Trump Vows To Slash Energy Costs By Half If Elected

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/trump-vows-slash-energy-costs-half-if-elected

如果当选总统,唐纳德·特朗普打算通过取消电动汽车要求和废除“绿色能源”政策,在第一年内将能源成本削减一半。 他的重点主要在于增加美国石油和天然气产量,同时批评风能和太阳能等替代能源。 特朗普认为,如果乔·拜登当选总统,他的政策将导致能源成本大幅增加,而他声称他的做法将阻止这种上涨。 此外,特朗普将拜登的努力描述为针对能源生产的运动,特别是针对发电厂。 与此同时,拜登的能源政策与特朗普的有很大不同,这表明如果当选总统,他将继续执行当前的战略。 在一家国防工厂发表讲话时,特朗普强调美国通过国内石油和天然气生产实现能源独立,并将这些资源称为“液体黄金”。 与可再生能源相比,特朗普认为风能和太阳能效率低下且成本高昂。 特朗普认为,与拜登潜在总统任期相比,当选他将导致能源价格下降。



Authored by Charles Kennedy via OilPrice.com,

  • Donald Trump has pledged to reduce energy costs by half within his first year in office if elected.

  • Trump plans to achieve this by canceling electric car mandates and reversing green energy policies.

  • Trump's energy plan focuses on boosting U.S. oil and gas production, while criticizing wind and solar power.

GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump has promised to reduce energy costs by half by reversing current federal government policies in his first year in office if he gets elected.

Trump was speaking at an event at a defense manufacturing facility in Pennsylvania and said that if he enters the White House, during his first year he would remove future mandates for electric cars and cancel “green energy” policies, according to a report by UPI.

Trump went on to warn those in attendance that if Harris wins the presidential vote, energy costs would triple and quadruple, and the U.S. “won't be producing a drop of oil.”

He also accused the Biden administration of a “regulatory jihad to shut down power plants.”

The Biden administration indeed has a very different energy policies agenda than Trump and Harris has indicated she would stay in the transition lane if she enters the White House as president.

Trump, on the other hand, has remained a staunch supporter of what he calls U.S. energy dominance, encouraging as much oil and gas production as possible to turn the country into a self-sufficient one in terms of energy and extend its international influence through energy exports.

Last month, in an interview with Bloomberg, Trump said that if he wins he would boost U.S. oil production, calling the commodity liquid gold.

“We have more liquid gold than anybody,” Trump told the publication, adding “We need energy at low prices. The advantage we have all over almost every country including the very large ones is that we have more energy than anybody. We have more of the real energy, the energy that works,” the former president vying for another term in office said.

“Wind does not work. It’s too expensive,” said Trump, claiming that solar and wind farms are neither too good for the environment, nor too suitable to provide energy at low costs and prices.

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