Visualizing How Europe's Population Has Changed (1990-2023)

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/visualizing-how-europes-population-has-changed-1990-2023

过去三十年,全球人口增长了一半以上。 然而,不同国家的增长率差异很大。 在欧洲,许多国家尽管出生率下降,但人口却出现增长,这可归因于移民。 土耳其(+56%)和爱尔兰(+48%)等国家的居民数量超过 100 万,增幅最大。 在较小的国家中,卢森堡(+74%)、塞浦路斯(+71%)、阿塞拜疆(+43%)和安道尔(+54%)都有大幅增长。 相反,俄罗斯(-2%)、乌克兰(-28%)、白俄罗斯(-11%)、北马其顿(-11%)、爱沙尼亚(-13%)、阿尔巴尼亚(-14%)和科索沃等国家 (-14%) 面临人口下降。 这一趋势可能与苏联解体或东欧南斯拉夫战争后的大量移民有关。 据估计,这一时期有近2500万东欧人迁出,超过了捷克和匈牙利的人口总和。 这些移民往往来自政治制度和机构薄弱的地区,他们将汇款汇回家乡,但也导致货币升值并降低出口竞争力。



Between 1990 and 2023, the world population grew by more than 50%. But not all countries grew at the same rate, and some in fact, some didn’t grow at all.

Visual Capitalist's Pallavi Rao maps Europe’s population changes, color-coded by growth (green) and declines (red) in the same time period.

Data is sourced from the UN’s World Population Prospects 2024.

Western European countries have seen significant population growth, even as birth rates have fallen, indicating migration into the region.

Türkiye (+56%) and Ireland (+48%) have registered the most growth for countries with more than 1 million people.

Country ISO Code 1990–2023
Population Change
�� Luxembourg LUX 74%
�� Cyprus CYP 71%
�� Türkiye TUR 56%
�� Andorra AND 54%
�� Iceland ISL 52%
�� Ireland IRL 48%
�� Malta MLT 45%
�� San Marino SMR 44%
�� Azerbaijan AZE 43%
�� Liechtenstein LIE 37%
�� Switzerland CHE 32%
�� Norway NOR 30%
�� Monaco MCO 28%
�� Spain ESP 23%
�� Sweden SWE 23%
�� Netherlands NLD 20%
�� UK GBR 20%
�� Austria AUT 19%
�� Belgium BEL 18%
�� France FRA 17%
�� Denmark DNK 16%
�� Finland FIN 12%
�� Germany DEU 6%
�� Slovenia SVN 6%
�� Czech Republic CZE 5%
�� Slovakia SVK 5%
�� Italy ITA 4%
�� Portugal PRT 4%
�� Montenegro MNE 2%
�� Poland POL 2%
�� Greece GRC 0%
�� Russia RUS -2%
�� Hungary HUN -7%
�� Belarus BLR -11%
�� North Macedonia MKD -11%
�� Estonia EST -13%
�� Albania ALB -14%
�� Kosovo XKX -14%
�� Serbia SRB -14%
�� Armenia ARM -17%
�� Romania ROU -17%
�� Croatia HRV -19%
�� Bulgaria BGR -23%
�� Lithuania LTU -23%
�� Bosnia &
BIH -28%
�� Ukraine UKR -28%
�� Latvia LVA -29%
�� Georgia GEO -30%
�� Moldova MDA -31%

Note: Population changes measured between July 1st 1990–2023. Figures rounded.

On the other hand, Russia and several former Soviet bloc countries have fewer people now than they did in 1990, when the Berlin Wall fell.

The Balkan countries have also seen population declines, after waves of emigration following the Yugoslav Wars.

The IMF estimates nearly 25 million Eastern Europeans left between 1990 and 2015, more than the combined population of the Czech Republic and Hungary. Their analysis found that countries with a less effective rule of law and weaker institutions saw the highest emigration rates, usually amongst the educated and skilled workers.

And though emigrants send remittances home, the money received from abroad is a double-edged sword. The IMF says that while investment and consumption have increased in Eastern Europe, currencies have also appreciated, reducing the competitiveness of exports.

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