欧盟拒绝接受“寻求关注的政治家”蒂埃里·布雷顿(Thierry Breton)威胁马斯克的信“干涉选举”
EU Disavows "Attention-Seeking Politician" Thierry Breton Over 'Electoral Interference' Letter Threatening Musk

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/eu-disavows-attention-seeking-politician-thierry-breton-over-electoral-interference

前总统唐纳德·特朗普和企业家埃隆·马斯克之间的在线直播讨论观看次数超过十亿,在一些政治团体中引起争议。 欧盟内部市场专员蒂埃里·布雷顿(Thierry Breton)致信马斯克,要求对宣扬仇恨言论、暴力或虚假信息的内容采取行动。 此举是出乎意料的,据称是在没有得到欧盟委员会其他成员(包括其主席)协调或同意的情况下做出的。 批评者认为这封信可能出于政治动机,构成对美国选举的干扰。 特朗普竞选发言人称欧盟的行为是干涉,而欧盟一名成员国则表示,这种行为违背了欧盟对民主进程和数据保护法规的关注。 局势依然复杂,双方反应激烈。



With Monday night's unfiltered discussion between Donald Trump and Elon Musk generating a reported billion views, it's no wonder the left collectively freaked out.

Not only did the Washington Post ask the White House if there was anything they could do to stop the conversation from taking place...

...The EU's Thierry Breton, the current Commissioner for Internal Market of the EU, sent a letter to Musk threatening X with punishment if they didn't crack down on "content that promotes hatred, disorder, incitement to violence, or certain instances of disinformation."

It seems that Breton’s warning to Musk has surprised many within the Commission. | Sebastien Salom-Gomis/AFP via Getty Images

Musk responded appropriately:

For the uninitiated:

Theory Fucks His Own Face After All...

In a harsh rebuke, Brussels has accused Breton of going rogue with the letter to Musk - saying he never sought approval from European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen to send the letter.

"The timing and the wording of the letter were neither co-ordinated or agreed with the president nor with the [commissioners]," the Commission said in a Tuesday statement reported by the Financial Times.

"Thierry has his own mind and way of working and thinking," said one EU official who asked not to be named.

As the Times notes (lol), "Musk responded to the letter from Breton with a meme from the 2008 film Tropic Thunder, that showed one character yelling: “Take a big step back and literally fuck your own face.”"

Politico Europe reports that four separate EU officials said that Breton's threat to Musk caught many off guard within the Commission.

"The EU is not in the business of electoral interference," said one of those officials. "DSA implementation is too important to be misused by an attention-seeking politician in search of his next big job."

Meanwhile, a Trump campaign spokesperson responded by saying "The European Union should mind their own business instead of trying to meddle in the US presidential election," while Musk later posted that he would be "happy to host" Kamala Harris for a similar discussion.

In response to Breton's letter, X CEO Linda Yaccarino said it was an "unprecedented attempt to stretch a law intended to apply in Europe to political activities in the US," while Trump campaign official Chris LaCivita said that the "European Union is attempting to meddle in the US Election," adding "They can go to hell."

Never go full Thierry...

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