China Leads The World In Critical Minerals Production


由于铜、钴、锂和镍等基本元素在电动汽车和可再生能源系统(包括风力涡轮机)等新兴技术中的使用,对它们的需求大幅增加。 根据世界银行的估计,随着我们转向更加绿色的未来,对这些资源的需求预计将进一步增长。 目前,全球约三分之二的这些关键矿物的加工和精炼发生在中国。 这个数字包括一半以上的铝、锂和钴精炼; 几乎所有稀土元素、锰、天然石墨的精炼; 100%天然石墨开采。 除中国外,美国、澳大利亚、缅甸和泰国等其他国家也为这些关键零部件的全球供应做出了贡献。 然而,中国在整个行业中处于领先地位,但也面临着竞争,特别是来自 2010 年以来稀土产量增加的国家以及缅甸和泰国等最近进入者的竞争。



Demand for critical minerals such as copper, cobalt, lithium and nickel is soaring. These raw materials are used in a range of new technologies, from electric cars to wind turbines, which are becoming ever more important as the world moves towards a green transition. Experts forecast that this trend is set to accelerate, with global production of cobalt, graphite and lithium set to increase nearly six-fold between now and 2050 (World Bank).

As Statista's Anna Fleck shows in the chart below, data recently published by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) shows that China accounts for around two-thirds of the world's processing/refining capacity for critical minerals.

Infographic: China Leads Critical Minerals Production | Statista

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While the extraction of these materials takes place all around the globe, China currently accounts for more than half of the world's refining of aluminum, lithium and cobalt, around 90 percent of that of rare earth metals and manganese and 100 percent of that of natural graphite. In addition, more than a third of the world's copper and nickel processing is carried out in China.

While China is in the lead for critical minerals production, the nation is losing its dominance. For example, the United States and Australia have increased their production of rare earths from 2010 onwards and most recently, Myanmar and Thailand have started to mine far more than before.

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