"Chip Wars" Will Soon Be "Data Center Wars", As Our "Next AI Trade" Develops

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/chip-wars-will-soon-be-data-center-wars-next-ai-trade-continues-develop

文章认为,随着人工智能 (AI) 变得越来越重要,数据中心将发挥至关重要的作用,就像过去的工厂一样。 这些数据中心需要类似于冷战时期使用的超级计算机的强大计算能力。 容纳人工智能算法的数据中心可以具有民用和军事用途,由于政治和经济影响,它们的控制至关重要。 沙特阿拉伯、阿拉伯联合酋长国、哈萨克斯坦和马来西亚等国家正在大力投资发展人工智能基础设施,吸引了美国和中国公司的投资。 随着这些国家能力的增强,美国云提供商在这些市场寻求合同,以抗衡中国潜在的主导地位。 外交官们还关注数据中心,以限制中国的技术影响力。 例如,微软最近与一家阿联酋公司合作建设肯尼亚数据中心,引发了人们对美国法规安全性和合规性的担忧。 最后,作者认为,芯片制造和计算技术的进步是紧密相连的,国家之间持续不断的竞争(最初从硅开始)已经上升到数据中心的层面,这标志着技术格局的转变。 简而言之,卓越人工智能技术的竞赛不再只是创造更好的计算机芯片,还涉及构建和保护能够处理复杂人工智能模型所需的大量信息的大型数据中心。



As we have alluded to numerous times when talking about the next "AI" trade, data centers will be the "factories of the future" when it comes to the age of AI.

That's the contention of Chris Miller, the author of Chip War, who penned a recent opinion column for Financial Times noting that 'chip wars' could very soon become 'cloud wars'.

He points out that the strategic use of high-powered computing dates back to the Cold War when the US allowed the USSR limited access to supercomputers for weather forecasting, not nuclear simulations.

AI systems today, like supercomputers, have dual civilian and military applications, making control over AI data centers politically and economically significant.

He tells FT readers that many countries are investing heavily in AI data centers. Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Kazakhstan, and Malaysia are expanding their AI infrastructure, attracting investments from US and Chinese companies. US cloud companies, eyeing lucrative contracts, argue they must compete in these markets to prevent China from dominating.

American diplomats are also focused on data centers to block Chinese tech influence, , according to his FT piece

As an example, Chris points out that Microsoft’s new data center in Kenya, announced during President Biden’s meeting with President Ruto, will be developed with G42, a UAE-owned company with ties to Chinese firms like Huawei. This partnership raises security concerns in Washington, prompting calls for strict compliance measures.

He concludes:

Chips, clouds and data centres are intrinsically interlinked, so long as high-end, export-controlled chips give cloud computing companies the ability to deploy AI efficiently. The tech competition that started with silicon is now intruding into a new layer of the computing stack.

Recall, for those that missed it, in April of this year we introduced our subscribers to what we thought would be the "Next AI Trade", which - if it had be summarized in one word - was basically this: the "electrification" of the current AI trade, which includes everything from massive tech giants needed gigawatts of power to operate their operations, to Matrix-like battalions of data centers spread across the country and likewise needing a staggering amount of electricity.

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