原始链接: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41201555
作者描述了他们在自己的研究领域经历的革命性见解,并相信他们的方法将取代现有的方法。 他们承认,由于涉及的复杂性,不确定其他人是否会认识到这些进步,并注意到他们领域中讨论相关概念的早期作品的存在。 作者提到了一篇不起眼的论文,展示了他们的想法在另一个领域的成功实施,但尽管存在潜在影响,但几乎没有发现广泛采用的证据。 他们对科学进步的缓慢表示沮丧,并质疑仅仅尝试新方法的有效性。 作者敦促读者支持创新者,批判性地审视现有理论,并考虑非常规方法,以避免错过有价值的发现。 最后,作者告诫不要过早地放弃有前途的想法。
I independently reinvented my entire field of research by accident, because I didn't know it existed; and I'm pretty sure I did a better job. There are a few puzzle pieces and key insights it probably would've taken me a few years (or decades) to discover, without which I couldn't demonstrate (or, if I'm being honest, know) the immense superiority of my approach, but I'm pretty sure the majority of the field is obsoleted by the ideas I've had.
Oh, look at me, I'm so clever… right? Good guess, but actually no. When I ask the right questions to my peers (outside the field), they usually propose a similar approach. (The main differences can be attributed to the fact I've thought about this for years, and they've thought about it for minutes: a few of the obvious things don't work, but then things get elegant when you replace them with ones that do.)
That must mean the time's right, then? I did suspect it was this… until I found a few dozen publications by a widely-respected expert, from half a century ago, talking about a (slightly underdeveloped, idiosyncratic) version of the approach like it was common sense, remarking that people were a lot more receptive to this idea than they used to be, but still it was not being adopted.
A minor application of this approach to a different field would completely revolutionise it (even moreso than it does my field). I briefly fantasised about doing that, before dismissing as "something to investigate later" (i.e. "a childish fantasy I haven't found the holes in yet"). But not only does that application work, it was implemented and trialled. The results were published 26 years ago, in a paper that concludes by confusedly asking why nobody was doing this. After reading the paper (which I found completely by accident while looking for something else), I felt much the same way. (Still nobody is doing it, in case you're wondering. It's been cited six times – once in its field, two years after publication, and five times in other fields in papers where it isn't really relevant.)
In physics, parts of chemistry, and parts of mathematics, there is room for revolution. I'm not sure any of the softer fields (counting mathematics qua philosophy as soft) are particularly good at being revolutionised. (Economics is particularly bad: nearly every economist knows that economics is wrong, and yet it persists.) And it's not because new ideas are slow to be adopted: at least 10% of my field's practitioners dropped everything to try to solve its Hard Problems with LLMs. (Those I know, I talked out of this, by describing – with non-rigorous theoretical arguments – what they would find. After years of work, the best result I've seen is only slightly better than the bound I predicted.)
I'm sure there's some way to solve this problem, but I don't know it. I wouldn't be surprised if the solution has been identified, written down, published, forgotten, independently reinvented, tested, found to work, published again, ignored…
I don't say this to cast aspersions on science, or the academic system; nor to blame people or institutions for their failings. This problem is well-known. It's not a matter of people being stuck in their ways: if anything, academics are too credulous, too willing to believe that things work which don't. But I don't think adjusting the "credulity" dial, or the "speed" dial, or the "try novel approaches" dial, is a solution. Science, as it stands, cannot be done faster, because the system doesn't know how.
All I'm saying is, watch out for this. Support people who think they have a better way, check the literature for interesting things (and then confirm them, if you can). Question not whether your current approaches are good, but what they actually do – and ask whether that is really what you want to be doing, or a proxy goal that everybody's lost sight of.
And if you find yourself along with your peers, dismissing something out-of-hand without having tried it, maybe don't lend your voice to the snubbing crowd. Maybe it's bogus, maybe its proponents are wrong about its merits, but it might have merits. We can't afford not to know.