Taliban Takes Americans Hostage, Says Willing To Trade For Gitmo Prisoners

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/taliban-detains-american-citizens-says-willing-trade-gitmo-prisoners

据塔利班和《华盛顿观察家报》报道,三名美国公民目前因涉嫌违反阿富汗法律而被塔利班在阿富汗拘留。 他们的身份是乔治·格列兹曼、马哈茂德·哈比比和瑞安·科贝特。 塔利班和美国官员已经就通过囚犯交换释放他们的可能性进行了讨论。 塔利班声称他们拘留这些人是因为他们违反了阿富汗法律。 虽然针对他们的指控的具体细节仍不清楚,但阿富汗新闻媒体表示可能会受到间谍指控。 三人中的两人最初于 2022 年被抓获; 格列兹曼在被捕之前曾访问过阿富汗,探索其文化和历史。 官员们批评美国人的逮捕缺乏法律程序,理由是担心侵犯人权。 鉴于阿富汗被美国国务院指定为四级国家,这种情况尤其令人担忧,这表明由于持续的恐怖主义威胁和塔利班不公正拘留的高风险,前往该地区的任何旅行都必须极其谨慎。 此外,塔利班正在讨论涉及其他囚犯的交换,这意味着可能会出现更多类似的案件。



For the first time in years, the Taliban says it has arrested and imprisoned American citizens, and is hoping to use them in a prisoner swap. The Taliban says that at least two US citizens are being held after violating Afghan laws, while the Washington Examiner has said three are in custody.

The detained individuals have been identified as George Glezmann, Mahmood Habibi, and Ryan Corbett - as confirmed also by a State Department statement. A Taliban government spokesperson announced that the "American nationals violated the country’s law, and discussion has been held with the US officials in this regard."

AFP via Getty Images

And Taliban chief spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid recently told reporters in Kabul that "the topic of a prisoner release was discussed during his recent meeting with US officials in Doha, continuing a recurring theme in their negotiations."

"Afghanistan's conditions must be met. We have our citizens who are imprisoned in the US and Guantanamo," Mujahid stated. "We should free our prisoners in exchange for them. Just as their prisoners are important to America, Afghans are equally important to us," he added.

It as yet unclear what precise charges the men are being held on, but Afghan national media has alluded to the possibility of "espionage" - which would be a very serious accusation, possibly resulting in a capital case.

Both Glezmann and Corbett were initially detained in 2022, with the former having previously described he was on a tour of the country's unique cultural landscape and history. US officials have complained that the American nationals are being held without charge or due process. Less is known about the third person who might be in custody, Muhammed Habibi, who is a US-Afghan dual citizen.

The Taliban has exercised complete control over the war-torn, central Asian country since the US coalition pullout of August 2021, which by all accounts was chaotic and resulted in both US military and Afghan civilian deaths. 

The US State Department has since then designated Afghanistan as a "Level 4: Do Not Travel" country for American citizens.

An official alert says the risk of detention for foreign travelers is high. "Multiple terrorist groups are active in country and U.S. citizens are targets of kidnapping and wrongful detentionsThe Department has assessed that there is a risk of wrongful detention of U.S. citizens by the Taliban," the US State Dept. says.

"The Taliban have harassed and detained aid and humanitarian workers. The activities of foreigners may be viewed with suspicion, and reasons for detention may be unclear. Even if you are registered with the appropriate authorities to conduct business, the risk of detention is high," the notification says.

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