Nvidia Reportedly Delays Next AI Chip As Shares Tank On Global Selloff 

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/nvidia-reportedly-delays-next-ai-chip-shares-tank-global-selloff

由于全球市场不稳定、经济衰退担忧、所谓的人工智能行业调整以及新人工智能芯片生产延迟等多种因素,科技公司英伟达的股价在盘前交易中大幅下跌。 报告表明,存在设计问题,导致其备受期待的 Blackwell B200 AI 芯片延迟三个月。 谷歌、Meta 和微软等主要科技公司大力投资这些新芯片,以在正在进行的人工智能军备竞赛中保持竞争力。 这些先进芯片预计将于 2024 年开始生产,但现在可能要到 2025 年第一季度甚至更晚才能准备就绪。 针对这一情况,NVIDIA发言人表示,他们的目标是在今年下半年提高新芯片的产量。 这一消息引起了投资者的担忧,导致股价下跌 10%,价格跌至约 96 美元。 这标志着自 6 月中旬达到的 140 美元高点大幅下跌,跌幅近 31%。 此外,UBS 分析师 Sunny Lin 指出 NVIDIA 的制造合作伙伴台积电可能会面临潜在的生产挑战,该公司可能会优先考虑利润更高的 B200,而不是现有项目。 批评人士,尤其是标志性基金埃利奥特管理公司 (Elliott Management),将 NVIDIA 目前的地位视为股票泡沫的一部分,质疑估值过高是否源于真正的人工智能进步,或者仅仅是过度炒作。



Nvidia shares plunged in early premarket trading in New York. The world's most valuable chip maker is being battered by a global selloff, rising recession fears, AI bubble unwind (mid-July report: "Did The AI Bubble Just Burst, And What Happens Next") , and reports of delays in its new AI chip production. 

The Information reports that Nvidia has informed Microsoft and other cloud providers that its most advanced AI chip models in the Blackwell series (B200 AI chip) face three months of delays following the discovery of a design flaw "unusually late in the production process."

Google, Meta, and Microsoft are betting billions of dollars on Nvidia's new chips to maintain top leadership in the AI arms race. All three companies have ordered "tens of billions of dollars" of advanced AI chips that might not be produced until later this year and might not be ready for mass shipment until the first quarter of 2025.

Nvidia spokesperson John Rizzo told The Verge that production of the new chip could begin "ramping in the second half of this year," adding, "Beyond that, we don't comment on rumors."

For Nvidia, the new AI chips were supposed to lead to new yearly releases of advanced chips, with executives stating just months ago that "Blackwell-based products will be available from partners" starting in 2024.

Now, Nvidia must soon compete with other chip companies, such as AMD, in the AI race. 

Nvidia's B200 chips will replace the popular H100 chips that unleashed huge sales and robust profits for Nvidia, catapulting shares to the stratosphere.

However, a production delay sparked turmoil in shares on Monday morning, down as much as 10% in premarket trading to the $96 handle. From the $140 peak in mid-June, shares have slid nearly 31%. Now, we must add that a global selloff is also underway this AM.

Meanwhile, UBS analyst Sunny Lin wrote in a note to clients Monday that Nvidia's manufacturing partner, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing, might run into potential production issues: 

"We believe Nvidia could be prioritizing CoWoS-L's tight capacity to B200, which has higher value for the GB200 superchip...this may enable Nvidia [to have] better flexibility and be less constrained by TSMC's CoWoS capacity." 

None of this will help bulls argue against iconic fund Elliott Management's argument that Nvidia is in a "bubble", and the artificial intelligence technology driving the chipmaking giant’s share price is "overhyped with many applications not ready for prime time".

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