Apple 内存违背了 OCSP 选择退出的承诺
Apple memory holed its broken promise for an OCSP opt-out


2020 年,苹果承诺允许用户在设备启动应用程序时选择退出安全检查。 然而,近四年过去了,苹果仍未实现这一功能。 此外,有证据表明苹果删除了一份详细说明这一承诺的支持文件。 最初,苹果声称他们将停止收集与开发者 ID 证书检查相关的 IP 地址数据,但没有观察到任何变化。 相反,苹果继续使用其在线证书状态协议(OCSP)系统来确认应用程序的真实性。 2020 年,发生了大规模 OCSP 中断,导致尝试运行应用程序的 Mac 用户出现全球性问题。 因此,苹果承诺提高其安全措施的可靠性和隐私性,包括为用户提供选择退出的选项。 尽管做出了这样的承诺,苹果公司还是未能提供此功能。 因此,隐私倡导者认为,如果用户不能信赖苹果对隐私的保证,就会引发对该科技巨头的其他主张的质疑,例如维护用户数据的机密性。 为了减轻潜在威胁,一些人建议使用 Little Snitch 等第三方软件来管理网络流量。


Apple memory holed its broken promise for an OCSP opt-out
Jeff Johnson (My apps, PayPal.Me, Mastodon)

Feedback Assistant Boycott

August 7 2024

When you launch an app, macOS connects to Apple's OCSP service to check whether the app's Developer ID code signing certificate has been revoked by Apple. In November 2020, Apple's OCSP service experienced a mass outage, preventing Mac users worldwide from launching apps. In response and remedy to this outage, Apple made several explicit promises to Mac users in a support document, which can still be seen in a Wayback Machine archive from September 24, 2023.

To further protect privacy, we have stopped logging IP addresses associated with Developer ID certificate checks, and we will ensure that any collected IP addresses are removed from logs.

In addition, over the the next year we will introduce several changes to our security checks:

  • A new encrypted protocol for Developer ID certificate revocation checks
  • Strong protections against server failure
  • A new preference for users to opt out of these security protections

The last item, "A new preference for users to opt out of these security protections", has never been implemented in macOS, and two years ago I wrote that Apple reneged on OCSP privacy.

Now I've discovered that on September 26, 2023, the day that macOS 14 Sonoma was released to the public, Apple erased its promise from the support document. This can also be seen with the Wayback Machine.

Oddly, the original support document URL now redirects to a slightly different support document URL, though the content of the two documents remains mostly the same.

Apple's broken promise is shameful. The company apparently hopes we forget that it ever made the promise. Apple talks a good game, claiming "privacy is a fundamental human right", yadda yadda, but talk is cheap. When it comes to our right to stop our devices from phoning home to Cupertino, Apple is not interested. And if we can't trust Apple to keep its promises, then why should we trust anything else that Apple says, such as that our IP addresses are not logged? After all, it's impossible for us to verify this from the outside. Trust is earned through actions, and in this case Apple has neglected to act.

At this point, the only way to protect your own privacy is to use a firewall such as Little Snitch to block the connections.

Feedback Assistant Boycott

Jeff Johnson (My apps, PayPal.Me, Mastodon)
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