The EU's Planned Transformation Into A Military Union Is A Federalist Power Play

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/eus-planned-transformation-military-union-federalist-power-play

作者认为,欧盟委员会主席乌尔苏拉·冯德莱恩最近宣布成立“防务联盟”可能会导致欧盟成为一个类似于北约的军事联盟。 这种转变可能部分是由正在进行的乌克兰冲突推动的,尽管主要动机似乎是德国试图扩大其对欧盟的影响力。 欧盟的目标是将大部分国家主权转移到布鲁塞尔并建立德国的主导地位。 然而,欧洲议会中出现的两个新团体——德国另类选择党领导的“主权国家欧洲”和匈牙利领导的“欧洲爱国者”反对这一联邦化战略。 为了推进她的议程,冯德莱恩打算利用成员国的反俄罗斯情绪,并将建立军事联盟描述为应对俄罗斯威胁的必要防御措施。 与此同时,特朗普领导下的美国提议增加国防开支,并提议北约盟国在与俄罗斯相关的安全问题上加强自力更生。 现在,拜登政府似乎正在实施这些改变,德国的“欧洲堡垒”理念就是例证,将自己定位为大陆军事力量。 如果成功,这一发展将导致欧盟成员国进一步政治一体化,最终可能形成由布鲁塞尔控制的事实上的联邦。 因此,欧洲议会中的两个保守民族主义团体必须抵制联邦化的举措,以维护各自国家的自治权。 如果不采取行动,可能会导致完全丧失独立性并被纳入由德国主导的强大欧盟。



Authored by Andrew Korybko via Substack,

Newly reappointed European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen just announced that “it is now time to build a veritable union of defense”, which Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said represents a marked change in priorities that’ll intersect with NATO’s interests. The EU’s planned transformation into a military union is being sold to the public as a response to the protracted Ukrainian Conflict, but it’s really a federalist power play that’s designed to forever entrench German hegemony over the bloc.

That country has sought to federalize the EU for years already, and despite some notable successes in getting member states to surrender significant parts of their sovereignty to Brussels, it’s thus far failed to yield the expected results. This plan might also become more difficult to implement as two new groups have emerged in the European Parliament since the latest elections: the AfD-led “Europe of Sovereign Nations” and the Hungarian-led “Patriots for Europe”, both of which are fiercely against federalization.

The only possible way to push through this agenda in the face of such growing opposition is to double down on anti-Russian fearmongering in the hopes that member states’ ruling liberal-globalist elites will agree to federalize under the pretext of defending against a supposedly impending invasion. It’s not directly stated, but the subtext is that NATO’s American leader couldn’t be relied upon to defend its allies in that event despite repeatedly reaffirming its commitment to Article 5’s mutual defense obligations.

The abovementioned fears can’t be voiced aloud since the prior expression of such concerns was earlier smeared by the Mainstream Media as so-called “Russian propaganda”, but they might become more strongly implied as the US’ upcoming presidential elections approach. Trump’s reported plan for NATO, which readers can learn more about in detail here, calls for coercing members into raising their defense spending and assuming more responsibility for their immediate security interests vis-à-vis Russia.

The preceding hyperlinked analysis argues that it’s already being partially implemented by the Biden Administration as proven by Germany’s “Fortress Europe” concept, which amounts to it becoming the continent’s military powerhouse with full US support so as to facilitate America’s “Pivot (back) to Asia”. Late January’s “military Schengen”, last month’s “EU defense line”, and this month’s agreement to assume partial responsibility for Poland’s border security are the most significant developments thus far.

The next step is to consolidate Germany’s military-strategic gains over the past half-year through von der Leyen’s call for a military union, which would see German-controlled Brussels organizing the bloc’s military-industrial needs across its 27 members, thus moving them closer to de facto federalization. Upon surrendering sovereignty over military policymaking, which some of them have proudly protected up until now, every other aspect of federalization would quickly fall into place shortly afterwards.

That’s why it’s incumbent on the European Parliament’s two newly formed conservative-nationalist groups to do their utmost within that body and inside their members’ home countries to prevent their ruling liberal-globalist elites from going along with von der Leyen’s military union plans.

Their countries’ futures are on the line and they’ll either retain some of their sovereignty, however imperfect and partial it presently is, or lose it all and end up as a nondescript state in a German-led European Federation.

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