到 2028 年奥运会,超过 10 万洛杉矶居民可能无家可归
Over 100,000 LA Residents Could Be Homeless By 2028 Olympics

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/over-100000-la-residents-could-be-homeless-2028-olympics

2024 年巴黎奥运会落下帷幕,让我们展望即将在美国洛杉矶举行的 2028 年夏季奥运会。 尽管最近一届奥运会因赛前被迫流离失所而受到批评,导致数千人离开避难所和临时住所,但洛杉矶的无家可归问题仍然令人担忧。 最近的一份报告显示,洛杉矶无家可归者人数是美国城市中最多的,目前有近 7 万人没有永久住所。 专家预测,到 2028 年,无家可归者人数可能会超过 100,000 人。与男性相比,长期无家可归的女性的寿命通常要短得多,大约比其他人少 35 年,而男性的预期寿命要少 28 年左右。 为了缓解危机,分析人士建议增加经济适用房供应作为减少新增病例的部分措施。 然而,复杂的审批流程和高昂的建筑成本等障碍阻碍了这一进程。 他们还呼吁制定全面战略,解决无家可归社区中弱势群体面临的各种独特挑战,包括家庭暴力受害者、药物滥用者和刑满释放人员。 对于无家可归者的确切人数,不同来源的估计有所不同。 一些媒体估计这一数字约为 30,000 人。



With the Paris 2024 Olympics having come to a close, the countdown has started once more for the next Summer Games, set to take place in Los Angeles, the United States in four years time. Despite this year’s Olympiad having been heavily criticized for the “social cleansing” that took place in the run up to the event, with thousands of people relocated from the city's encampments and squats, Statista's Anna Fleck reports that there are already questions over how LA will respond to its homelessness crisis.

A 2023 report by McKinsey & Company reveals that LA’s number of people experiencing homelessness is the highest of any city in the United States.

According to the source, approximately one in every 150 LA inhabitants, or 69,000 people, are experiencing homelessness, and figures are still growing.

As Fleck shows in the following chart, based on estimates from the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority, where 84,000 people are estimated to experience homelessness in 2024, the figure could rise above the 100,000 mark by 2028. This data is based on the calculation that for every 207 individuals who exit homelessness daily, 227 more enter it.

Infographic: Over 100,000 LA Residents Could be Homeless by 2028 Olympics | Statista

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Such crises affect all people in a society. For those experiencing homelessness directly, the impacts are of course the most severe, as according to the report, women who experience chronic homelessness can expect to see their lives cut short by an average of 35 years, while it is 28 years for men. For people living in the wider society, ripple effects are felt too as populations experiencing chronic homelessness have “historically required more spending on support services than the rest of the population”.

Increasing the stock of affordable housing is one part of the solution put forward by the McKinsey & Company analysts to at least slow the growth in homelessness, placing fewer people at risk of entering the situation in the first place. Just some of the barriers to this so far have been the complexity of the approval process as well as the high costs of construction.

The report states that a multi-pronged solution is needed to respond to this crisis of inequality, however, explaining: "building more housing is not enough on its own. Given the scale and complexity of the crisis, any solution may need tailored, large-scale coordination, the likes of which are typically seen in national-scale emergencies."

This includes recognising that different groups have different specific needs, for example, whether that’s providing support for survivors of domestic violence, or for those battling with substance use disorders or for the formerly incarcerated.

These figures are estimates and vary depending on the source. For example, NBC reports the figure could be closer to 30,000 people.

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