L.A. Officials Reject Newsom Order To Clear Out Homeless Encampments

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/la-officials-reject-newsom-order-clear-out-homeless-encampments

加州州长加文·纽瑟姆已指示当局开始清理该州的无家可归者营地。 然而,洛杉矶一些地方官员却不同意,表示这样的努力可能无法有效解决无家可归问题。 他们认为,在不提供足够资源或住房解决方案的情况下让无家可归者流离失所可能会导致进一步的问题,例如逮捕人数增加和可能的监禁。 洛杉矶市长凯伦·巴斯 (Karen Bass) 和县主管林赛·霍瓦斯 (Lindsey Horvath) 都谴责了这种做法,认为它只是转移问题,而不是解决其根本原因。 他们认为,强迫无家可归者搬迁并惩罚他们不缴纳罚款是不可接受的,而且会适得其反。 相反,他们主张实施可持续的解决方案,重点是提供住房、心理健康支持和就业机会。 纽瑟姆的行政命令赋予地方官员更大的权力来解决非法街头住宅和公园露营问题; 然而,法律并没有强制城市和县必须遵守。 如果地方拒绝按照纽瑟姆的命令行事,关键资金可能会被扣留。 双方都承认解决无家可归问题的迫切需要; 然而,对于如何最好地实现这一目标仍存在分歧。



Via Headline USA,

Los Angeles officials are pushing back on California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s order this month to start clearing homeless encampments, arguing the effort to clean up the city’s streets won’t work.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom, center, helps clean a homeless encampment alongside a freeway in San Diego. / PHOTO: Associated Press

I do not believe that it is ultimately a solution to homelessness,” said Democrat Mayor Karen Bass, according to the Denver Gazette.

“How are they supposed to pay for their ticket, and what happens when they don’t pay?” she continued. “Does it go into a warrant and give us an excuse to incarcerate somebody?” 

Los Angeles County Supervisors Chair Lindsey Horvath agreed with Bass, calling the order to clear out homeless camps “unconscionable.” The solution to homelessness is not “arrest,” she insisted. “It is not pushing people from community to community.”

Horvath also accused Newsom of setting a troubling precedent.

“The criminalization of homelessness and poverty is dangerous,” she said. “It does not work, and it will not stand in Los Angeles County.”

Newsom issued the executive order last month after the U.S. Supreme Court released a decision giving local officials more power to remove those illegally living on the streets and camping out in public parks.

Local governments are not legally obligated to follow Newsom’s order, but failure to do so could result in critical funds potentially being withheld.

This executive order directs state agencies to move urgently to address dangerous encampments while supporting and assisting the individuals living in them—and provides guidance for cities and counties to do the same,” Newson said in a statement. “There are simply no more excuses. It’s time for everyone to do their part.”

Horvath warned Los Angeles officials would not tolerate a funding cut from Newsom’s government.

“I don’t think that threatening funding at a time where we’re trying to get more people served and more people housed is a place that anybody wants to be in,” she said.

California has the largest homeless population in the country, with more than 180,000 people in the state estimated to be living on the streets.

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