Tesla And BYD Claim A Third Of Global EV Market

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/technology/tesla-and-byd-claim-third-global-ev-market

2024年Q2,特斯拉利润率因2022年Q1以来连续四个季度下滑而出现下滑。 尽管如此,特斯拉仍然是全球纯电动汽车 (BEV) 的领先销售商,去年稳定保持 19% 的市场份额。 其他制造商正在迅速迎头赶上,特别是中国的企业集团,例如生产独立电动汽车电池的企业集团,其市场份额从 2021 年到 2023 年增长了 10 个百分点。大众、吉利沃尔沃和上汽等传统汽车制造商保持在 7%,与上汽集团类似,上汽集团是中国上汽集团与五菱以及通用汽车的合资企业。 特斯拉的主要竞争对手比亚迪也紧随其后,在 2024 年 4 月至 6 月期间交付的销量与特斯拉几乎相当。与特斯拉相比,比亚迪的目标消费者群体更广泛,后者的汽车价格昂贵。 美国宣布自 2024 年 8 月起将中国制造汽车的进口关税从 25% 提高至 100%,预计将刺激国内销售,并可能加剧中美之间的紧张关系。 2023年,全球电动汽车销量总计1400万辆,其中70%是纯电动汽车。 然而,在所有销售的轻型汽车中,只有 16% 依赖电力而不是传统燃料,而中国是混合动力和纯电动汽车的主要制造商和市场(分别为 65% 和 59%)。



In the second quarter of 2024, Tesla's gross margin dropped to a new low after declining every quarter since Q1 2022. Thanks to an uptick in deliveries over the past months, the U.S. automaker and pioneer of getting battery electric vehicles (BEVs) to the mass market still retained the biggest market share among all BEVs sold worldwide

In the past year and the first three months of 2024, Tesla's share was constant at 19 percent, according to analyses by EV Volumes and Inside EVs for the corresponding periods.

The competition, however, is hot on its heels.

As Statista;s Florian Zandt shows in the chart below, the Chinese conglomerate, which produces standalone electric vehicle batteries and associated electronics in addition to plug-in hybrid and fully electric vehicles, increased its market share by ten percentage points between 2021 and 2023. The BEV portfolio of legacy automakers like Volkswagen and Geely-Volvo stood at seven percent, on par with SAIC, which includes the joint venture between the Chinese state-owned SAIC Motor and Wuling as well as General Motors.

Infographic: Tesla and BYD Claim a Third of the Global BEV Market | Statista

While the first quarter saw BYD's share drop by two points, it was only 18,000 cars shy of Tesla's deliveries between April and June 2024, illustrating how close the head-to-head race between these two companies is.

BYD is focused on providing BEVs to a more general consumer base, while Tesla's products have a higher price tag.

This difference might be slightly mitigated through the increase of tariffs on Chinese-made cars from 25 to 100 percent announced in May and coming into effect in early August, a move that simultaneously seeks to boost domestic sales and will likely increase tensions between the People's Republic and the United States.

According to EV Volumes, 14 million electric vehicles were sold globally in 2023, 70 percent of which were BEVs. However, 84 percent of all light vehicles sold still ran on traditional combustion engines or other non-electric fuel sources.

The biggest exporter and market for both hybrids and BEVs was China with shares of 65 and 59 percent, respectively.

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