
原始链接: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41146239

给定的文本描述了一系列关于版本控制的经验和观察,特别关注从手动方法到 CVS 和 Git 等自动化解决方案的过渡。 它始于作者在一家公司的最初工作,管理一个复杂的VB应用程序,那里没有版本控制,代码修改是直接在生产服务器上完成的。 作者提到了一种情况,应用程序遇到了仅在 Visual Studio 中的调试器之外运行时才会出现的错误。 提议的解决方案包括在每个客户的计算机上安装 Visual Studio 并培训他们使用调试器。 然而,作者质疑这如何可行,特别是考虑到许可限制和用户接受度。 展望未来,作者指出版本控制的缺失,导致代码库的许多不同变体出现混乱,使更新和维护变得困难。 作者强调,现场修改代码会导致每个客户的版本不同,从而导致进一步的复杂化。 作者对版本控制没有更早得到广泛采用表示震惊,特别是指出早在 1991 年 Git 出现时就面临的困难。 此外,作者还分享了他们对 Git 的感受,指出它是一种不自然的开发,界面很差,用户体验也很麻烦,尤其是在 Windows 上。 尽管承认 Git 的技术实力,但作者承认理解和适应它有困难。 他们将青少年时期使用 FileZilla 和 PHP 的生产力水平与他们在企业界使用 Git 的专业经验进行了比较,表明前者的效率更高。 最后,作者谈到了他们喜欢的 Git 客户端和界面,提倡使用 GitKraken、SourceTree、Git Cola 等工具,并在集成开发环境 (IDE) 中利用 Git 集成。 作者最后强调了 Git LFS 支持和子模块功能不一致的情况,需要偶尔深入命令行交互。 总之,本文讨论了版本控制的历史斗争以及 Git 最终的广泛采用,作者的观点倾向于 Git 是一个技术上令人印象深刻但实际上具有挑战性且繁琐的解决方案。



When I started at my first company, they had a very complex VB application running on dozens of customers around the country, each having some particular needs of course. There was a LOT of global variables (seemingly random 4 uppercase letters) controlling everything.

At some point, the application had some bugs which were not appearing when the application was run in debug mode in Visual Studio. The solution was obvious: installing Visual Studio for each customer on site and teaching the users to run the app in debug mode from Visual Studio. I don't know how they convinced the users to do this and how they managed with the license but it was done.

What happened next was even worse.

There was no version control of course, the code being available on a shared disk on the local network of the company with the code copied over in multiple folders each having its own version, with no particular logic to it either, V1, V2, V2.3, V2a, V2_customer_name, V2_customer_name_fix, ...

After that, when there was a problem for a customer, the programmer went there to debug and modified the code on site. If the bug/problem was impacting other customers, we had to dispatch some guys for each customer to go copy/edit the code for all of them. But if the problem was minor, it was just modified there, and probably saved on the shared folder in some new folder.

What happened next was to be expected: there was no consensus on what was the final version, each customer having slightly different versions, with some still having bugs fixed years before for others.

This is amazing. I can so well imagine a bright young hire joining that team, helpfully offering to "setup this thing called git" only to be laughed out of the meeting by all the "senior" staff.

Astonishingly, It took a long time for revision control to become widespread.

Around 1991 when Cygnus had 6-7 employees and was based in the apartment complex where I lived, none of the GNU codebase was hosted in any sort of revision control. Everything was FTPed around as obscurely named tarballs. We had gathered something like 27 different forks of gdb floating around the net, for example. This was back when forking was generally considered a tragedy, something I managed to change five or six years later).

Rich Pixley came and said “all of our code should be in revision control, and I want to use this newfangled thing called CVS.” Michael was OK with it but John and I were steadfastly opposed. We agreed to an experiment, grudgingly, subject to a whole whiteboard of absurd conditions (“must be transparently integrated into emacs so we don’t have to know it’s there).

Pixley agreed to all of that and then ignored all of it completely. It was immediately such a win that everybody adopted it without complaint, including us two obstreperous a-holes.

A few years later a preventable crisis was how revision control first became client-server.

Why is it astonishingly?

Git is not a natural development at all. Obviously, it is a standard right now.

But I as a hobby coder at my teens I started out with FileZilla and copying over index2.php, index3.php, index_final.php, index_final_2.php and all of it worked well enough when at that point.

I took a little break from that hobby, and it still took me a lot of time to build intuition around Git when I started out professionally.

Obviously now that I have over a decade of professional experience I think it's a no brainer, but I don't think it's natural to understand it as it's suggested to you. I at least kind of had to go along with it and trust that it's good. It felt frustrating at first as many other things are. Git as a thing was FAR more difficult for me to understand in my 20s than PHP and how to do anything with it was for me at teens. Coding is raw logic, Git is about imagining teamwork at scale, which is a whole other thing.

The funny thing is that I feel like I was overall still more productive when I was at my teens building stuff solo with FileZilla and PHP, compared to a corporate environment now with all the processes and 1000s of engineers.

> Why is it astonishingly?

Git is still a baby as these things go. Software version control systems go back to the early 1960s and descended from manual processes used to manage documents in large organizations, blueprints, and such from the early 20th century. Don’t imagine the Manhattan Project functioned by just passing around bundles of paper! There were staffs of people whose job was to manage document control! And I don’t mean “control” in the sense of secrecy, but making sure everybody was on the the same revision at the same time.

And for a field so steeped in building its own tools and automating human effort in development it is indeed astonishing revision control took so long to be accepted.

> Git is not a natural development at all. Obviously, it is a standard right now.

Most standard tools we use today are not obvious to beginners nor would they be the first thing that beginners reach for.

But senior developers can understand the problems that they claim to address, and why they are important and common problems.

You wouldn't believe the amount of crap I take whenever I introduce very basic version control at the various 3 to 6 man shops I find work at these days.

I'm 100% sure that once I left that the devs went back to remote server crash and burn FTP development...they couldn't be bothered with the "hassle" and unneeded headaches of git.

> I'm 100% sure that once I left that the devs went back to remote server crash and burn FTP development...they couldn't be bothered with the "hassle" and unneeded headaches of git.

Have you considered introducing Mercurial or even Subversion?

While Git may be a kind of an industry 'standard', if you're starting from zero, some of its concepts may be a bit mind-bending for folks, and it has often been commented that Hg seems to have a more beginner-friendly interface.

And if branching isn't going to be used (a large strength of git/hg), then Subversion may have an even simpler mental model (svn of course does branching, but the others are more optimized for it).

If folks are doing FTP-push deployment, then moving to 'just' SVN-push (commit) deployment can be an improvement.

This could have been written and 2014 and 2004 (hi, it's me). There will always be people who don't use it and others who won't remember a time when they hadn't used it :P

I don’t know if I agree that it’s unnatural.

It only takes doing index73.php and index_old3.php for a few months and then eventually screwing up (unless you’re perfect) to realize how dumb putting numbers and _old4 at the end of names is. Then at that point, you naturally go look if there’s a better way.

> Then at that point, you naturally go look if there’s a better way.

That might be true now but it wasn’t always. Plenty of shops didn’t have any version control at all. And the build was whatever came off your local dev box. And “local dev box” wasn’t even a term…

>Git is not a natural development at all.

It's a false dichotomy. Before git there were other version managements systems which would've fit your use case much better than git. Subversion is the easiest perhaps.

Well yeah for hobby use you're right that it is "normal" that it took a long time to get there. But professional use is completely different. That's the part they are referring to I'd say.

Git is pretty unnatural, but CVS? That is much closer to the "copy a shared file back and forth between people", except with nice things such as "keep track of who is editing what", "know what the latest edition is", and "keep track of the history".

That said, if I was going to start out teaching someone coding today, version control would be timestamped .zip files.

>That said, if I was going to start out teaching someone coding today, version control would be timestamped .zip files.

Oh no, we're in a different time zone.

>We'll put the timezone in.

Oh no, it's daylight savings time.

> Git is not a natural development at all. Obviously, it is a standard right now.

Git is actually an unnatural development. Its UI is atrocious. And it worked like crap on Windows for forever.

Over time, I taught non-computer people who used Windows all of CVS, Subversion, and Mercurial. They got each one and why things were better. The first time they had to recover something, they really got it. Source control got out of their way and was generally fine.

Then Github won due to VC cash dumping and foisted Git on all of us. Source control was no longer fine.

Thankfully, there is now Jujutsu(jj) which works on top of the Git storage layer so you can forget about the craptastic UI of Git. Source control is now fine again.

GitHub won because it was good.

SourceForge had a messy interface and frankly I hated it. Google Code was like frozen in time, like most Google projects. Microsoft’s thing — I don’t even remember the name — felt half assed and like they were going to abandon it… and they abandoned it. There were also others… none of which I even think were serious enough.

Also Git won because SVN and CVS were centralized VCSes and you needed a server. I can just make Git repos before I even know if a project is serious.

There were other distributed VCSes of course, like Hg, but they either cost $ or wasn’t backed by a major user… like Linux. I admittedly just waited this one out and chose Git because it was more popular.

You either meant Visual SourceSafe or Team Foundation Server for the Microsoft product.

SourceSafe did get abandoned... because your source wasn't actually safe in it.

Its replacement, Team Foundation Server got rebranded as Azure DevOps; but the product's still around, 19 years later.

Yes, but it's source control shifted to git years ago (I think you can still use TFS, but it's strongly legacy ) and git is mich better than TFS ever was.

True on both counts. (They’re never going to be able to kill TFVC entirely, but it’s disabled for new projects by default, and they’re going to take away the switch to reenable it.)

> Git[‘s] UI is atrocious.

Well, that’s in the eye of the beholder. Yes, I hate the ‘program command’ syntax (“git add”, “git commit” etc) but I just call git-add etc and for me those commands are pretty clear.

But I understand how git works. I imagine most people treat it as a black box and then its behavior probably is rather obscure. I don’t think it was intended for that use case.

> Well, that’s in the eye of the beholder.

I acknowledge that Git is really good on a technical level, but don't like the CLI experience regardless.

Instead, I much prefer to use tools like GitKraken (paid), SourceTree (free, limited platform support), Git Cola (free, lightweight, a bit basic) and know that most of my colleagues just use the Git integration in their IDE of choice.

Working that way, it's a decidedly pleasant experience, not unlike using visual merge tools like Meld, where you can also stage individual lines/code blocks and operate with branches and tags in a very visual and obvious manner.

That said, sometimes the support for Git LFS and things like submodules is all over the place and I've had cases where not adding node_modules or something like that to .gitignore has made the UI unresponsive with how much stuff initially shows up in the working copy, so sometimes you still have to drop down to the CLI and do a fix herer and there.

>> Git[‘s] UI is atrocious. […] Over time, I taught non-computer people who used Windows all of CVS, Subversion, and Mercurial.

> Well, that’s in the eye of the beholder. […]

I would say it is not.

Usability testing is a thing, and products can get better and worse scores when trying to do the same task / reach the same result. I'm not aware of any published studies on the topic, but I would not be surprised if Git got lower scores than Hg on UI/UX, even though they can basically do the same thing (distributed development).

Given the GP trained people on multiple version control systems, including another distributed one (hg), and people mostly had a problem with Git, I would say Git is the problem.

GitHub won because they built a great product. It was better than all the alternatives and people flocked to it for that reason.

Git itself is mediocre, and some other DVCS like Mercurial could have won out, although HgHub really doesn't have the same ring to it. The halo effect from the Linux kernel was also a factor. But the VC cash dump and Microsoft buyout came later, people used GitHub because it was better than the rest.

Mercurial lost because it had the wrong mindshare. It was the Betamax of version control and while it had a lot of positives, it never gained the critical mass to overcome VHS.

git didn't win because of GitHub. Sure, GitHub helped a lot. But actually, it's because its a DVCS, and it does branching and merging way better than anything I've seen so far.

You can thank BitKeeper for all of this, and Andrew Tridgwell for forcing Linus Torvalds into creating git.

You don’t think if the company behind GitHub went all-in on mercurial that might have emerged as the winner? There were plenty of companies using either. Git wasn’t the only distributed game in town. I definitely think GitHub had a lot to do with it.

Before there was GitHub there was Sourceforge. Sourceforge supported several different protocols and git still won.

Gits internals can be confusing at first, but once you understand them there's really nothing you can't do. Being distributed by design also helps.

Sourceforge had a flat namespace for projects and required you to manually apply for each project. It was a PITA and that added a huge barrier to entry.

Plus it didn’t have a mechanism to send contributions. I think GitHub “won” because of its web-based PR system.

Sourceforge was complete garbage though. I hated, hated when projects were hosted on it. It was slow, full of ads, impossible to find what you need to download..

GitHub is to sourceforge what Facebook was to MySpace. MySpace was first but it was buggy as hell.

SF started to be filled with ads only in a second phase. By memory I would say around 2010, and checking Wikipedia it says it changes ownership in 2012. But when it was the de facto "central repository" for Linux softwares codebases, I don't remember it being full of ads.

That comparison is pretty harsh and really underemphasizes how awful sourceforge was. Myspace was mostly fine, death by feature creep. Sourceforge was a flaming pile of garbage that was poorly designed, ad laden, AND silently bundled in ad/spyware to normal downloads.

A more apt comparison would be comparing Facebook to a hypothetical social media site that when you click on a thumbnail of a user's image, you get a fullsize image of something like goatse...which thankfully doesn't exist(yet).

Sourceforge wasn't the only offering at the time.

Lots of companies were doing Git and Mercurial "forges" at the time. Many of them were better than Github.

Everything was evolving nicely (including Git and Github) until Github used VC money to offer everything for free to blow everybody out in order to lock people into their product (for example--export of anything other than code is still hit or miss on Github).

At which point, everything in the source control space completely collapsed.

That's such a weird rewriting of history. I know blaming VC is very fun and all, but Bitbucket, originally centered around mercurial, had just as much resources as GitHub and even more. Tons of early contributors to git and the ecosystem were from google and Microsoft. Microsoft started using and shifting towards gif when GitHub was still a baby, etc.

> That's such a weird rewriting of history. I know blaming VC is very fun and all, but Bitbucket, originally centered around mercurial, had just as much resources as GitHub and even more.

You might want to go review your history before accusing someone else of that.

Github took $100 million from VCs in 2012. It then took another $250 million from VCs in 2015. Who the hell else was even within an order of magnitude of that in the same timeframe? Nobody. (Gitlab took almost the same amounts but did so somewhere between 5-8 years later depending upon how you count).

Bitbucket got bought by Atlassian in 2012. Atlassian was bootstrapped until it took $60 million in VC in 2010 and had revenues (not profits) of about $100 million in that time frame. It had nowhere near the resources to be able to drop the equivalent of $350 million on Bitbucket between 2012-2015.

By 2012 the writing was already on the wall. This was already well into the first PaaS era with Heroku, Engine Yard, etc. Github was bootstrapped, and using git was a grassroots movement. It was just better than what most people had been using. I never looked back after first switching from SVN to git in 2009.

VCs didn't make git successful, developers did.

Sure, but 2010 to 2012 might as well be two different eras in the context of VCS adoption. Things changed very quickly.

In any case,that doesn't really matter considering that git had big players adopting before GitHub got any sizeable investment. And I'm not just talking about Linux. Rails migrated towards it when GitHub was still in beta.

Sourceforge isn't GitHub. What's the relevance?

If you think SF+CVS is equivalent to GitHub+Git then you never used SF+CVS. Git won because of GitHub, specifically, not because generically it could be hosted on the Internet.

Yes, git has solved a big problem with version control: it has made transactional atomic changesets (commits in the git parlance) mainstream. A git repository is a tree of atomic changesets that group changes into meaningful chunks as opposed to a versioned tree of files where changes to each file are harder to trace back to the intent, i.e. whether or not they are related.

Atomic commits can also easily be moved around (since the repository is a tree of commits with the commits being leaves), and they also make merging simpler in many scenarios.

Larry McVoy was famously wont to engage in trolling upon the Linux Kernel Mailing List, whereupon he did boast of his BitKeeper, which possessed atomic changesets. Concurrently, he did deride Subversion for its lack of the same. Thus, a great drama did ensue, one which ultimately bestowed upon us the creation of git.

git has also succeeded as a DVCS where others have faltered, for various reasons. For there have been monotone, darcs and other such systems; yet, it is chiefly git that has endured.

> it has made transactional atomic changesets (commits in the git parlance) mainstream

Nope. Subversion made them mainstream:

"An svn commit operation publishes changes to any number of files and directories as a single atomic transaction. In your working copy, you can change files' contents; create, delete, rename, and copy files and directories; and then commit a complete set of changes as an atomic transaction.

By atomic transaction, we mean simply this: either all of the changes happen in the repository, or none of them happens. Subversion tries to retain this atomicity in the face of program crashes, system crashes, network problems, and other users' actions." [0]

[0] https://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.5/svn.basic.in-action.html

> Pixley agreed to all of that and then ignored all of it completely.

Hahaha that's brilliant, and an important lesson for junior developers. Sometimes this is the best way forward. High risk of course. But the reward can be great.

We had the right corporate culture to make this attitude successful. By the time we were a couple of hundred people, though, and had hired some MBAs, that culture was mostly gone.

It requires a level of trust and a level of performance, that I now believe doesn’t scale. Note that we had only a single junior developer, an intern, who wrote our bug tracking system but didn’t otherwise interact with the code base. The rest of the team consisted entirely of experienced senior developers, including management. I think at up to about 25 employees, the shortest working experience on the team (apart from the intern) might have been 10 years of shipping code.

But I really respect Rich for taking this approach which is why I referred to him by name.

I don't think you'd even necessarily need to ignore. Roll it out in phases. You aren't going to have to deliver the final finished solution all at once.

Some elements are inevitably going to end up being de-prioritized, and pushed further into the future. Features that do end up having a lot of demand could remain a priority.

I don't think this is even a case of "ask for forgiveness, not permission" (assuming you do intend to actually work on w/e particular demands if they end up actually continuing to demand it), but a natural product of triage.

My first job out of college was on a university administrative system where all the source files were managed by RCS. I came on in '97, but the system had been operation in at least that state to 1995. Obnoxiously, the vendor layered some secret sauce on top of it in Makefiles for the actual checkins and outs, so you did something like `make co F=foo.c` which totally messed up filename completion. I had it aliased in tcsh within minutes to preserve my own sanity.

When my consultant contract finally came to an end in 2003 they were still using it.

I was one of those once. Tried to get CVS in a project.

Then some other dev committed 9MB of tabs 0x09 at the end of a file. Then the site was "slow" (cause the homepage was 10MB). And the blame went to...CVS somehow.

I left.

> And the blame went to...CVS somehow.

CVS was notorious for doing "text/binary" conversions (CR/LF line endings to CR and vice versa), sometimes inappropriately. More than once, it resulted in files where every other line was empty. I can very well see this happening several times, resulting in exponential growth of whitespaces.

Yep, that bit me/my teams more than once. But this case we had the commit from CVS showing it was just a fat-finger.

But the seniors on the team pointed to CVS. Not the individual, not the "test" process, not the deploy checks.

Nobody noticed it slow cause everything ran on LAN. Only noticed the issue on 56k

Assuming a key repeat rate of 15Hz (a number I admittedly just pulled out of thin air), they would have had to lean on the Tab key for almost exactly 1 week.

The guy ate, slept, possibly got married while his finger was still accidentally holding down that key.

Many years later there was a scene in Silicon Valley where their VC set a tequila bottle on the delete key and caused havoc.

That's when I figured out what happened in 1998.

I had a visceral reaction to this comment! I once joined a company doing ETL with Apache camel and a half dozen underpowered pet machines. Ingesting their entire dataset and running a suite of NLP models took 3-6 months (estimated; it was so slow nobody ever reprocessed the data to fix bugs or release improvements). I drew up a simple architecture using Kafka, hbase, and MapReduce to implement a lambda architecture. The CTO very patronizingly told me that just because something is shiny and new it doesn't mean we need to implement it. This was 2017 :laugh-cry:.

But maybe this isn't really what they felt that they needed at the time? I don't mean to defend bad practices, but your comment makes it sound like nobody had tasked you with re-architecting the business, and you took it upon yourself to show them how it should be done (in your opinion), without having earned the necessary trust. This might have also come across as patronizing, or at least antagonistic, and in any case unbeneficial. Not saying that's the case as I obviously wasn't there, just something to think about.

It's a shame the CTO was patronizing. I've generally found this to be the attitude of many IT workers in similar positions. I would recommend trying to allocate (work) time to prototype and get important back of the envelope metrics that they think are valuable along with those that you think are valuable.

At least that's what I would ask of anyone who was trying to improve a system (And not just the developers circumstance which I think is perhaps what they CTO is cautious of)

I was in this position before but would point out that there is a tactical approach when you know that others will not follow. I set up a cron job (on Windows, not really cron) to check scan the network location for updated source files. The git repo was on my drive and on the corporate GitHub account, safe from those who should have been using it. Whenever files changed it would just auto commit on the main branch with the username included in the message. I could do whatever I wanted on my own branches, keep track of what others were doing, and essentially wield git. You don’t have to try to be a hero inflicting proper source control upon your teams (their perspective) to still occasionally appear like a wizard to save them from inevitable, oft-occurring peril.

It's maybe better than to take the pain to set up git only to see people use it in the same way, setting up a gazillion branches called V1, v2_customer_fix, v3_final, etc...

I've been that person a few times.

1. The only developer on the team with Github and put forward the idea of the company not hosting their own source code with TFS.

2. The only developer using branches with git when the co-founder asked (demanded) everyone to only use master.

The list goes on!

Given the various accidental leaks dues to people not realising deletion still has a history with git when publishing (not to mention git has no equivalent to mercurial's "censor" operation), or people confusing public and private repos on their github accounts, or even the story just last week here on HN with counterintuitive behaviour of forking in terms of privacy (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41060102), I can totally understand a company being opposed to being on github.

Perhaps you should have proposed anything-but-TFS (git/mercurial/even svn - no need for distributed in a small company... https://www.bitquabit.com/post/unorthodocs-abandon-your-dvcs...) but internal.

Might be a relatively easy sell if you just setup a local migration of their data to repository with a decent web gui for viewing the commits and associating with tickets, given my experiences with TFS in terms of slowness, and crashes/data corruption.

> not to mention git has no equivalent to mercurial's "censor" operation

Haven't followed that for a while, but it used to be the case that it was Mercurial who was principled/fanatic about never rewriting history, ever, while git happily let you mess up with hard deletes.

Which is still the case. They use the hidden phase to avoid that. You can use hg absorb (also awesome) locally of course to simplify matters.

What censor is for is the case where something absolutely has to be removed from the repo, for legal or security. It allows you to do it in a clean standard way, even replacing it with, say, a key signed statement, without forcing regeneration of the whole repository or altering the tree in any way.

Just remove the contents while keeping the hash.


> 2. The only developer using branches with git when the co-founder asked (demanded) everyone to only use master.

I’d argue everything else becomes expensive quickly.

…but it is also imperative to remember any modification on checked out code is a branch, technically, regardless of the version control system used. This becomes important if your testing is expensive.

Here’s a few of my horror stories where I was a consultant at various companies:

1. Previous consultants left no documentation or anything, and a running Hadoop cluster handling (live!) 300 credit card transactions a second. Management hired 8 junior sysadmins - who were all windows sysadmins, had never used Linux before, and were expected to take over running this Linux cluster immediately. They all looked at me white as ghosts when I brought up SSH prompt, that’s the point where I learned they were all windows sysadmins.

2. Another company: all Java and MySQL developers who were trying to use Spark on Hadoop, refusing to learn anything new they ended up coding a Java app that sat on a single node, with a mysql database on the same node, that “shelled out” to a single trivial hello-world type function running in spark, then did the rest of the computation in Java on the single node, management celebrated a huge success of their team now using “modern cluster computing” even though the 20 node cluster did basically nothing and was 99.99% idle. (And burning huge $ a month)

3. Another company: setup a cluster then was so desperate to use the cluster for everything installed monitoring on the cluster, so when the cluster went down, monitoring and all observability went down too

4. A Cassandra cluster run by junior sys-admins and queried by junior data scientists had this funny arms race where the data scientists did what was effectively “select * from *” for every query and the sysadmins noticing the cluster was slow, kept adding more nodes, rather than talk to each other things just oscillated back and forwards with costs spiralling out of control as more and more nodes were deployed

Any many more!

This might sound like I’m ragging on juniors a bit but that’s definitely not the case - most of these problems were caused by bad management being cheap and throwing these poor kids into the deep end with no guidance. I did my best to upskill them rapidly and I’m still friends with many of them today, even though it’s nearly 10 years later now,

Good times!

"Senior" holds no weight with me. I've had plenty dumb founding conversations with "seniors".

My favorite was at the company that was self hosting their code. The senior team lead wanted me to help him find a memory leak that plagued the product for months. Customers were told to restart the application every few weeks (this was a C++ application).

I sat down with the senior and looked at the code. I spotted the error.

I was like, "You know when you do new[] you need to use delete[]?" as all of his deletions were without [].

The look on his face was the best.

Titles really mean very little. The company I work at recently hired a DevOps specialist to help configure Docker services and assist with development. He was a decent developer but had no idea how to securely configure server side services. Still stuck with his mess two years later :)

> I was like, "You know when you do new[] you need to use delete[]?" as all of his deletions were without [].

This seems like a pretty major lack of a specific piece of knowledge on the senior developers part, yes, but it seems like a much more unforgivable miss on the part of the code reviewers. Was the team stuck in a rut where only a single person (with coincidentally the same blind spot) was reviewing his code, or did multiple reviewers somehow miss this?

I've worked with a consultancy that prouded itself by exclusively hiring top engineers from top universities and I swear, I can put my hand in boiling hot oil and tell you, they were some of the worst coders I've ever seen, I have no doubts I've met way more brilliant people coming from boot camps.

The fact that people study for exams has absolutely no correlation with how much they will remember or care for what they studied, none.

Yeah, this level of dysfunction takes years to cultivate.

You need the “Dead Sea effect” to be in effect long enough that not only have the good people left, but for them to have been gone long enough that people rising into management have never even worked with somebody competent so they don’t know there’s a better way

I am occasionally on firefighting projects for customers. It's super hard to get out of this mess. The code base has gone to shit, customers are often passed enough that they want functioning code NOW, the reaming developers are bottom of the barrel, management is either cause of the problems or has now clue. Getting out of that is difficult especially if management doesn't understand it has to change first.

I never had to deal with “we don’t use source control”, luckily.

One company I joined was cleaning up the last vestiges of “customize it for every customer by letting people edit their copy on server,” which predictably turned into a mess. They were all very small customizations to styles or images but enough to make upgrades a total mess.

I did work at a company where despite having full source control they didn’t actually know of they could ever deploy the server component again. Edits got made to the live server but then made again in source control, or vice versa. There was one more senior person who couldn’t be talked out of their old workflow.

In theory everything matched.Eventually they even checked and got it all under control where they were positive it was the same and kept it that way.

But it had only ever been deployed from scratch… once. And for like 15 years it lived there and kept getting upgraded. It would all be moved when new hardware was brought in.

But it wasn’t installed from scratch. We truly did not know if we were capable of doing that. It is possible if that server was destroyed and we couldn’t restore from a back up it would take us an unknown amount of time. Even though in theory deploying should be as simple copying the files and starting the web server.

Were there odd configurations that had been made eight years ago that kept it running? Some strange permission changed somewhere?

I wasn’t on that team. But it always made me nervous. That was absolutely a core application of the business.

I really like small shops sometimes. You get a lot of freedom and get to have your hands in a lot of disciplines. You learn a lot of things, including things that’s should never be duplicated.

That's not an exception, I think? Most online service businesses that I've worked with wouldn't be able to run their operations from a "cold start". That takes a lot of effort to engineer and in practice it doesn't happen enough, so that's a risk that most are willing to run with.

I started in 2008. This is what I did eventually. Over the years I introduced the small company to Linux, git, defensive programming, linting, continuous integration, Scrum..., but only for the new projects and stayed 13 years there.

That old project though was never fixed though, probably still running that way now.

Software Configuration Management has existed as a discipline and with proper tooling for at least 50 years. Mainframe and VAX machines had tooling in the early 80s.

For VB Sourcesafe was the go to tool if memory serves.

This is not a case of new vs old, rather incompetence vs competence.

Have been that person before. As an intern, and they even listened! In the days of SVN, just before git, so I ran a server in my laptop and my manager somehow decided we needed a big Red hat server or something, IIRC. In a 20 ppl company.

I was working at a game development company in the mid 90s that used Visual Source Safe and to avoid file corruption due to concurrent commits, we had a shiny silver baseball cap which you had to find and physically possess to commit.

After we had off-site devs, the physical cap wouldn't work. So the project had a "silvercap.txt" file and you had to exclusively check out . And of course people forgot to release that and work ground to a halt.

You can remove the "over a WAN" part: VSS had been designed as a local VCS, so until the addition of a proper server in the mid aught using it over a network share was the only way to actually use it. And it really wasn't good.

I don't know if that made it better, I assume not much, VSS was really trash.

Some of these stories sound a bit far fetched, especially those that involve Unix systems. RCS was released in 1982 and CVS in 1990 so Unix systems have had version control available for over forty years.

I can assure you they are true. Version control was still “controversial” in a lot of shops for quite some time. Plenty of places had the classic “v1, v2.3, v2_next_debug_cruffle_duffle” way of managing versions for a very, very long time.

Well into the subversion era…

In the late 2000s, I worked at $MAJOR_TELCO where management steadfastly refused to implement version control. Upgrades in production were executed by individually SSHing into each physical machine in the prod cluster and typing in commands by hand.

My attempt to introduce a "multissh" tool that automatically executed the same commands in each node at once was regarded with the highest suspicion and shot down. Shortly after I left, they had a multi-week outage caused by somebody fat-fingering the permissions on a network interface.

There is a lag between availability and mindshare to apply a technology.

I myself introduced SVN as versioning solution to a company in 2007, years after git was available I and I was aware of it

git simply didn't have the mind share jet, thus I went with what I knew

SCCS was released in 1977 and it hasn't even turned up in these comments at all. "Not evenly distributed". (I introduced RCS as a replacement for "just editing files" at a job in 1990; "there's a man page and some binaries on the system" really doesn't contribute to adoption. CVS at least propagated through things like USENIX, because solbourne made cool toys and talked about the challenges.)

Version control was virtually unknown outside UNIX systems, though, and, in lieu of it, mainframe/PC/Mac developers resorted to barbaric practices which included file tree renaming (v2, v1_John_is_an_idiot), countless zip files with similarly meaningful names with snapshots of entire projects and stuff like that. Then commercial version control systems started popping up, and they were very expensive, usually buggy af, and had no feature parity across themselves, i.e. knowledge of each was not portable.

Whereas nearly every UNIX installation included version control systems for free (SCCS in AT&T UNIX SVR1-4, RCS in BSD UNIX or both) that worked exactly the same everywhere.

At least as late as 1998, I recall version control was thought of in some circles the way people think of C vs memory-safe languages today.

Some thought version control was an obvious improvement to make better, more bug-free software. Others had a fetish for doing things the hard way with little justification beyond emotional resistance.

Been there. There was this old fashioned developer in one of the companies I worked for a decade ago who never understood nor embraced version control (we were talking of SVN at the time, not even git). Luckily that wasn't the case for all the others developers in the company. But when it came to the projects he owned, I witnessed several scenes along the lines of "hey, customer X has an issue with your component Y, what version do they have?"

He had a spreadsheet where he kept track of the versions used by every customer. Once identified the version, he would open (no joke) a drawer in his desk and pick the right USB stick with that version on it.

I've always wondered whether this overhead was a worth price to pay for not wanting to learn a couple of SVN commands.

My first job out of college, way back in the 90's, I had to "train" an entire department on how to use CVS. This wasn't a startup. This was a billion dollar, established company with 1000's of employees.

I'm sure I'm not alone in actually having lived such an experience.

I joined a dynamic DNS provider once that had been around since 1999. Their tech, sadly, had not progressed much beyond that point. Showing the higher ups version control was like showing cavemen fire. Of course once the higher ups arranged to have training sessions led by the new hire for the entire dev team the VP of Engineering couldn't handle it and had me fired. Fun times.

I did this at my first, learned quick oldheads would get flustered and feel challenged if not eased into things a certain way.

Ultimately by the time I left I tried to introduce redbeanphp (orm), git for source control, and CakePHP for some structure. Nothing stuck. When I left it was still raw sql string queries, .zip files when they remembered for backups, and 400,000 line php files with everything caked on there.

Yes, there is a good lesson here. If you walk onto a dev team still using stone tools, there is likely a culture that distrusts of new technology, so tread lightly or you may be perceived as a heretic.

I don't know how they convinced the users to do this and how they managed with the license but it was done

Enterprise and business users will wade through endless swamps of crap if the software provides enough value. This is a lesson in why "it must be perfect before we release it" is such nonsense - that just says the value your app provides is so low that users barely care and they'll abandon it at the first problem. If that's the case you're not providing anything worth paying for.

I was in a broker trader in 2016 where this was still the case.

I was brought in when an old sheet cost them $10m on a bad trade because the yahoo finance end point it was hitting stopped responding and it just used the last value it had gotten - three months before.

As much as this stuff is nuts to think of today and there's tons to hate, I am kinda nostalgic for some aspects of my experience of working at a place where software is maybe needed and/or valued but isn't a core competency. Or maybe a time when software was a new fangled thing that hadn't fully been integrated into corporate structure yet:

- No one having any preconception of how you're /supposed to/ do things or whether you'd even be the type of person to know, so you just kinda figure it out yourself. You spend a lot of time on reading and learning skills. Version control? Wow, cool, what's git, let's try that! A new graphing library? Let's give that a shot, maybe it'll make things easier! You want XYZ? Let me go read about that for a day.

- No one having any idea what's even possible: being treated like a wizard for introducing the tiniest piece of automation or improvement that makes someone's day easier or doing something they never thought was possible. Lots of appreciation and excitement for showing and teaching people new things (... and I know this is somewhat selfish and ego driven, but who doesn't like being appreciated?)

- Similarly people having no idea how long those things should take which, tbh, can be a nightmare if you're not trusted and respected enough to be consulted but also great if people believe you when you say it's gonna take 3 months.

- Beyond the basics just being mostly kinda left alone to do your job however: no standups or tickets or the 30 other kinds of daily (micro)management that is probably necessary but ends up feeling tiresome and stifling at an individual level

- Not being part of software company "culture": no performance review driven development and promo packet madness, no weird rating and ranking systems, no OGPs or KPIs. No ladder. Your bosses think you did what was required of you, so then you're good, and if it's a good year you get a raise, and that's that. I do recognize that with a bad boss this can be a terrible and unfair spot to be in - but again, subjectively with a decent enough boss it felt like a lot less weight on my shoulders at the time.

- No hacker ninja pirate segway mini quadcopter you're the smartest people in the world and we're the best company to work for sort of b.s.

- Socializing with people who are good at and love to talk about stuff other than software

Reading over that, I'm thinking maybe I lucked out a lot and that wasn't most people's experience from that era. And there's some level of rose tinted glasses going on. And/or maybe my years in the rat race are starting to show :-)

Don’t think so. My first job was kind of like that. I don’t even know how they thought that little old me just out of university could be left alone to successfully build applications on my own, but I think people trusted a lot more during that era because eternal september hadn’t arrived yet.

Working directly for the users without any weird BA/PM/TA shit in between is glorious, both because you can always walk up to get immediate feedback (people generally like to see you are actively working on their issue), and in a place like that you can likely deploy it in the middle of the day and immediately improve their workflow.

It still amuses me that IT was located together with finance, because we did reports xD

> I don’t even know how they thought that little old me just out of university could be left alone to successfully build applications on my own, but I think people trusted a lot more during that era

A similar feeling on my end too :-) That might be it - trust sounds like a big part of it for me. Taking a chance on someone who you might eventually end up being good, rather than interviewing and evaluating them 7 ways till sunday. I understand the impulse. I wouldn't want to be a new engineer out of college today though - seems rough.

I did get paid less then than some new grads seem to be now so that might have been a factor in taking the pressure off.

> because you can always walk up to get immediate feedback (people generally like to see you are actively working on their issue)

Oh absolutely!

> It still amuses me that IT was located together with finance, because we did reports xD

It was communications for me, because the software tool we built was free to use on the web, and websites are communications, obviously :D

> There was a LOT of global variables (seemingly random 4 uppercase letters) controlling everything.

I once ran across a (c) program that had 26 variables, each one letter long, one for each letter of the alphabet. They were all global variables. And many of them were re-used for completely unrelated things.

This is nightmare-fuel. How does this happen?

As a glib answer, can I suggest, that without proper training, there were a lot of developers who had never trained under anyone or any company with proper practices??

Honest question. How does our profession root out intrinsically obvious bad practices?

It happens because it’s easier - until it’s impossible, anyway.

The training and best practices you’re talking about is learned experience about how to avoid it getting impossible. But that almost always involves expense that the business side considers ‘stupid’.

> At some point, the application had some bugs which were not appearing when the application was run in debug mode in Visual Studio. The solution was obvious: installing Visual Studio for each customer on site and teaching the users to run the app in debug mode from Visual Studio.

Holy smoke! That's actually the most creative solution (horrible, but creative) I've ever heard to fix a Heisenbug:


Well that depends entirely on what you consider to be the goal - as a software engineer, your role is entirely concerned with engineering excellence. As a member of a team, especially a team of extremely highly paid and highly educated individuals, it is your duty to spend your time (and thus, the company’s resources) efficiently by doing what you’re educated, qualified, and hired to do.

Few people agree that the goal of SWE is engineering excellence. It is to solve business problems. Engineering excellence is a means to a goal: to be able to solve _difficult_ problems _correctly_ and allow solving new problems _in the future_. All these things can be traded off, and sometimes aren’t even needed at all

The thing is, I encountered something very similar with a product that had maybe 20 customers… in 2017. All of them had slightly different versions of the codebase. Version control was used, but haphazardly.

You’d think this sort of thing would be a problem of the 90s or early 2000s, but I’d bet you there are any number of companies with similar situations today.

Don't forget Visual Sourcesafe, that came out around 1995 as well and was the standard source control package for most of the Windows shops in the 90s and even up to the mid 2000s (at least in my experience)

Until about 2014 or so in my department, when we started using SVN. We were more concerned about file locking and a "single version of the truth" of MS Word files stored centrally but accessed locally than we were of fine-grained version control, and Git didn't have the kind of file locking we needed (as I understood it).

Yes, and for Win95 users there was actually a very nice GUI plugin to explorer called TortoiseCVS.

The funny thing about CVS and Subversion is that they were last version control systems that non-programmers could actually use. TortoiseCVS/TortoiseSVN were easy enough that with a lot of training you could get technical writers or artists to use it too. Valuable for game projects. With git, forget about it. It can't even handle binary files well.

Mercurial and TortoiseHg were fine, too.

Only Git had the brain damage to take the source control idea of "there are two areas: working or committed" and add the dumbass index/staging/stash areas that confuse the hell out of everything.

This sounds like what I see when an inexperienced filmmaker takes on a big project and hands me the “organized” drive to edit, but way way worse and more consequential lol

My first role was with a company who had hit a limit for VB6 variable names iirc. So they'd all been renamed to shorter names. This may be the same issue. They were in the process of rewriting in VB.net.

> with some still having bugs fixed years before for others

Hopefully they won't discover at some point that customers were in fact depending on those bugs. That's poison for the programmer's soul.

My worst codebase story:

In my first real job, I worked for a company that maintained a large legacy product programmed in a combination of COBOL and Java.

In order to work on the Java side of the product, you checked out individual files from source control to work on, which 'locked' the files and prevented other developers from checking out the same files. This functionality was not part of our actual source control system, but was instead accomplished with a series of csh shell scripts you could run after ssh'ing into our development server.

Each of our customers had a 'master' jar file that represented the actual final compiled product (a jar file is really a zip file archive, which bundles together the resulting compiled java class files).

Once you had finished implementing your code changes, you ran another set of scripts which found the master jar file for each customer, unzips it, copies the compiled files from your local machine into it, and zips it back up again. Finally the source control lock is released.

This means, effectively, that the codebase was never compiled as a whole at any point in the process, instead, we just manually patched the jar file over time with individually compiled class files.

Over the years, small errors in the process allowed a huge amount of inconsistencies to creep into the codebase. Race conditions would allow two developers to lock the same file at once, or a developer would change a class that was a dependency of some other code that somebody else was changing. Sometimes code changes would make it into some of the customer jar files, but not others. Nobody knew why.

It took a small team two years to migrate the entire codebase to git with proper CI, and a huge chunk of that time was reproducing a version of the codebase that actually compiled properly as a whole. After the project was finished, I resigned.

So they had a problem, got 2 years of approved development effort of a small team to solve it property which they did successfully, and then you resigned? After they fixed the problem?

Of course where they started was just awful but a place that recognized it's problems, commits to fixing it, and has sufficient competency to actually fix it sounds rather nice to me. Many orgs get stuck at step 1.

I presume there were other reasons for resigning, or you just like massive refactoring projects.

It was a little tongue in cheek, but yes. I had large grievances with the software culture there, but after I got sign off on the project to modernise our build process, I couldn't bring myself to abandon ship in the middle of trying to fix it.

After everything was finished up, I was feeling burnt out and realised that I'd held on for too long at a company with a fundamentally bad culture that wasn't going to change just because the tech did, so I moved on.

Thank you for the clarification. Because you said “it took a small team … and then I resigned”, it was unclear that you were part of that small team and instead made it sound like you left because the problem was fixed.

I worked at a company recently where I couldn't get a team to do the fairly simple task of cleaning up our git ignore (so we wouldn't have to painstakingly add certain files to the index every time we changed something) so I take it as a massive accomplishment moving to git within two years.

If I know anything about work, I doubt this is all they did for two years. Business doesn't care you have an important project. They will bug you to do other things.

Yeah, maybe it's one of those reading between the lines things, but I think anyone familiar with burnout would understand.

There are few efforts as truly thankless in many organizations as fixing things.

Had a similar thing on a small team at a bigger company. We didn't have any type of version control so the team did all development on a shared dev server that we SSH'd into. We'd use vim to edit files one at a time and rely on vim's file locking to make sure that we weren't editing anything at the same time as anybody else.

Oddly, the project was one of the best I've ever worked on.

I think a lot of people who've only learned programming in the last 10 years or so don't realize that Git, and even more so the large-scale popularity of Git, is actually pretty new. A lot of programming happened before Git was created, and before it became mature and popular enough to be the default for everyone.

Many of these earlier systems sound terrible and hacky to us, but they were the best that was available at the time. Systems to "lock" files you were working on were pretty common because basically nobody did merges well. Most of them were based on having a server to manage the whole thing too, so they were only really common in corporations and larger and more mature hobbyist teams - this was also before you could spin up a cloud server for most things with a few keystrokes and $5 a month. It's low-effort to spin up a local Git repo to track your work on a tiny personal project, but nobody's going to set up a CVS server for that.

Anybody remember Joel On Software's 12 Steps [0], written in the year 2000, 5 years before the Git project was started? Where "use source control" is Step 1? There's a reason why that's there - at the time it was written, source control was clunky and a pain in the ass to set up, so a lot of smaller companies or ones with less mature development teams never got around to it.

I may be getting a little "old man yells at clouds" here, but be really thankful that Git is FOSS, ubiquitous, works great for 98% of projects, and is superlatively awesome compared to everything that came before it.

[0] https://www.joelonsoftware.com/2000/08/09/the-joel-test-12-s...

I use CVS, RCS and Subversion on my personal projects for several years before I learned git. I don’t remember any of them being a pain to setup for small projects and Sourceforge provided free CVS hosting for small projects.

I started with Rational Clearcase, which I interacted with via Eclipse, and I remember that you did have to lock a file to make changes to it... pretty sure there was no merge capability (but maybe I was just too junior to know stuff like that, it was definitely not something you would do as a matter of routine, like we do now with git). Someone leaving for vacation and forgetting to unlock a file could be a huge pain in the ass.

After that I used Subversion via TortoiseSVN for Windows, which was quite nice to use, though I don't really remember much of the details... I do remember asking myself why everyone was moving to git when "perfectly good" source control already existed, but after 10+ years on Git, I think I was wrong and we did need it, we just didn't know it yet.

Rational Clearcase is a disaster but you could do merges.

The fun/frustrating part was getting branching and "views" correct.

I worked at an organization on this side of the century where it was one person's full-time job to handle merging code from different teams. The same organization didn't actually use raw Clearcase either -- it was wrapped in hundreds-of-thousands-of-lines-of Perl scripts.

I've never actually set up CVS myself, so I suppose I can't accurately say how easy or not easy it is. The "nobody" might deserve an asterisk - I'm sure it's not literally not a single person, but it seems to be pretty rare in my impression. Nevertheless, AFAIK, the non-distributed nature seems pretty limiting.

In Git, I can just create a local repo for anything, and I don't have to decide where I want it. I could never push it anywhere, or push it to a private hosted repo to collaborate with a person or team, or push it to a public repo to open-source it, and change between any of those at any time. I don't think you can really do that with these hosted systems. You could spin up a local CVS server if you really wanted to, but if you later decided you wanted to open-source it on Sourceforge, don't you have to abandon the history and publish it there as-is?

I’ve used Clearcasse in 2006 and it had all the branches that we needed. We didn’t use locks because that was annoying. It was at Deutsche Bank and we were 200.

When I moved to SVN, it was a regression. I really don’t understand why people describe SVN as cutting-edge (and why people didn’t like Clear Case).

I once worked at a corp that sold software. For the exact same software product, maybe 10-20% of customers received so much benefit we could have charged 2-3x the price and they would still be very happy. On the other end, for maybe 10-30+%, the exact same product ranged from painful to a disaster. Often because they would try to force it to work the way their pre-existing paradigms worked instead of taking the time to learn how it actually worked.

I recall something similar from my first job, except the shared file locking was a full on feature in Macromedia dreamweaver.

CSS was just starting to get adopted and every project we worked on just had one “gobal.css” file. When someone else had global.css locked, you’d call dibs if you needed it next. Inevitably, everyday someone would leave the office and forget to unlock global.css and no one else could get anything done.

SVN provided the ability to steal locks, and locks were opt-in so e.g. you wouldn't have made CSS need locks because it's a text file and merges fine. Mandatory locking was mostly for binary work files e.g. PSD and the like.

Even those before git - what they're describing sounds a bit like RCS, the precursor to CVS, which came before SVN.

I've never used RCS or CVS myself, but I remember the file locking thing in descriptions of it, and that it was why CVS was named "concurrent" - it fixed that limitation.

This sounds so much like dealing with MS Access databases... Unfortunately, part of my responsibility in my current role is to manage a handful of Access applications... they are ancient, I am talking early 2000's. They are the most unruly thing I have ever had to work with, and I will not go into details but your story reminds me so much of having to work on these apps...

> In my first real job, I worked for a company that maintained a large legacy product programmed in a combination of COBOL and Java.

> In order to work on the Java side of the product, you checked out individual files from source control to work on, which 'locked' the files and prevented other developers from checking out the same files.

COBOL + Java and file lock... I thought we worked on the same project and it brought back many nightmares!

But we were using Subversion's lock system and had a proper CI/CD with Jenkins.

So you won, your project was worse!

IIRC SourceSafe could be configured with strict locking or advisory locking? I might be wrong about that.

The admin user could override or unlock locked files. We had to do this if a developer left a file checked out after they left, or were on vacation. Nobody knew the admin password for the SourceSafe repository. That was OK though, all you had to do was make a local account on your PC named the same as a the source safe admin acccount, and you'd have admin access in SourceSafe.

> IIRC SourceSafe could be configured with strict locking or advisory locking? I might be wrong about that.

IIRC SourceSafe could be configured with either strict locking (you had to lock a file in order to edit it) or no locking à la SVN (the tool would check if your file was up to date when trying to commit it).

I recall that I spent a while suffering under strict locking at my first internship before a colleague discovered this mode existed and we were able to work more reasonably (there were no editable binary files so locking was never really needed).

We still use VSS for a couple codebases. We’re a small enough team that conflicts are rare, but the occasional Teams message “hey, let me know when you’re done with module.cpp” is not unheard of.

> It took a small team two years to migrate the entire codebase to git with proper CI

I'm amazed they even allowed people to spend company time and money doing this. Corporations tend to not see the value in improving such precarious situations as long as the software keeps working. They just want employees to cope and accept the messiness. People usually cope by quitting.

I’ve worked on “check out” code bases very similar to this. I mean. Nothing so insane as scripts patching class files in to jars Willy nilly, but it seems the “just check out a file so nobody else can work on it” thing is a “common” “solution” to this.

I am interested in how you managed it when someone had to hold code for years (as I’ve seen)? Basically, we also had a way to share control with one other person, and the person who was taking the second source were responsible for updating both versions at the same time manually (which never happened, so implementing a large project that touched hundreds of source files had to dedicate a couple weeks to manually hand comparing files, manually implementing the changes, and then manually retesting)

Probably some of the worst code I ever worked on was a 12k+ line single file Perl script for dealing with Human Genome Project data, at Bristol-Myers Squibb, in the late 1990s.

The primary author of it didn't know about arrays. I'm not sure if he didn't know about them being something that had already been invented, or whether he just didn't know Perl supported them, but either way, he reimplemented them himself on top of scalars (strings), using $foo and $foo_offsets. For example, $foo might be "romemcintoshgranny smithdelicious" and $foo_offsets = "000004012024", where he assumes the offsets are 3 digits each. And then he loops through slices (how does he know about slices, but not arrays?) of $foo_offsets to get the locations for $foo.

By the time I was done refactoring that 12k+ was down to about 200 ... and it still passed all the tests and ran analyses identically.

We should use the Antarctic highlands as a prison colony for people found guilty of writing Stringly Typed Code. Siberia isn’t awful enough for them. I thought people who stuffed multiple independent values into a single database column were the worst and then I saw what people can accomplish without even touching a database.

Ha - we did that too at BMS. We were paying Oracle by the column or something like that, so people would shove entire CSV rows into a single value (because corporate said everything HAD to be in Oracle) and then parse them application-side.

A friend once picked up a tiny contract from Uncle Sam, requiring some changes to a Perl script that stashed values as "this/that/thenext" in one column of an Oracle table. She had not previously dealt with Perl, so I explained to her about "split" and "join".

I don't know why the developers had chosen that method.

We got rid of most of the DBAs because they got overfond of saying 'no' and they became a major source of friction for doing reasonable architecture. People started figuring out ways to work around the DBAs like stuffing more shit into existing columns or adding secondary tables that established new relationships between the sacrosanct tables.

A lot of the worst sins happened on Oracle databases, mostly because they were the most popular at the time, and they were the only real DB cult, so the cottage industry of specializations that told other developers not to worry their pretty little heads was especially bad.

I have to work with a DBA who has decided that nothing new gets developed using Postgres and is confident that our use cases are best served with a document db… all without knowing any of our use cases, requirements or constraints.

Now I just don’t involve him in anything unless forced.

That sounds more like an OOP thing than a type system thing - functional languages make excellent use of type systems without mention of anything remotely sounding like a “Design Pattern (tm)”

At least there were tests ;-).

I am somewhat surprised that a programmer who was unaware of arrays in Perl managed to have tests. But then again, he managed to implement their own version of arrays, maybe he came up with the concept of software testing by himself :-P

It sounds more like the refactoring started with creating tests for the old code base. We do this with our legacy code base, too, sometimes. Of course, it’s always the high risk code of an application that‘s never been accompanied by automatic tests.

If I were being charitable (sometimes I try), I'd guess he was concerned that an array of scalars is going to have a high per scalar size overhead and perhaps worse cache locality, whereas the non-unicode perl string implementation at the time probably just stored the string as a large char* with a length prefix.

In a similar vein, an alternate explanation may just be that a lot of bioinformatics algorithms are described as string algorithms. It would be a pity if that was just taken too literally, but I've seen a lot of bioinformatics perl that works on strings in this way.

While trying to be charitable though, it's almost impossible to come up with a rationalization for the three character offsets string. Sometimes I think when people really go wrong is when they hear of some problem or are trying to be too clever and end up going beyond their abilities and stray into farce.

I’ve seen this “misunderstood genius” argument so many times I think there needs to be a law to refute it:

Never attribute to competence that which is adequately explained by incompetence.

Admittedly I've somehow only worked in perl but the worst code I tried for fix felt similar. They know about arrays but every map and grep used perks default $_ and there was enough nesting the function was near 1k lines if I remember right.

Oh, the shipping! Now, from the customer’s point of view.

My youngest worked in a furniture chain over the summer. And they got sent a big, heavy furniture set from the central warehouse, which the store actually didn't want. So, they sent it back. The problem was that the system didn't allow them to say: please, don't send this again. And the non-natural intelligence at the central base decided to send this set again. When my youngest started working - they were loading this set back for the seventh time.

Why 'loading'? Because no one could find a way in the program to send this ill-fated set back on the same truck that brought it. No one, except my youngest, that is. He managed to find the combination of keys and checkboxes that allowed them not to unload the unwanted set and ship it back on the same truck - and he immediately got a raise.

I suspect the set is still traveling. But now they only load-unload it at the central warehouse.

This dude has absolutely no right to say anything about the quality of the source code of the android app, because:

1) His libtgvoip code, previously used for audio calls, is the worst code I have ever had the displesaure of touching, it caused all kinds of issues ranging from instability to segfaults, and thankfully it was completely replaced by webrtc.

2) The android app is literally the smoothest and most responsive android app I've ever used.

Grishka, please stop being so salty. VoIP is hard to do right, but not impossibly so. VoIP being hard is still not an excuse for writing garbage C/C++ code (and I don't mean to offend personally here, but the code was really a mess, please stick to Java development on your own personal projects).

Speaking as an outsider... Your comment reads as a blatant ad-hominem attack and does nothing to support your point. You should consider toning it down if your goal is to convince anyone.

1) Which version are we talking about? Segfaults were exceedingly rare either way. Especially so when I stopped using raw pointers. But yes, to no one's surprise, early versions were a mess. I can agree with you on that. I can't agree about the same about the last versions though.

It was replaced by WebRTC that would sometimes just suddenly disconnect your calls, right.

> I managed to improve the situation after weeks of refactoring and testing

Did you submit any PRs with your improvements? I used to review and merge those, unlike the Android app devs.

2) It might provide the best UX in the entire universe, but that still doesn't justify having a two-megabyte Java file with over a hundred anonymous inner classes that gaslight you because it's often a `new FrameLayout(activity){` that overrides onLayout and does something completely different. So you see a FrameLayout, you assume it behaves like one, you add views to it, then it doesn't work the way you expect. You start questioning your sanity and only then do you realize that it's one of these stupid things.

Oh and did I mention that even just editing ChatActivity.java is an exercise in frustration? At the time, I had a 2012 MacBook Pro that worked fine for everything I did on it, except editing 2-megabyte Java sources in Android Studio. It would sometimes take a solid 10 seconds for keystrokes to register.

In other words, it might be the best Android app in the world, but it blows up in your face nearly every time you try to add a new feature.

One does not exclude the other.

And, honestly, these things are connected. It takes more needless work from the developer to maintain the user-visible pleasantness while adding new features. The code is much more fragile than it could've been which means bugs are much easier to introduce and much harder to diagnose and fix.

And I'm not asking for a complete rewrite. Just losslessly restructure the existing code, extract all those custom FrameLayouts and ViewGroups into separate classes, split those 2000-line if statements into separate methods, make some things (like ChatMessageCell) into sensible class hierarchies, introduce constants or enums to replace magic numbers, all that sort of stuff. This will not affect the UX, but it would make bugs harder to introduce and easier to deal with.

I'm generally not a fan of the developer-experience-focused approach to software development (Electron, React, and the web dev "trust me bro" attitude should not exist), but sensible code structure is where I draw the line.

> BTW, would you mind sharing how you got that job?

I started working with Pavel Durov in 2011 on the VKontakte Android app, after winning several of his developer contests, and it all just went from there. I was the last one of the "old" team to transfer to Telegram. My main job was actually the libtgvoip[1] library and its integration into the Android app (the other platforms were done by their corresponding devs).

I got fired in 2019 because the calls weren't working satisfactorily for Pavel. He got furious when he was unable to call some journalist, cursed at me in front of the entire team and sent me a termination notice. In hindsight, I should've definitely not taken building a VoIP library from scratch alone upon myself. It's a massive undertaking. But at least I learned a lot, and many people say that my implementation performed noticeably better than the current WebRTC-based one ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I'm now working on two fediverse projects at the same time — Smithereen[2], a VK-like ActivityPub server, and the Mastodon Android app[3].

[1] https://github.com/grishka/libtgvoip

[2] https://github.com/grishka/Smithereen

[3] https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon-android

> He got furious when he was unable to call some journalist, cursed at me in front of the entire team and sent me a termination notice.

Honestly does not sound like a very healthy person to work for anyway.

Grishka wrote very low quality code (an extremely buggy and segfaulty mess of C and C++), combined with little testing in not-so-edge case network conditions.

I managed to improve the situation after weeks of refactoring and testing for my library, and thankfully now it was completely replaced by webrtc.

We'll never know. There are many things that could go wrong because VoIP over the public internet is inherently fragile. When I asked for logs so I could look into it, I got cursed at once again.

What an amazing read, funny, nostalgic, the duality of the perfect mess but still so much opportunity and ability to make progress, and somehow it all just chugging along.

I feel a lot of this is the difference between theory and practice. Sure each of these things are bad, but probably a lot might have been the right choice at the time, and in a way, most companies, even most projects running for many years, end with similar quirky processes, messes, and hacks.

It's the war stories of what used to be, often only told by the code and the database as the creators have long left.

When I look at our couple year old startup, we have some of these things. Prototypes that just keep functioning and only get more attention when they break, manual processed that sort of make sense but also don't, integrations with systems that were build in the early 2000's (it works, but it ain't pretty). We fix many, but I'm sure some will survive way too long.

As software engineers, especially online, we like to discuss the ideal way to do things, best practices, testing strategies, redundancies, the whole nine yards. When time is of the essence and stakes are high, it all goes out of the window and you gotta just make it work in whatever way is possible to fight another day.

This is the main takeaway for me. The decentralized way of software development in a large scale. It does echoes with microservices a lot, but this can be done with a more traditional stack as well. It's ultimately about how you empower teams to develop features in parallel, and only coordinate when patterns emerge.

My first day at my first full-time programming gig, I was asked to look at some reporting job that had been failing to run for months. I logged in, found the error logs, found that it needed a bit more memory assigned to the script (just a tweak in the php.ini) and let the team lead know it should run fine that night. He was shocked, "Dude, if you just fixed that report you probably just got a promotion, no one has been able to figure that out for months." He was joking about the promotion, but my boss was just as shocked. I'd realize later that most the other people on the dev team didn't like linux and wanted to rewrite everything in .NET and move everything to Windows so no one even tried with anything related to any of the linux machines.

I know things have gotten somewhat better, but the amount of wasted time and latency of using RDP and Windows UI for development, testing and production maintenance is insane. Throw in some security requirements of RDP into host 1 to the RDP jump to host 2 and companies are just wasting money on latency. There is, often, not an appreciation of the administrative costs of the delivery. Not necessarily system admin costs, but developer and QA time associated with delivering and ongoing maintenance.

Oh yeah, been there. I personally find Windows to be a terrible server OS. I'd rather be stuck with a fleet of AIX machines or something equally uncommon (but still nix-ish) than any Windows system.

The reverse also applies, where people that like Linux just totally ignore Windows maintenance. They’ll look down their noses at it and say that it’s insecure when they spend their time patching Linux and leaving Windows to fend for itself against attackers.

Wow, this is exactly how I felt with regard to my first job as well. This old codebase no one wants to touch but works somehow. The quite nice later-on additions. Even the "build a pipe-separated string using reflection and a 150 classes hierarchy" rings something.

The old codebase was an hairy ball of scala using a very outdated version of a (now) infamous actor framework. Before they figured out that untyped messages kinda left out one of the major selling point of Scala.

The code was readable, but the authors had this strange idea that every little piece of logic should be part of its own "Actor". An actor is pretty much equivalent to a class, and each one of them had their own little file. With this many classes, with very specialized purposes, you ended up with 90 character identifier names.

To understand what would be a single function in a normal code base, you would have to dive through half a dozen files through several repositories to piece together the logic. Generally, at the end, you find that most of the code is about passing around a value, and there is this one file where there is actual logic applied to the value.

It wasn't that awful. The thing was that it was impossible to change anything: no documentation, no test, no bug tracking, not even any PR process, laconic commit messages, no Wiki pages. And the actor framework made it very difficult to add tests. But later developers did manage it pretty well, they drew fences around the old services, with an HTTP API to communicate with it. And all later additions were part of different services that were very cleanly and consistently designed.

The ending is pure gold. Some of the best times in my career were working on a codebase for an application serving folks I knew on a first name basis and had had lunch with.

I could talk through pain points they were having, we’d come up with a solution together, I’d hack up a quick prototype and launch it just to them to try out. We’d tweak it over a couple of weeks and when it was good I’d launch it to all customers.

Messy, ugly code base. But it worked well because it wasn’t over-managed. Just developers doing development. Amazing what happens when you get out of the way of smart, talented people and let them do their work.

Surely it is much more efficient for a PM to ask all the wrong questions and relay the answers using totally different words to the developers. As many many companies love hiring tons of PMs, this is surely the optimal system

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