随着人工智能数据中心需求激增,美国电网增加了 21 年来最大的发电容量 
America's Power Grid Adds Most Generating Capacity In 21 Years As AI Data Center Demand Surges 

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/commodities/americas-power-grid-adds-most-generating-capacity-21-years-ai-data-center-demand-surges

2024 年前 6 个月,开发商新增发电容量 20.2 吉瓦 (GW),较去年增长 21%。 这种扩张是由人工智能数据中心、返回制造流程和各种电气化项目引起的电力需求不断增长推动的。 太阳能发电占这些新增装机量的近 60%,其中德克萨斯州和佛罗里达州处于领先地位。 电池储能也经历了大幅增长,约占新增装机容量的21%。 风力涡轮机贡献了大约 12%。 尽管能源需求激增,但由于人工智能数据中心和其他电气化举措的持续高能耗,现有的煤炭和天然气发电厂仍在继续运营。 2024 年上半年,核能略有增长,佐治亚州 Vogtle 4 号机组(1,114 兆瓦)于 4 月开始运营,使其成为美国最大的核设施。 尽管目前该地点只有一座反应堆在运行。 预计到 2024 年下半年,公用事业规模发电量将增加一倍以上,达到接近 42.6 吉瓦。 瑞银表示,由于人工智能和云计算能力需求大幅增加,发达国家电力需求稳定的时代已经结束。 随着主要人工智能行业领导者致力于碳中和,可再生能源和电池存储技术可能会持续数年的强劲投资。 如果前副总统乔·拜登赢得总统选举,专注于电气化、能源效率和可持续能源的公司可能会受益。 投资机会在于与可再生能源相关的私人持有的基础设施项目,提供投资组合多样性、与通货膨胀相关的稳定回报以及与标准金融资产的相关性降低。 潜在风险包括流动性问题、持有期过长、债务和集中度风险。 总体而言,电力需求和能源输出增加的趋势似乎正在加速,特别是考虑到人工智能技术的进步。



The Energy Information Administration's Preliminary Monthly Electric Generator Inventory report released earlier this week revealed that developers and power plant owners added 20.2 gigawatts (GW) in new capacity in the first half of 2024, a 21% year-over-year rise amid increasing demand from AI data centers, reshoring trends, and other electrification trends. 

Solar power led the way, contributing 12 GW, or 59% of all new additions, with Texas and Florida accounting for 38% of the growth in the first half. Battery storage capacity also saw significant growth, with around 21% of the capacity gains. Wind power added about 12% (2.5 GW).

However, rising energy demand on power grids, from AI data centers and other electrification trends, which we outlined in "The Next AI Trade," have also slowed the retirement of coal and NatGas power generators. 

On the atomic front, nuclear power increased during the first half, with Unit 4 (1,114 MW) at Georgia's Vogtle nuclear power plant coming online in April. This makes Vogtle the largest nuclear facility in the US. Only one of the plant's reactors is operational. 

EIA forecasts that utility-scale electric generating capacity will more than double in the second half of 2024, reaching about 42.6 GW. 

Here's UBS' take on the EIA report:

The era of flat electricity demand in developed markets has ended, with large-scale AI and cloud-computing capacity driving a resurgence in demand. With many AI mega-cap leaders committed to zero emission pledges, we expect a strong multi-year cycle of investment in utility-scale renewable power generation and storage capacity. Broadly, we think companies exposed to electrification, energy efficiency, and renewable energy would fare better under a potential Harris presidency, while a Trump administration would likely favor the traditional energy sector. Given the challenges listed renewable energy investments tend to face, we suggest investors look to private infrastructure investments in renewables, which can help diversify portfolios due to their low correlation to other asset classes while providing stable income streams that are often tied to inflation. However, investors should consider the risks inherent to private markets before investing, including illiquidity, long lockup periods, leverage, and over-concentration.

What's overwhelmingly clear is that after electricity peak demand and energy growth rates fell flat for decades, that is all changing in the era of AI data centers. We have outlined the companies that will prosper in the powering up America theme.

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