Canada's "Worst Decline In 40 Years"

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/canadas-worst-decline-40-years

弗雷泽研究所最近的一项研究显示,过去几十年来,由于工资增长缓慢、生产率低下、通胀高企以及对政府福利计划的依赖增加等因素,加拿大的经济标准显着恶化。 与之前的经济低迷时期不同,加拿大经济在 COVID-19 大流行后并未复苏。 相反,与其他发达国家相比,个人实际GDP持续下降,经济增长放缓。 此外,家庭债务水平仍然处于危险的高位。 根据各种统计数据,加拿大目前的经济状况导致贫困率、破产、无家可归、失业和暴力犯罪率上升。 此外,由于一些省份的碳税和销售税高达15%,许多加拿大人正在努力应对高昂的生活成本以及不断上涨的食品和能源成本。 由于缺乏紧急储蓄和高额消费者债务,相当多的加拿大人还面临财务压力。 加拿大面临的另一个问题是总理贾斯汀·特鲁多的领导造成的政治不稳定,他正在实施旨在将加拿大从混合经济转变为类似于欧洲的高度监管、政府控制的体系的政策。 这些变化导致商业投资减少、政府支出增加(已接近 GDP 的一半)以及公共就业的快速扩张。 因此,三分之一的加拿大人目前为政府工作,其工资和福利比平均收入高出 30%。 此外,大约 170 万加拿大人的生计依赖​​政府援助。 加拿大持续存在的问题可能会持续到定于 2025 年举行的下一次联邦选举,因为保守党领袖 Pierre Poilevre 目前在民调中领先。 然而,加拿大政府资助的媒体正在努力削弱普瓦莱夫的受欢迎程度,缩小他的领先优势。 总体而言,加拿大的形势显得严峻,由于通货膨胀加剧、犯罪率上升以及继续依赖政府的支持等因素,未来几年有可能进一步恶化的迹象。



Authored by Peter St.Onge via The Brownstone Institute,

Canada’s standard of living is on track for its worst decline in 40 years, according to a new study by Canada’s Fraser Institute

The study compared the three worst periods of decline in Canada in the last 40 years – the 1989 recession, the 2008 global financial crisis, and this post-pandemic era. 

They found that, unlike the previous recessions, Canada is not recovering this time. Something broke. 

In fact, according to the Financial Post, since 2019 Canada’s had the worst growth out of 50 developed economies. Inflation-adjusted Canadian wages have been flat since 2016.

So, yes, something broke.

And it’s nowhere near over: Canada’s per-person real GDP is still falling and with a looming US recession – the US is 75% of Canada’s exports – Canada could crash again before it ever recovered.

Trudeau’s Canada in Decline

In previous videos, I’ve talked about the disaster that is Justin Trudeau’s Canada. In short, incomes are West Virginia-level, house prices are at the Los Angeles level, and Canadian taxes are halfway to the Soviet Union. 

It’s not rare for a middle-class family in Canada to pay half their income in taxes. 

Meanwhile, since the pandemic, Canada’s official food inflation is up 25%, and energy is up 30% – partly thanks to a carbon tax. 

And keep in mind sales tax in most Canadian provinces is 13 to 15 percent on everything you buy. 

While Canadians post TikToks about trying to stretch a loaf of rye bread through the week or selling off their possessions to afford groceries, the cost of living is hitting harder with time. 

Canadian bankruptcy filings jumped 40% last year, while CIBC reports nearly half of Canadians have zero emergency savings. 

According to StatsCan Canada’s violent crime rate is up 40% since 2014. 

An Ipsos poll found 7 in 10 Canadians agree that “Canada is broken” – rising to 8 in 10 of those between age 18 and 34. 

Angus found fully 42% of Canadians are considering moving to another country.

What Changed

This is all a shock because it happened so fast – it’s night and day from the last crisis in 2008, which Canada weathered much better than America. 

What changed? Justin Trudeau. Specifically, his campaign to convert Canada from a mixed economy like the US into a government-dominated economy like the sick men of the European Union.

Under Trudeau, business investment has plunged by a third. While government spending nearly doubled to almost half of GDP. 

Government workers in Canada are growing almost four times faster than the private sector, and one in three Canadians now work for the government, raking in 30% more in salary and benefits than the taxpayers they lord over. Another 1.7 million Canadians – roughly 1 in 10 households – are on welfare.

Of course, that makes it very difficult to win an election in Canada on a small-government platform: You’re up against the government-provided livelihoods of 40% of voters. Meaning you’ve got to win, what, 80% of everybody else.

What’s Next

Near-term things will get worse because Canadians are stuck with Trudeau through the next election in 2025.

Conservative Pierre Poilievre is ahead in the polls for now, but Canada’s government-funded media is doing everything they can to destroy him so the lead’s already narrowing.

That means more inflation, more decline, more mass migration, and rising crime in what was once a paradise.

Republished from the author’s Substack

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