Houthis Warn 'No Red Lines' In Counterattack After Israel Bombs Yemeni Port

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/houthis-warn-no-red-lines-counterattack-after-israel-bombs-yemeni-port

周日,以色列承认对也门重要的荷台达港进行了空袭,荷台达港是该国位于红海沿岸的第二大海港。 据报道,这一行动是对伊朗向胡塞民兵提供武器的报复,据称胡塞民兵曾将这些武器用于攻击以色列及其邻国。 以色列情报部门的图像显示该港口遭到严重破坏。 此次袭击发生之前,伊朗支持的胡塞武装首次向特拉维夫发射一架无人机,造成人员伤亡。 以色列总理本杰明·内塔尼亚胡称此次行动是对特拉维夫境内发生的神风特攻队无人机袭击平民事件的反应。 胡塞武装发言人表示,可能会在没有任何红线的情况下发生进一步的袭击。 此外,他们的军事代表表示,由于以色列的侵略,他们即将进行报复。 最近,胡塞武装用 220 多枚导弹、火箭和无人机轰炸了以色列,以支持加沙地带的巴勒斯坦人,以色列在那里与哈马斯叛乱分子交战。 此外,他们还威胁在红海战略通道和亚丁湾附近航行的西方船只,扰乱国际贸易航线。 分析人士预计,胡塞武装对中东各个海上咽喉要道的威胁将会扩大,从而可能导致全球大宗商品供应中断以及随后的经济冲击。 一位专家警告说,即将到来的金融危机可能源于中东石油产品的武器化,就像据报道胡塞武装可能袭击沙特阿拉伯的宝贵石油设施一样。



Israel confirmed on Sunday its military forces launched a retaliatory airstrike on the Hodeida Port, a key Yemeni port on the Red Sea and the second largest in the country.

Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the Hodeida port was the "entry point for weapons that Iran supplies to its Houthi terrorist proxies. ‏The Houthis have used those weapons to attack Israel, to attack Arab states in the region, to attack many others."

Emanuel Fabian, a military correspondent for The Times of Israel, posted on X satellite images from Israeli intelligence and imagery firm ImageSat that show extensive damage at the Hodeida port.

The Israeli strike came one day after Iran-backed Houthis hit Tel Aviv with a drone for the first time, killing one person and injuring several others. 

PM Netanyahu described the counteroffensive against Houthis as a "direct response" to the kamikaze drone attack on civilians in Tel Aviv

In response to the port attack, which killed three people and wounded 80, rebel spokesperson Mohammed Abdulsalam told Qatar's Al Jazeera TV, who was cited by Times of Israel and Reuters staff, as saying there will be "no red lines" in the next attack on Israel.

"All sensitive institutions with all its levels will be a target for us," Abdulsalam told Al Jazeera. 

Separately, Houthi military spokesperson Yahya Saree warned the terror group's "response to the Israeli aggression against our country is inevitably coming and will be huge."

Over the last nine months, rebel forces have fired over 220 ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, and drones at Israel in support of Gaza, where Israel has been fighting Hamas terrorists. 

Houthis have also targeted Western-linked vessels, including container ships and crude tankers, in the critical maritime chokepoint of the southern Red Sea and Gulf of Aden. 

What's clear is that Houthi's threat coverage is expanding, something we told readers was possible at the start of May. 

Numerous maritime chokepoints in the Middle East are under constant threat, which has only sparked a global supply shock (read: "Supply Shock: Shipping Container Costs Top $10,000 Amid Red Sea Turmoil Thinning Global Capacity"). 

A recent note by David Asher, a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute and former State Department official in the Trump administration, warned that the next financial shock could potentially originate from the Middle East through the weaponization of crude oil by Iran. 

On slide 29 of the report, Asher pointed out that Yemen's Houthi rebels could begin targeting high-value oil facilities in Saudi Arabia. This would send Brent crude over the $100/bbl level quickly if Abqaiq were hit. 

Remember 2019?

Israeli's attack on Hodeida is a 'message' to Iran. Now, the perfect storm of escalation is possibly ahead.

All eyes are also on Brent crude prices. 

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