Apple Revises EU App Store After 'Anti-Steering' Probe

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/technology/apple-revises-eu-app-store-after-anti-steering-probe

欧盟委员会发现苹果公司在其应用商店中的反竞争行为违反了《数字市场法》。 作为回应,苹果放宽了对欧洲第三方应用程序购买的限制,允许开发者和消费者通过应用程序本身内的网络链接进行直接交易。 此前,此类链接有严格的限制,要求它们只能指向苹果自己的网站,并禁止使用可识别个人用户的参数。 现在,更新后的指南允许开发人员使用具有多个参数的灵活动态 URL(不用于营销目的),这甚至可能会促进苹果生态系统的替代方案。 此外,这些链接不再需要退出主应用程序并在单独的浏览器窗口中打开; 他们可以使用模态 Web 视图留在应用程序中。 此外,用户信息披露表已进行了改进,以提高可用性,并提供了在后续交互期间查看类似披露的可选排除选项。 最初,开发人员仍然必须手动合并此表; 然而,Apple 计划在即将推出的软件更新中使用ExternalPurchaseCustomLink API 实现自动化。 此外,由于取消了下载核心技术费,欧洲开发者可以利用这些改进,同时保留其在 App Store 中的地位,而无需支付额外费用。 相反,采用了新的费用结构:首先对获取新用户收取 5% 的费用,然后在 12 个月内对通过跨平台内部交易产生的收入收取 10% 的费用。 新结构旨在最大限度地减少开发商的费用,特别是对于以前如果选择其他付款方式则面临更高费率的回头客。 该委员会继续调查苹果在欧盟境外的应用商店活动。 从本质上讲,苹果调整了其应用商店法规以符合《数字市场法》,从而防止来自欧盟的潜在处罚。



Following the European Commission's announcement in June that Apple violated the Digital Markets Act with its App Store anti-steering rules, the world's most valuable company has revised its policy.

Apple introduced a new fee structure for the EU App Store's "link-outs." This allows app developers to include a link that redirects customers to a web page where they can complete a transaction.

For context, the tech blog 9to5Mac explained:

Previously, Apple enforced strict rules that dictated how apps in the EU were allowed to link out. This included requirements that the link be statically defined, and go directly to their own website, without any parameters to identify the logged-in user in the URL. This limited the ability of apps to directly send users to a webpage where they could pay to add upgrades to their account.

As for the new fee structure, 9to5Mac explained further:

Under today's changes, all of those restrictions are now gone. Apps can offer actionable links with as many dynamic URLs as they please. These links can take the user to anywhere, including as a way to promote other sales channels like alternative app marketplaces. The URLs can include parameters, as long as those parameters are not used for advertising or user profiling.

These links also used to be required to kick the user outside of the current app and into their web browser, like Safari. However, Apple is now allowing these links to be opened inside the originating app, as a modal web view.

Apple is also updating the user disclosure sheet with a new design that is more friendly, and includes an interface toggle for users to opt-out of seeing disclosure sheets when tapping external purchase links in the future. For now, developers have to continue to implement this sheet manually, but Apple announced it will be automatically managed and presented by the ExternalPurchaseCustomLink API in a future iOS update.

Moreover, developers can now take advantage of these capabilities in the EU, without agreeing to alternative business terms. That means they can remain in the App Store and avoid paying the Core Technology Fee on installs. However, there is a new substitute fee structure instead …

Apple will also introduce two new fee structures for apps that link out of its App Store, including an initial 5% acquisition fee for new users and a 10% store services fee for any sales made by app users on any platform within the 12 months of the app installation.

9to5Mac pointed out:

Apple says the new structure results in lower fees for developers in both the alternative and existing terms for linking out, especially for existing users. This is because previously Apple charged upwards of 17% and the Core Technology Fee, for the privilege of linking out to an alternative payment method.

In June, the commission officially investigated Apple App Store's anti-steering rules outside the platform. 

Apple is changing its App Store policies to comply with the Digital Markets Act and avoid fines by the EU. 

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