Trump Tells Zelensky He'll "Bring Peace" In "Very Good Call"

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/trump-tells-zelensky-hell-bring-peace-very-good-call

在美国前总统唐纳德·特朗普和乌克兰总统弗拉基米尔·泽伦斯基最近的通话中,两人都讨论了结束俄罗斯和乌克兰之间持续冲突的希望。 特朗普在一份声明中称这次通话“非常好”,泽伦斯基随后祝贺他在共和党全国代表大会和总统提名中取得成功。 谈话还谈到了刺杀特朗普的企图,表达了对此事件的担忧,同时赞扬了美国的团结。 此外,特朗普强调需要进行旨在停止两国之间敌对行动的紧急会谈,并表示如果他重新掌权,他打算促进和平对话。 同样,泽连斯基表示有兴趣与特朗普就确保可持续和平的潜在解决方案进行合作。 双方对此次讨论均持积极态度,并计划未来进一步讨论。 一些批评者质疑特朗普在此事上的立场,因为之前的言论被认为不成熟或对俄罗斯有偏见。 与此同时,北约盟国仍然担心美国领导层发生政治变化后美国对乌克兰的军事援助可能发生变化。



Former President Trump has again declared he will "bring peace" following a rare phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Friday, which comes as world leaders prepare for a likely second Trump administration. 

Trump in a readout hailed it as a "very good phone call" wherein Zelensky congratulated him on a "very successful" Republican National Convention and becoming the Republican nominee for US President.

Zelensky during the call condemned the "heinous" assassination attempt which targeted Trump, slightly wounding his ear, and praised American unity in the aftermath.

Trump apparently pushed a theme of the urgency of negotiations to end the war with Russia in the call:

"I appreciate President Zelenskyy for reaching out because I, as your next President of the United States, will bring peace to the world and end the war that has cost so many lives and devastated countless innocent families," Trump wrote.

"Both sides will be able to come together and negotiate a deal that ends the violence and paves a path forward to prosperity."

Zelensky similarly shared on X that he wished the former president and Republican nominee "strength and absolute safety in the future."

"I noted the vital bipartisan and bicameral American support for protecting our nation’s freedom and independence," Zelensky said. "Ukraine will always be grateful to the United States for its help in strengthening our ability to resist Russian terror."

He also said he agreed with Trump to at some point discuss "at a personal meeting what steps can make peace fair and truly lasting." In general, the Ukrainian side liked what it heard, and responded positively, per Politico:

A person close to Zelenskyy who requested anonymity to discuss the private conversation said it went “exceedingly well” and that Trump pledged to “achieve a just peace in Ukraine” if he wins back the White House.

Zelensky and his top officials within the last year have excoriated peace proposals and statements coming from Trump and his team, earlier strongly suggesting Trump is naive. The Ukrainian leader has more than once even invited Trump to come to his war-ravaged country in order to "see for himself" the nature of Russia's war there.

NATO at the same time has sought to "Trump-proof" the alliance's long-term funding commitments to Ukraine, on fears that Washington support could soon drastically pull back. Trump has in the past blamed Biden's weak standing on the world stage for allowing the Russian invasion to happen in the first place.

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