Gold Revaluation Is A More Responsible Money Creation Method

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/commodities/gold-revaluation-more-responsible-money-creation-method

Money Metals 的迈克·马哈雷 (Mike Maharrey) 提出了一种非常规的方法来增加美国的货币供应量 - 印刷万亿美元的铂金币,并允许美联储创造等值的美元。 尽管由于旧法律允许财政部铸造任何价值的铂金币,理论上是可行的,但这种措施将绕过国会批准,并导致巨额且不断增长的联邦债务升级,而没有解决其根源。 相反,他建议对黄金进行“重估”——政府和中央银行,包括美国财政部和美联储,正式为现有黄金储备赋予更高的价值。 一些国家和央行已经专门拨出资金用于黄金重估。 2012年,经济学家Paul Brodsky和Lee Quaintance预测,黄金重估可能会导致黄金储备在主要央行之间重新分配,从而使政府和社会债务贬值,同时使银行自身致富。 1974年,美国国务院高层就黄金重估问题进行了一场隐秘的讨论; 美国副国务卿助理托马斯·恩德斯(Thomas O. Enders)向亨利·基辛格透露,控制黄金储备赋予政府权力,使他们能够操纵货币价格和资产价值。 为了保持美元的主导地位和全球影响力,美国在此期间阻止西欧各国政府重估黄金。 尽管声称美国黄金持有量有限(约$11B),但全球大多数官方黄金都位于西欧,为这些国家在创造和控制货币储备方面提供了显着优势。 与黄金重估固有的民主化相比,美国似乎更喜欢通过发行铂金币来控制货币储备的扩张,而黄金重估所固有的民主化将使每一个拥有黄金的国家受益。



Authored by Chris Powell via Money Metals,

Last week, financial analyst Mike Maharrey of Money Metals revisited the recent dream of inflationists...

...to increase the U.S. money supply by means of the U.S. government's creation of one or two platinum coins with trillion-dollar denominations.

The idea would have the U.S. Treasury Department mint the coins and deposit them with the Federal Reserve, whereupon the Fed could create and distribute U.S. dollars matching the trillion-dollar deposits.

Since a longstanding obscure statute authorizes the Treasury to mint platinum coins of any denomination, this would be a way of increasing the U.S. money supply in a big way without addressing the stupendous and rapidly growing U.S. government debt and without obtaining approval from Congress. 

But the trillion-dollar coin idea is similar to a policy change that gold advocates long have been rooting for: a formal revaluation of gold by governments and central banks, including the U.S. Treasury and Federal Reserve.

For if the U.S. government really has full control over what it long has claimed -- a reserve of 8,133 tonnes of gold -- gold revaluation also could support a lot of money creation.

Gold researcher Jan Nieuwenhuis has been noting for months that many governments and central banks recognize the money-creation potential of gold revaluation and provide for it explicitly with gold revaluation accounts.

Back in 2012, the U.S. economists Paul Brodsky and Lee Quaintance described the potential of gold revaluation.

They even hypothesized that it was already the plan of major central banks, by which they would redistribute gold reserves among themselves and then with gold revaluation devalue government debt and society's debts generally while reliquefying themselves:

Writing in 2013 under a pen name -- Koos Jansen -- Nieuwenhuis called attention to a discussion of gold revaluation at the highest levels of the U.S. State Department in 1974, where Assistant Undersecretary of State Thomas O. Enders explained to Secretary of State Henry Kissinger that gold reserves are the crucial "reserve-creating instrument" of government.

Enders said Western European governments, having then acquired more gold than the U.S. government had, were in a position to control not only the gold price but also, through gold revaluation, the price of all currencies and assets.

Enders told Kissinger that to protect the dollar and its power in the world, the United States had to prevent Western European governments from revaluing gold and indeed had to kick gold out of the world financial system entirely. 

"It's against our interest to have gold in the system because for it to remain there it would result in it being evaluated periodically," Enders said.

"Although we have still some substantial gold holdings -- about $11 billion -- a larger part of the official gold in the world is concentrated in Western Europe. This gives them the dominant position in world reserves and the dominant means of creating reserves. We've been trying to get away from that into a system in which we can control. ..."

Read more here.

So the U.S. government might much prefer to "create reserves" via the gimmick of trillion-dollar platinum coins rather than via gold revaluation because the platinum coins would restrict an increase in reserves to the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department, while a general revaluation of gold would increase the reserves of all governments and central banks holding gold.

That is, gold revaluation would be a far more democratic mechanism of money creation and debt relief or default.

As is suggested by the slow but steady international trend away from U.S. dollars and U.S. government debt and into gold, acknowledged this week by the Japanese news service Nikkei, much of the world has caught on to the U.S. government's gold price suppression policy. GATA's work exposing the policy has had a lot to do with this.

The world has not caught on to it because of the work of mainstream financial news organizations and mainstream market analysts, who have refused to report the proof and other evidence of gold price suppression policy, which GATA has compiled here.

Those news organizations and analysts know all about gold price suppression policy because GATA repeatedly has shown them the documentation. They are corrupt, the tools of governments and big money.

But history is that the bad guys always go too far, and maybe with gold price suppression, they have gone too far already, exploiting poor, developing, commodity-producing nations for the benefit of rich nations and particularly for the benefit of the United States, whose extravagant debt is to a great extent a brutal tax on the rest of the world, a modern but little-understood form of slavery. 

For as the poet warned almost two centuries ago:

Truth forever on the scaffold, Wrong forever on the throne, Yet that scaffold sways the future, and, behind the dim unknown, Standeth God within the shadow, keeping watch above his own.

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