Mad 7:云失败后微软陷入困境,损失 2500 亿美元
Mad 7: Microsoft Tanks, Down $250 Billion After Cloud Miss


微软发布了第四季度财务报告,结果好坏参半。 尽管整体盈利(2.95 美元)和收入(647.3 亿美元)超出预期,但云领域的表现却令人大失所望,特别是 Azure,仅增长了 29%,低于上一季度 31% 的增长率。 云增长的下滑导致微软股价在盘后交易中下跌约 8%。 投资者似乎担心以人工智能(AI)为中心的云业务的放缓。 尽管每个季度都取得了成功,微软仍然致力于通过 OpenAI 等合作伙伴将人工智能技术集成到其产品线中,提供名为 Copilot 的数字助理来帮助自动化各种任务。 不幸的是,根据当前的数据,这些发展似乎并没有改善微软的云性能。 市场似乎对微软利用不断增长的人工智能领域的能力失去了信心,导致该公司市值大幅下降约2500亿美元。 此外,由于微软表现不佳,标准普尔和纳斯达克等更广泛的指数遭受损失。



In our preview of today's main event, we said that mood for the Mag7 would be defined by Microsoft's fiscal Q4 earnings, and for those long the AI sector we have some bad news: Microsoft, true to its name, just shat the bed, because despite beating on revenue and EPS, the company missed on cloud and its shares are tumbling.

Here is what Microsoft just reported for Q4:

  • EPS $2.95, up 11% YoY, and beating estimate of $2.93
  • Revenue $64.73 billion, up1% YoY. and beating estimate $64.52 billion
    • Intelligent Cloud revenue $28.52 billion, missing estimate $28.72 billion
      • Azure and other cloud services revenue Ex-FX +30%, in line with estimates of +30.3%
    • Productivity and Business Processes revenue $20.32 billion, beating estimate $20.21 billion
    • More Personal Computing revenue $15.90 billion, beating estimate $15.54 billion
  • Revenue at constant currency +16%, beating estimate +14.7%
  • Operating income $27.93 billion, beating estimate $27.63 billion
  • Capital expenditure $13.87 billion, beating estimate $13.27 billion, which normally would have been sufficient to send the stock higher but not this time.

Here is the big picture breakdown:

And the segment detail:

While the results were generally strong, investor focused on the AI-heavy cloud segment: here, Azure posted a 29% revenue gain in the quarter, decelerating from the 31% growth in the previous period, with revenues just missing estimates.

Commenting on the quarter, CEO Satya Nadella said that “our strong performance this fiscal year speaks both to our innovation and to the trust customers continue to place in Microsoft. As a platform company, we are focused on meeting the mission-critical needs of our customers across our at-scale platforms today, while also ensuring we lead the AI era.”

Nadella has been infusing Microsoft’s product line with AI technology from partner OpenAI, including digital assistants called Copilots that can summarize documents and generate computer code, emails and other content. The company also is selling Azure cloud subscriptions featuring OpenAI products. However, judging by the disappointing cloud numbers, chatbots, pardon AI is rapidly emerging as the next "3D TV" megadud.

The market did not take it quite that way and the stock is plunging 8% - or roughly $250 billion in market cap - in after hours trading on the small miss in cloud revenue...

... with both S&P and nasdaq futures getting hammered after hours as the world's biggest company craters.

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