随着补贴结束,德国电动汽车销量下降 37%
Germany's EV Sales Sink 37% As Subsidies End

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/technology/germanys-ev-sales-sink-37-subsidies-end

由于补贴终止和全球需求疲软,德国 7 月份电动汽车销量大幅下降。 德国联邦汽车运输管理局的数据显示,7月份纯电动汽车注册量仅为30,762辆,与2021年同期相比下降了36.8%。这是自补贴取消以来电动汽车销量的最大降幅。 尽管传统燃油车销量保持稳定,但特斯拉的注册数量下降了36.7%,成为7月份在中国表现最差的外国品牌之一。 雷诺、现代和菲亚特等其他公司在德国的销量也出现了类似的下降。 全球范围内对电动汽车的低迷反应给传统汽车制造商和新兴汽车制造商带来了问题。 美国、德国和法国的生产商正在努力解决其电动车型生产线的产能过剩问题,因为向全电动交通的转变似乎需要比预期更长的时间。 3 月份,美国电动汽车销量自 COVID-19 爆发以来首次出现下滑。 因此,几家大型汽车制造商已经减少了电动汽车的产量,同时重新评估了雄心勃勃的电动汽车销售目标。 电动汽车采用停滞的三个主要原因包括与电动汽车相关的费用上涨、围绕即将举行的选举等政治事件的不确定性,尤其是在美国,以及快速充电设施的不足。 全球电动汽车销量的下滑也影响了领先电动汽车电池供应商今年的财务业绩。



Authored by Michael Kern via OilPrice.com,

The biggest European car market, Germany, saw the sales of electric vehicles plummet by 36.8% in July from a year earlier, as EV sales are softening worldwide and as Berlin ended subsidies at the end of 2023.

New car registrations of battery vehicle vehicles (BEVs) in Germany slumped to 30,762 vehicles in July from the same month of 2023, the latest data rom the German Federal Motor Transport Authority showed on Monday. July marked the largest annual drop in EV sales since the government ended subsidies for EV acquisitions in December 2023.   

While BEV sales plunged, the overall car market held relatively flat. New car registrations of gasoline-powered passenger vehicles rose by 0.1% year-over-year in July, and diesel car sales increased by 1.4%. 

Tesla’s new registrations slumped by 36.7% in July compared to the same month of 2023, and was among the worst-performing foreign brands in Germany last month. Renault, Hyundai, and Fiat, among others, also saw their sales on the German market fall in July compared to a year earlier. 

EV demand has visibly softened over the past year, leaving legacy automakers in the U.S., Germany, and France struggling with an overcapacity of their EV models as they realize that the transition to fully electrified transportation will be taking longer than they thought.

Earlier this year, BEV sales in the United States fell for the first time since the onset of Covid in 2020. 

With lower EV sales than expected, major carmakers in the U.S. and Europe are scaling back production of electric vehicles amid overcapacity and are rethinking their ambitious EV sales goals.

Rising concerns about EV capital costs, uncertainties around a number of elections this year, especially in the U.S., and a shortage of rapid-charging stations are the three key factors slowing the EV momentum, Goldman Sachs Research analyst Kota Yuzawa said in May.

The slowdown in global EV sales has hit the profits of the major EV battery manufacturers this year, too.    

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