Crazed Authoritarians Demand X Be Shut Down In UK

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/crazed-authoritarians-demand-x-be-shut-down-uk

鉴于最近发生的与涉及移民的悲惨事件有关的骚乱,大规模审查制度的支持者希望限制英国的 Twitter 等在线平台,以防止进一步的内乱。 当局认为,这些平台上传播的错误信息激起了公众的愤怒。 批评者认为,英国长期以来对不断上升的移民数量及其后果的不满已经达到沸点,而当前的混乱状况为制定严格的互联网监管提供了机会。 一些专家主张使用《在线安全法案》等立法来禁止或限制某些平台,声称煽动性信息会加剧骚乱。 值得注意的是,一些知名人士,包括剑桥学者杰西卡·西莫(QC)、企业家安娜·维尔赫特(Ana Vilhete)、记者保罗·梅森(Paul Mason),甚至特斯拉首席执行官埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk),都是倡导审查措施的人。 尽管早些时候批评外国政权采用类似策略来镇压异见,但这一提议呼应了共产党中国此前在国内动乱时期所采用的策略。 尽管马斯克质疑总理基尔·斯塔默在骚乱中对不同社区的不平等待遇,但批评者认为他的参与是试图从当局手中夺走对叙事的控制权,并凸显他们的虚伪。 在辩论中,言论自由的支持者担心公开言论可能受到限制。



Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Modernity.news,

Mimicking a policy that the west once condemned Communist China for pursuing, authoritarians are now calling for X to be shut down completely in the UK to stop civil unrest.

After the country was rocked by a series of riots over the past week in response to a 17-year-old son of Rwandan immigrants killing three little girls in Southport, the media and the political class blamed the anger on “misinformation” shared on X.

In reality, the UK has been a boiling pot of resentment and rage over mass migration for years, with huge numbers continuing to arrive, putting massive strain on the country and making some parts of major towns and cities unrecognizable, despite nobody having ever voted for it.

However, the disorder is being exploited to grease the skids for mass censorship.

Cambridge professor Sander van der Linden said the government could “geo-restrict access to a platform if the situation got so bad” and Twitter could also be “banned from the app store for violating policies.”

Jessica Simor QC also called for the UK government to “pass a short bill closing down Twitter in the UK.”

Entrepreneur Ana Vilhete also called for Twitter to be temporarily banned in the UK to “limit the spread of inflammatory information.”

Journalist Paul Mason, a Marxist who once worked for the BBC, demanded the government use the Online Safety Bill (which passed under the excuse of protecting children from harmful content) to “pull the plug” on X.

Apparently, it’s horrendous for Middle Eastern dictators to shut down and block social media networks during times of civil unrest, as occurred during the Arab Spring, but when the UK does it, it’s fine.

Whenever there are anti-government protests in China, the Communist regime there also blocks and suspends social media networks, something that was once slammed by western governments as a vicious attack on basic freedom, but a tactic which they now emulate.

Although the riots are cited as the primary reason for mass censorship, the calls are also being driven by the fact that Elon Musk has challenged the mainstream narrative on the riots and embarrassed Prime Minister Keir Starmer.

Musk branded Starmer ‘Two Tier Kier’ for pursuing a vigorous crackdown on anti-mass migration demonstrators while turning a blind eye to Muslim mobs who have also rioted and physically attacked innocent people.

The British political establishment engaged in a collective hissy fit over Musk’s simple question for Starmer and the government when he asked, “Why aren’t all communities protected in Britain?”.

The X owner also drew attention to a viral video clip of a man being arrested in his own home by police over a Facebook post, asking if it was “Britain or the Soviet Union”.

The regime is deeply fearful that Musk’s intervention is causing them to lose control of the narrative that the unrest is being fueled by mindless, racist thuggery and not legitimate concerns about the impact of mass migration on working class people in the UK.

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