Energy: The Foundation Of Modern Economies

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/energy/energy-foundation-modern-economies

作者对由于电力输出不一致和潜在的经济后果而对绿色能源的依赖表示担忧。 他们认为,可靠的能源供应需要持续的可用性,不仅仅是波动的分钟或小时,而且是整个季节和年份。 根据他们的经验,太阳能和风能的预测不能满足这一需求。 充足、具有成本效益且稳定的能源系统对于经济和生活质量至关重要。 美国当前的能源政策可能会导致能源资源不足、昂贵且不可靠,损害国家经济健康。 作者在能源未来论坛期间举行的讨论中看到了希望,重点关注可再生能源、太阳能电池板材料、电动汽车、石油开采、SMNR 和联邦政策等各个方面。 发言者意识到对充足性、可靠性和经济可行性的要求,以及人工智能带来的不断增长的电力需求,其中大部分由天然气发电厂满足。 尽管目前的核电站被认为不经济,但化石燃料和核电仍然是满足需求的合适选择。 新开发的 SMNR 可能提供一种解决方案,因为其碳排放量低,并且在监管修改后具有潜在的财务可行性。 有关这些法规的政治共识将决定核电的未来,最终决定我们是否能为子孙后代留下丰富、稳定和预算友好的能源的坚实基础。



Authored by Danny Ervin via RealClearEnergy,

I am generally pessimistic about the future of the U.S. due to recent energy policies at the federal and state levels that favor "green" energy technologies, primarily solar and wind.

These policies often distort the economics of power production, leading to a massive misallocation of capital and overinvestment in unreliable solar and wind projects. Reliable electricity supply requires consistency every second of the day, not just minute-by-minute, but also over weeks, months, and years. My past experience in forecasting electricity demand for a five-year horizon showed that wind and solar forecasts fail to meet this requirement.

Economies and standards of living hinge on having an adequate, economic, and reliable energy source—attributes that are non-negotiable for an optimal energy infrastructure. Our current trajectory risks creating inadequate, unaffordable, and unreliable energy supplies, which would devastate the U.S. economy and standard of living.

Is there any hope? Yes. I recently attended The Energy Future Forum sponsored by RealClear and RealClearEnergy. I was impressed by the thoughtful and comprehensive discussion on energy issues in the U.S. and globally. While these insightful voices are currently ignored by the administration in Washington and many states, there is hope for future change.

The forum's speakers covered a variety of topics, including renewable energy and the sources of materials for solar panel manufacturing, electric vehicles and the future of transportation, petroleum exploration and production, small modular nuclear reactors, and federal energy policy. Most speakers understood the physics and engineering realities of energy production. Mark Mills, in particular, emphasized the three requirements for a successful energy system: adequacy, reliability, and economic viability. He noted that society is more adept at finding new uses for energy than producing it and highlighted the dynamic nature of energy demand over time. He also stressed that AI will significantly increase electricity demand, concentrated in specific regions.

To meet this new demand, much of the supply will come from natural gas plants, as AI and data centers require a reliable source of electricity every second of every day. Fossil fuels and nuclear power are currently the best technologies to meet this need. However, new nuclear power plants, my favored generating technology, are currently uneconomical.

Small modular reactor (SMR) designs might offer a way forward, providing virtually unlimited electricity with no carbon dioxide emissions. This topic was discussed extensively at the forum and has garnered much attention over the past 12-18 months. Both nuclear proponents and opponents recognize that licensing regulations must be revised for these reactors to become financially viable. The political battle over these regulations will determine the future of nuclear power.

The Energy Future Forum provided reasons for optimism about the future of the U.S. If the political class listens to the facts and understands the physical laws governing energy production, our children and grandchildren could inherit a foundation for a plentiful, reliable, and affordable energy system.

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