
原始链接: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41161315

一位用户是一家中型物流公司的高管,由于对当前软件提供商的不满,随着业务的增长,该软件提供商的服务变得越来越不足,正在考虑开发自己的软件。 他们在一个独特的利基市场中运营,并发现自己受到现有软件的限制,从而减慢了运营速度并阻碍了关键洞察力。 用户担心软件开发过程中可能出现的复杂情况,尤其是与欧洲各国政府之间的 EDIFACT 数据交换相关的集成问题。 此外,他们质疑经验丰富的开发商是否会被看似不那么光鲜的物流领域所吸引。 他们寻求有关吸引和留住技术人才的策略、从第三方软件转向内部软件时的经验(包括成功案例、警告和替代方案)以及任何可能被忽视的挑战的指导。 具体来说,他们询问其他人是否经历过类似的转变,分享经验教训并提供宝贵的建议。 总之,该高管旨在通过定制的内部软件开发来克服与软件相关的限制,但担心资源分配、开发人员吸引力和系统复杂性,寻求专家对方法、常见障碍和合适替代方案的建议。


I'm an executive at a mid-sized logistics company (~200 employees, $200-300M annual revenue) getting more and more frustrated with our software situation and am considering taking software development in-house. I've been lurking here for years, so looking at the HN community to talk me out of it.

We're using a third-party product that functions, but barely. The provider is understaffed and unresponsive and the platform is stagnant. It's a fight getting basic bugs fixed let alone new features implemented. We're having to resort to a separate low-code platform to fill in the gaps. Our business operates in a specific niche and there are no other providers who cater specifically to our industry.

As we are growing we're running in to the limits of what this product can offer. We're being hampered in our speed of execution and missing crucial insights. I feel like we could do much better with a product catered specifically to us.

On the other hand, while our current solution seems like a straightforward CRUD app, I fear the devil is in the details. Will we get stuck at 80% completion? We do a lot of data exchange via EDIFACT, for instance, with various government institutions all over Europe. This feels like a quagmire in which development can quickly stall.

Besides, can we even attract experienced developers to a non-glamorous industry like logistics?

We'd particularly appreciate input on:

Strategies for attracting and retaining tech talent in a non-tech industry Experiences transitioning from third-party to in-house software (success stories and cautionary tales). Potential pitfalls we might not be considering. Alternative solutions we should explore.

Has anyone here navigated a similar transition? What worked? What didn't? Any advice would be appreciated.

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