Biden Ouster Sparks Some 'Trump Trade' Unwind, Big-Tech & Bond-Yields Bounce

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/biden-ouster-sparks-some-trump-trade-unwind-big-tech-bond-yields-bounce

由于拜登总统退出2024年总统竞选,副总统卡马拉·哈里斯在11月获胜的机会大幅增加,尽管仍低于她与拜登辩论之前的水平。 这一转变引发了人们对股市的积极情绪,即所谓的“华盛顿僵局”,因为投资者认为民主党在罢免拜登后赢得众议院席位的可能性有所提高。 小盘股、大型科技股和中国美国存托凭证等主要指数均出现增长,而道指几乎没有变动,但仍收盘上涨。 包括能源和材料在内的传统“特朗普贸易”面临轻微压力,使其成为表现最差的行业。 大型科技股和中美存托凭证(ADR)飙升,表明“特朗普交易”可能会平仓。 尽管如此,债券市场并没有显示出类似的放松迹象。 由于担心特朗普的财政刺激和放松管制影响长期债券,收益率曲线变得陡峭。 这些股票收益可能是由债券市场状况以外的因素造成的。 上周预期的“波动率重置”后,市场波动性有所下降,隐含波动率升至历史新高,同时偏斜和 VVIX 利率也有所增加。 这种“空头波动/空头偏斜/空头相关性”为股市反弹提供了持续上涨的机会。 促成涨势的其他因素包括财报季临近,公司发布关键财务业绩,导致分散效应和相关性降低,从而导致波动性减少。 与平均水平相比,总体交易量处于中等水平。 科技、医疗保健、金融和能源行业的抛售压力最大,导致这些领域出现负供应偏差。 机构投资者似乎主要关注购买机会,特别是在通信服务、房地产投资信托基金(REITS)、能源和材料领域,同时对其他领域保持中立立场。 金价小幅下跌,失去了 CPI 后的涨幅,而油价则继续下跌趋势,跌破每桶 80 美元。 美元保持稳定,比特币徘徊在 6.7 万美元附近,维持了周五的涨幅。 最后,降息预期下降,导致收益率全交易日一致上涨。 当前的状态似乎有利于“良好的经济”



President Biden's removal from the ticket for the 2024 election sent Kamala Harris odds of winning in November soaring (but we note she remains below the pre-debate levels that Biden had reached)...

Source: Bloomberg

In response, US Equities are bullishly trading "DC gridlock", as Nomura's Charlie McElligott suggests the downstream Democrat elections odds in House races are being perceived as having greatly improved their win probabilities post the party coup removal of Biden...

All the majors were higher today led by Small Caps and Mega-Cap tech. The Dow lagged, but ended green...

...while so-called "Trump trades" like cyclical–type sectors come under some modest pressure (Energy and Materials as S&P's worst perf sectors)...

Source: Bloomberg

Mega-Cap tech and China ADRs (rate-cut) also ripped (in trump-trade-unwind-style)...

Source: Bloomberg

However, any 'Trump trade" unwind is NOT evident in bond-land...

Source: Bloomberg

...with the curve bear-steepening (as we would expect because Trump's “fiscal overstim / deregulation” bearish outcomes for Bonds are more problematic for the long-end of the curve)...

Source: Bloomberg

Which suggests, perhaps the equity gains are due to other issues...

As McElligott points out, another catalyst within this stocks rally resumption is the opportunity provided by last week’s predictable “Vol reset” after having overshot “too low” in prior weeks...

Arguably, we are seeing some relative election stability forming (we seemingly now have our candidates, fake democracy be damned) which, as already mentioned, looks increasingly “gridlock” / split outcome for DC which markets thrive in...

We had the “Vol reset” last week with implieds squeezed to relative highs, Skew at multi-month highs, VVIX at multi-month highs...which then provides quite a “Short Vol / Short Skew / Short Correlation” opportunity for the post Op-Ex snapback rally to gain further legs, even despite all the boogeyman of the Vol bottoming / bullish VIX seasonality into August which was a further contributor to last week’s de-risking movement...

Source: Bloomberg

While VIX is lower, very short-dated vol is elevated as the distribution of market outcomes broadened-out as evidenced by the demand for Tails, especially as the shock turn of political dramas coincided with increasingly “Correlation 1” de-risking experienced at the peak of last week’s Equities trade, with Longs and Shorts both going lower in unison at one point, with Nets being absolutely SLASHED in a monster de-grossing

Source: Bloomberg

 And all of these “calming” inputs most critically are occurring into the “meat” of Earnings season kicking-off with big Tech releases concentrated over the next two weeks, which, as McElligott notes, means we tend to see a large “Dispersion” effect, as Correlation goes lower (Earnings “winners and losers” going in opposite directions) and contributing to further Vol decline…while too, the “mechanical” overwriting and systematic “Vega supply” has not changed either, as the assets keep doing their thing...

Source: Nomura

The Nasdaq/Russell 2000 pair found support in its nine-month range and bounced today...

Source: Bloomberg

Goldman's trading desk notes that overall activity levels are down very modestly from their recent averages, but the floor tilts -10% better for sale (that ranks 95th %-ile), driven exclusively by LOs

  • LOs are -33% better for sale taking profits in every sector, ex Comm Svcs (+10% better to buy there).  Selling is most pronounced in Tech, HCare, Fins & Energy.  The overall supply skew in Energy, Fins and HCare rank in the 94th-96th %-iles.

  • HFs are basically paired buy vs. sell.  Demand is balanced across Comm Svcs, REITs, Energy & Mats, while supply is balanced across Fins, Cons Disc & Macro Products.  ETF turnover at 34% of tape vs 29% ytd avg tells you fast money hedges moving around more actively today.

Away from bonds and stocks, it was relatively quiet.

Gold drifted modestly lower, erasing the post-CPI gains...

Source: Bloomberg

The dollar went sideways....

Source: Bloomberg

Bitcoin chopped around between $67k and $68k, holding on to Friday's gains (another example of NOT unwinding the Trump trade)...

Source: Bloomberg

Oil actually extended its trend lower though with WTI back below $80...

Source: Bloomberg

Yields were higher on the day - quite uniformly rising into and across the European close...

Source: Bloomberg

As, rather notably, rate-cut expectations continue to slide lower (with all 2025 dovish gains post-CPI erased)...

Source: Bloomberg

Finally, the 'bad news is good news' trade appears to in opposite land for now as 'good economic news has recently been bad news for stocks'...

Source: Bloomberg

Will some certainty about the 2024 election reassert the old trend?

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