent weeks, the Houthis showcased their domestic suicide boat drone technology.

Which has been deployed in the Red Sea (read: here)... 

There is a continued ongoing threat that spillover risks from the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden are mounting, one where the fight could result in Houthi attacks on commercial vessels in the Mediterranean Sea.

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