尽管营收和利润均表现强劲,但 Alphabet 股价却表现平平
Alphabet Shares Unimpressed Despite Top- & Bottom-Line Beat

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/alphabet-shares-unimpressed-despite-top-bottom-line-beat

谷歌母公司 Alphabet 第二季度营收超过预期,达到 847.4 亿美元,而预期为 843.7 亿美元。 不计流量获取成本 (TAC),收入为 713.6 亿美元,而预估为 707 亿美元。 谷歌每股收益为 1.89 美元,而预期为每股 1.84 美元。 强劲的云收入脱颖而出,而其他部门保持稳定,包括稳定的广告收入。 Alphabet 总裁兼首席财务官 (CFO) Ruth Porat 表示:“由于搜索和云业务的增长,我们的收入达到 850 亿美元,比去年增长 14%。云收入有史以来第一次超过 季度收入突破 100 亿美元,营业利润突破 10 亿美元。” 谷歌首席执行官桑达尔·皮查伊 (Sundar Pichai) 补充道:“我们强劲的第二季度业绩表明搜索领域的持续实力和云服务的增长势头。我们在人工智能技术的各个层面上不断创新。我们现有的基础设施领导力和内部研究团队为我们提供了战略优势: 技术进步和新的可能性出现。” 消息公布后,股价最初出现下跌(可能是由于未达到预期),但后来已经回升,谷歌股价现在盘后上涨。 这种趋势是否会持续还有待观察。



Alphabet reported better than expected top- and bottom-lines for the second quarter after the bell tonight.

  • Revenue $84.74 billion, estimate $84.37 billion

  • Revenue ex-TAC $71.36 billion, estimate $70.7 billion

  • EPS $1.89, estimate $1.84

Cloud revenues were particularly strong as the rest of the business segments were basically in line (with Ad revenue solid)...

Ruth Porat, President and Chief Investment Officer; CFO said:

“We delivered revenues of $85 billion, up 14% year-on-year driven by Search as well as Cloud, which for the first time exceeded $10 billion in quarterly revenues and $1 billion in operating profit.

As we invest to support our highest growth opportunities, we remain committed to creating investment capacity with our ongoing work to durably re-engineer our cost base.”

Sundar Pichai, CEO, said:

“Our strong performance this quarter highlights ongoing strength in Search and momentum in Cloud. We are innovating at every layer of the AI stack.

Our longstanding infrastructure leadership and in-house research teams position us well as technology evolves and as we pursue the many opportunities ahead.”

The initial kneejerk reaction was 3-4% lower (perhaps on the lack of big beat), but that has reversed and GOOGL is trading higher in the after-hours...

Let's see if this can hold...

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