让小政府再次伟大? 马斯克与特朗普谈论“政府效率委员会”
Make Small Gov't Great Again? Musk Talks With Trump About "Gov't Efficiency Commission"

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/make-small-govt-great-again-musk-talks-trump-about-govt-efficiency-commission

美国政府最近为陷入困境的加州高铁项目拨款 31 亿美元,尽管此前已拨款 950 亿美元,但仍未完成且拖延多年。 农村地区高速互联网基础设施的延迟实施也出现了类似的问题,增加了纳税人的成本。 相反,企业家埃隆·马斯克的卫星互联网企业“星链”可以为数百万农村居民提供负担得起的服务。 然而,由于马斯克与现任政府之间的冲突,星链一直被忽视。 批评者认为,这些失败暴露了政府体系负担过重且管理不善,导致错失晋升机会。 他们指责政府高层官员缺乏问责制和精英管理。 为了保持美国的领导地位、维护美元的主导地位并挑战中国的扩张,联邦机构的紧急改革至关重要。 BryceTech 的数据显示,在太空探索领域,与中国和俄罗斯等国家相比,马斯克领导的 SpaceX 展现了私营部门的卓越表现,仅在第一季度就发射了超过 0000 艘航天器。 最近,马斯克表示有兴趣创建政府效率委员会,并可能亲自参与。 在莱克斯·弗里德曼播客上,马斯克分享了他对前总统特朗普在政府精简问题上的支持,并表示自己作为政府精简倡导者的假设角色,并引用了乔·拜登和特朗普竞争对手的类似担忧。 特朗普过去的行动和意图与马斯克的观点产生共鸣,特别是在移民控制、经济政策、减少支出和缩减官僚机构方面。 阿根廷总统哈维尔·米莱今年早些时候大幅减少了就业人数,以缩小国家劳动力规模,这表明削减政府规模可以取得成功。 如果特朗普再次当选,马斯克可能会为减少政府过度干预的努力做出贡献。



The Biden-Harris Administration recently awarded $3.1 billion to the failed California High-Speed Rail project, which has already wasted $95 billion in taxpayer funds and is decades behind completion.

Another federal government mega failure is the now stalled rollout of high-speed internet across rural America, which cost taxpayers tens of billions. Meanwhile, Elon Musk's space internet company Starlink could've supplied internet via low-Earth-orbit satellites to millions of Americans in rural America for a fraction of the cost. But with the Biden admin at war with Musk over free speech platform X, the admin overlooked Starlink. 

These examples result from a bloated, inefficient government plagued by rampant mismanagement and corruption, stifling the nation's progress. The root cause is the absence of accountability and meritocracy among government workers on the managerial level. 

If America intends to maintain its superpower status (and the 'woke' religion wants to destroy that), uphold the dollar's dominance, and counter China's expanding global dominance, then a swift and radical overhaul of the federal government is desperately needed.

Musk has demonstrated through SpaceX, the global leader in reusable rocket launches, that private industry drives America's dominance in space. NASA has since taken a back seat with SpaceX dominating rocket launches, while competing rocket companies, such as Jeff Bezos' Blue Origin, recently unleashed lawfare against SpaceX to slow launches.

Here's a snapshot of rocket launches (using data from BryceTech) that shows Musk's rocket company launched 525 spacecraft into orbit in the first quarter, far outpacing China and Russia. The data shows that SpaceX is beating entire nation-states. 

The context above is crucial here, as Musk appeared on the Lex Fridman Podcast on Friday. During the conversation, they discussed government waste and the extent of its inefficiency. 

Fridman told Musk, "I wish you could go into Washington for a week and be the head of the committee for making government smaller." 

Musk responded, "I have discussed with Trump the idea of a government efficiency commission ... and I would be willing to be apart of that commission." 

The billionaire continued by saying that when you remove all the waste in government, well, "You're attacking the Matrix at that point ... Matrix will fight back." 

Additionally, Musk revealed 7 reasons why he’s voting for Donald Trump

1. Elon Musk was astounded when Trump fist-pumped and shouted, “Fight!” shortly after getting shot in the face. “You can't feign bravery in a situation like that,” he said.

2. Musk seeks a leader “who is strong and courageous to represent the country.”

3. He wants someone tough to deal with world leaders who are pretty tough themselves. “Poor guy [Biden] has trouble climbing a flight of stairs, and the other one's first pumping after getting shot. This is no comparison.”

4. Musk wants “a secure border. We don't have a secure border.”

5. He wants someone who can deliver “safe and clean cities.”

6. Musk Thinks Trump is the better candidate to reduce spending. He’s concerned about this issue because “we're currently spending at a rate that is bankrupting the country.”

7. Musk aligns with Trump’s vision to cut bureaucratic bloat. He wants someone who will “reduce the size of government.”

Pretty convincing list, wouldn't you agree?

Watch the full interview below:

Earlier this year, President Javier Milei of Argentina slashed tens of thousands of jobs in a "chainsaw-style" approach to reducing the state's size.

If Trump wins in November, Musk will help drain the swamp.

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