我将 serde_json 字符串的速度加快了 20%
I sped up serde_json strings by 20%

原始链接: https://purplesyringa.moe/blog/i-sped-up-serde-json-strings-by-20-percent/

通过在解析字符串中查找控制字符的新颖方法将 serde\_json 速度提高 20% 2024 年 8 月,用户 @jukanukana 在 Reddit 上讨论了他们最近对 serde\_json 性能的改进。 Serde 是用于序列化和反序列化的 Rust 框架,广泛用于解析 JSON 文件。 解析 JSON 数据的一种流行选择是 serde\_json,它有 26,916 个依赖项。 尽管存在替代库,例如 simd-json,但由于 serde\_json 的流行和易用性,这些库很少被使用。 用户专注于优化错误路径,特别是相对于成功解析路径而言,格式化错误的速度较慢。 通过分析源代码,他们发现了“position_of_index”函数中的一个问题,该函数负责将字符串中的索引转换为行/列对。 该函数导致速度减慢,因为它是在格式化错误生成期间调用的,这比仅仅解析花费的时间要多得多。 所提出的解决方案涉及利用寄存器内的 SIMD (SWAR) 技术以更有效的方式处理控制字符检查任务。 结果,错误路径的处理时间大大减少,使其在速度方面几乎可以与成功路径相媲美。 在提交引入此优化的拉取请求后,项目维护人员立即接受了更改。 用户继续寻找其他领域来应用类似的优化,以实现进一步的改进。



I sped up serde_json strings by 20%

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I have recently done some performance work and realized that reading about my experience could be entertaining. Teaching to think is just as important as teaching to code, but this is seldom done; I think something I’ve done last month is a great opportunity to draw the curtain a bit.

serde is the Rust framework for serialization and deserialization. Everyone uses it, and it’s the default among the ecosystem. serde_json is the official serde “mixin” for JSON, so when people need to parse stuff, that’s what they use instinctively. There are other libraries for JSON parsing, like simd-json, but serde_json is overwhelmingly used: it has 26916 dependents at the time of this post, compared to only 66 for simd-json.

This makes serde_json a good target (not in a Jia Tan way) for optimization. Chances are, many of those 26916 users would profit from switching to simd-json, but as long as they aren’t doing that, smaller optimizations are better than nothing, and such improvements are reapt across the ecosystem.

I have recently been working on the #[iex] library. I used serde and serde_json as benchmarks and noticed some questionable decisions in their performance-critical code while rewriting it to better suit #[iex].

#[iex] focuses on error handling, so the error path was the first thing I benchmarked. To my surprise, serde_json’s error path was more than 2x slower than the success path on the same data:

Speed (MB/s, higher is better)canadacitm_catalogtwitter
Success path283416429864275541
Error path122168135195142226

Why? Error propagation cannot be that slow. Profiling via perf reveals that the bottleneck is this innocent function:

fn position_of_index(&self, i: usize) -> Position {
    let mut position = Position { line: 1, column: 0 };
    for ch in &self.slice[..i] {
        match *ch {
            b'\n' => {
                position.line += 1;
                position.column = 0;
            _ => {
                position.column += 1;

…which is called from position() to format the error, which is documented as:

…Well. I agree that between a faster success path and a faster error path, the former wins, but taking more time than just parsing just to format an error is taking it way too far.

Can we do anything about this? position_of_index() wants to convert an index in a string to a line/column pair. To do that, we can reduce the problem to two simpler ones:

  • Count \ns in self.slice[..i]; that’s going to be the 0-based line number, and
  • Find the last \n in self.slice[..i] and subtract its position from i; that’s going to be the 1-based column number.

Searching a string for a single-character needle is a long-solved problem. In C, we use strchr for that; in Rust, we use the memchr crate. In fact, this crate also provides an optimized way to count occurences, which we need for the first subproblem.

memchr uses SIMD in both cases, so it’s a lot faster than a naive loop. Indeed, replacing the implementation above with:

fn position_of_index(&self, i: usize) -> Position {
    let start_of_line = match memchr::memrchr(b'\n', &self.slice[..i]) {
        Some(position) => position + 1,
        None => 0,
    Position {
        line: 1 + memchr::memchr_iter(b'\n', &self.slice[..start_of_line]).count(),
        column: i - start_of_line,

…results in a great improvement:

Speed (MB/s, higher is better)canadacitm_catalogtwitter
Success path283416429864275541
Error path (memchr)216376238736210492

The error path is still slower than the success path, but the difference is a lot less prominent now.

I submitted a PR introducing this optimization and wondered if it’s going to be merged. After all, serde_json has very few dependencies, and dtolnay seems to focus on build times, so would a PR adding a new dependency make it?

To my shock, the PR was quickly merged! Not a bad first contribution.

dtolnay advised me to look for other places where a similar optimization could be applied, so that’s what I did. (I can’t overestimate how helpful he was to me during this endeavor.)

The first place I found is this loop in string parsing:

while self.index self.slice.len() && !ESCAPE[self.slice[self.index] as usize] {
    self.index += 1;

What we want here is to find the first non-escape character. “Escape” characters are \ (for obvious reasons) and " (because it marks the end of the string), but also all ASCII codes up to and including 0x1F, because the JSON specification forbids control codes in strings (so e.g. "line 1\nline 2" is valid JSON, but replacing the \n with a literal newline invalidates it).

If all I needed was to find the first \ or ", the memchr2 function provided by memchr would suffice. But I need something more complicated, so how am I supposed to go about it?

Looking for escape

The first idea dtolnay and I had wasn’t a good one, and it touches a tangential topic, but I still think it’s important to discuss to learn how to not make the same mistake.

The idea was:

  • Use memchr2 to find the first \ or ", and after that
  • Go through the string character-by-character to ensure there are no control characters.

The idea was that offloading the search for \ and " to a faster algorithm would improve the performance overall.

In reality, this turned out to be slower than the original code, because looping over the string twice, quickly and then slowly, is always bound to be worse than looping over the string once, just as slowly. Sure, a byte comparison (ch ) is a little bit faster than a memory access (ESCAPE[...]), but that effect is quickly offset by using two passes (and thus increasing memory bandwidth) instead of one.

It turns out that dtolnay based his intuition on a post that studied various implementations of the standard C strlcpy function and found that a two-pass algorithm is faster than a single-pass algorithm. So what went wrong there?

strlcpy(char *dst, const char *src, size_t size) copies a string from src to dst, truncating it to at most size - 1 characters. The 1 byte is reserved for the always-added null terminator. The competing implementations were (adding the terminating NUL byte is irrelevant, so not listed here):

  • Single-pass: perform *dst++ = *src++ at most size - 1 times, until *src is a NUL byte, and
  • Two-pass: compute len = strlen(src), then call memcpy(dst, src, min(len, size - 1)).

The two-pass algorithm was faster because strlen and memcpy were calls to SIMD-optimized glibc routines, but the loop of the single-pass algorithm was scalar. The author realized this and provided their own implementations of strlen and memcpy, pessimizing the two-pass strlcpy, so that the two algorithms were more competitive:

size_t bespoke_strlcpy(char *dst, const char *src, size_t size) {
    size_t len = 0;
    for (; src[len] != '\0'; ++len) {} 

    if (size > 0) {
        size_t to_copy = len 1;
        for (size_t i = 0; i // memcpy()
            dst[i] = src[i];
        dst[to_copy] = '\0';
    return len;

GCC can easily detect such loops and replace them with glibc calls, so the author also explicitly disabled this with -fno-builtin. Even like this, the two-pass algorithm was still faster than a single-pass one.

However, one detail wasn’t explicit. -fno-builtin does not disable all memcpy-related optimizations: the memcpy-like loop can still be vectorized, and that’s what GCC did to bespoke_strlcpy. So the author was actually comparing scalar strlen (check for NUL, loop) + vectorized memcpy (check for size, loop) to scalar strlcpy (check for NUL, check for size, loop).

Disabling vectorization with -fno-tree-vectorize makes the two-pass algorithm slower, as it should be, because now we’re comparing two loops (check for NUL, loop; check for size, loop) to one loop (check for NUL, check for size, loop), and the latter is faster because it puts less pressure on the branch predictor and has fewer memory accesses.

The lesson here is that vectorization is king, but vectorizing the simpler half of the code while the leaving the complex one scalar is not going to provide any improvements. So if we want to optimize this, we have to use SIMD for both parts.

The original approach thus morphed into:

  • Use memchr2 to find the first \ or ", and after that
  • Use hand-written SIMD to ensure there are no control characters.

We would need to reinvent the wheel, but this is quite neat if you think about it. In the success path, we find positions of \ and ", but we only check the absence of control codes. So we can avoid a conditional branch in the hot loop, by replacing this:

for simd_word in to_simd_words(data):
    if any(simd_word 0x20):

…with this:

mask = False
for simd_word in to_simd_words(data):
    mask |= simd_word 0x20
if any(mask):

However, we quickly realized that this was a losing battle. We would slow down short strings by invoking a (runtime-selected!) function to search for \ and ", but we would pessimize longer strings by reading memory twice too. We needed something better.

We really needed to search for \, ", and control codes in one pass.

But I tried hard to keep serde_json as simple as it was. I don’t usually care about code complexity in my projects, but something another person has to maintain should preferably be as uninvasive as possible. This made separately implementing SIMD for different platforms a no-go.

However, there is one technique people used before common processors supported SIMD natively. Instead of processing 128-bit words, we could process 64-bit words, using bitwise operations to simulate per-element behavior. This idea is called SIMD Within A Register, or SWAR for short. To give a simple example, converting 8 Latin letters stored in a 64-bit word to lowercase is as easy as computing x | 0x2020202020202020.

What I wanted to do is search for a control character in an 64-bit word, implicitly split into 8 bytes.

The way this works is that for c: i8, the condition we’re looking for is c >= 0 && c , which can be rewritten as c >= 0 && c - 0x20 . This just checks that the sign bit of c is 0 and the sign bit of c - 0x20 is 1, which is equivalent to !c & (c - 0x20) & 0x80 != 0.

So for 8 packed bytes, we compute !c & (c - 0x2020202020202020) & 0x8080808080808080. If it’s 0, great, no control character. If it’s non-zero, we find the least significant non-zero byte in the mask, and that’s our first occurence of a control character.

There’s just one nuance. The c - 0x20 in c >= 0 && c - 0x20 is a wrapping subtraction, but performing a 64-bit subtraction can propagate carry/borrow between bytes. This is, however, not a problem: the borrow can only be propagated from a byte if it’s less than 0x20, and only to more significant bytes. We only wish to find the least significant control byte, so we don’t care if it corrupts more significant bytes.

This, of course, only works on little-endian machines. On big-endian machines, c has to be bytereversed.

What about matching \ (and ") though? The condition for \ is as simple as c ^ b'\\' >= 0 && c ^ b'\\' ; this is just the formula above with 0x20 replaced with 0x01. The cherry on top is that b'\\' doesn’t have the sign bit set, so c ^ b'\\' >= 0 is equivalent to c >= 0.

All in all, the formula simplifies to:

& (
    (c - 0x2020202020202020)
    | ((c ^ (b'\\' * 0x0101010101010101)) - 0x0101010101010101)
    | ((c ^ (b'"' * 0x0101010101010101)) - 0x0101010101010101)
& 0x8080808080808080

This is 9 bitwise operations (counting a & !b as one instead of two). For comparison, this would require 7 SIMD operations on x86, so that’s quite close to what we’d get from SIMD, just with 2x or 4x smaller throughput, depending on whether AVX is available.

But for short strings, throughput doesn’t matter. Latency does. Maybe I made a mistake while trying out different variations, but this SWAR code was more efficient than “real” SIMD code on json-benchmark, probably because of this effect. Whatever the reason, this is the code we settled on eventually.

Whenever you optimize something by unrolling a loop or using SIMD, a good question to ponder is whether the array is long enough to profit from this. For example, using SIMD to find the length of a 0-16 byte string in a branchless way is neat, but can easily lose to the simplest strlen implementation if the strings are usually just 3 bytes long.

Something similar happened here. For strings of around 5 characters, the SWAR approach became slower than scalar code. We decided that regressing such very short strings is a worthwhile investment if we get faster code in other cases.

However, there is one very common short string – the empty string "". Also, due to a technicality, a similar regression applied to strings with consecutive escapes, e.g. \r\n or \uD801\uDC37, which is a really common sight in Unicode-ridden data. We certainly don’t want to regress that. The fix is simple: just check if the very first character is an escape before entering the SWAR loop.

All in all, the improvements we got are this:

Speed (MB/s, higher is better)canadacitm_catalogtwitter

citm_catalog DOM is quite flickery, so in the end there aren’t even regressions on json-benchmark. There is one other regression though: empty strings still take a bit longer to parse, but the slowdown is luckily within 2% on a very specific microbenchmark.

When lexing becomes complicated

What else about Unicode, by the way? serde_json can parse Unicode in both decoded and encoded formats, e.g. "🥺" and "\ud83e\udd7a". While raw Unicode is trivial to parse, decoding \u escapes is a more complicated topic.

Can’t you just parse four hex digits and that’s it? Well, sort of. Number parsing is really hard, and it might surprise you how generic and complex some algorithms are.

Parsing a hex digit requires mapping disjoint intervals '0'..='9', 'A'..='F', 'a'..='f' to 0..16. You could use conditionals for that:

match c {
    b'0'..=b'9' => c - b'0',
    b'A'..=b'F' => c - b'A' + 10,
    b'a'..=b'f' => c - b'a' + 10,
    _ => return Err(..),

…or branchless algorithms, which the Rust standard library does.

But nothing beats a LUT.

static HEX: [u8; 256] = {
    const __: u8 = 255; 
        __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, 
        __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, 
        __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, 
        00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, __, __, __, __, __, __, 
        __, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, 
        __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, 
        __, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, 
        __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, 
        __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, 
        __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, 
        __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, 
        __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, 
        __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, 
        __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, 
        __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, 
        __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, 

fn decode_hex_val(val: u8) -> Optionu16> {
    let n = HEX[val as usize] as u16;
    if n == 255 {
    } else {

This is what serde_json used to utilize, and it actually worked pretty well (better than std, anyway: std has to be generic over radix, serde_json doesn’t have to). This function would then be used like this:

let mut n = 0;
for _ in 0..4 {
    n = (n 4) + decode_hex_val(self.slice[self.index])?;
    self.index += 1;

That’s at least 3 shls and 3 adds, with quite a few movs, cmps with 255, and conditional jumps inbetween. We can do better.

Let’s start by removing the ? on each iteration. That’s quite simple. Instead of storing HEX as a [u8; 256] array, we can store it as a [u32; 256] array, mapping __ to u32::MAX. No valid digit has the high 16 bits set, so we can easily figure out if some digit was invalid after the loop:

let mut n = 0;
for _ in 0..4 {
    n = (n 4) + HEX[self.slice[self.index] as usize];
    self.index += 1;
ensure!(n >= 65536, "Invalid Unicode escape");
let n = n as u16;

Saving memory (and thus cache!) by using u16 instead of u32 looks impossible, because a u16::MAX = 0xFFFF in the leading digit would quickly get shifted to 0xFxxx in n, and at that point you can’t disambiguate between a valid codepoint and an invalid digit.

Or is it? Here’s a trick Yuki invented. We can map __ to u16::MAX, but also replace n with n.rotate_left(4) and addition with bitwise OR:

let mut n = 0;
for _ in 0..4 {
    n = n.rotate_left(4) | HEX[self.slice[self.index] as usize];
    self.index += 1;

If all hex digits are valid, nothing’s changed, n is still our codepoint. Rotation is exactly as efficient as shifts on x86, so no issues performance-wise either. But if some hex digit is invalid, it’s going to “infect” n, setting it to 0xFFFF, and the next iterations will keep yielding 0xFFFF. Unicode defines U+FFFF as a codepoint that does not signify a character, meaning that it’s extremely unlikely to be used in realistic data, so we can just branch on n == 0xFFFF afterwards and re-check if we should emit an error or the JSON genuinely contained a \uFFFF. Isn’t that neat?

Just as I was writing this post I realized that this is a classical case of overengineering. The 0xFFFF only gets shifted out if we compute the codepoint in 16-bit arithmetic. But we aren’t in the stone age; we have 32-bit integers! Let’s store HEX as [i8; 256], with -1 stands for an invalid digit. Then

let mut n = 0;
for _ in 0..4 {
    n = (n 4) | HEX[self.slice[self.index] as usize] as i32;
    self.index += 1;

…will produce a non-negative number on success and a negative number on failure. The seemingly operational as i32 turns out to be a no-op because x86 fuses a memory load and a sign extension into one movsx instruction.

What I like about signed numbers is that most processors have a single instruction to branch on sign. Instead of cmp r, imm; je label, we can just do js label in most cases. This does not usually affect performance on modern CPUs, but hey, at least it looks prettier.

Shifts increase latency. Latency bad. Alisa want no latency.

Luckily, this is easy to fix by introducing two tables instead of one: HEX0, which is HEX cast to [i16; 256], and HEX1, which is HEX cast to [i16; 256] but also left-shifted by 4. This allows the loop to be unrolled very clearly and is the final hex-decoding implementation.

fn decode_four_hex_digits(a: u8, b: u8, c: u8, d: u8) -> Optionu16> {
    let a = HEX1[a as usize] as i32;
    let b = HEX0[b as usize] as i32;
    let c = HEX1[c as usize] as i32;
    let d = HEX0[d as usize] as i32;

    let codepoint = ((a | b) 8) | c | d;

    if codepoint >= 0 {
        Some(codepoint as u16)
    } else {

Overall, this increased the performance of parsing JSON-encoded War and Peace in Russian from 284 MB/s to 344 MB/s, resulting in a 21% improvement.


After the last optimization, the bottleneck of Unicode string parsing shifted to UTF-8 encoding.

This is funny, because UTF-8 is supposed to be really simple. To give a quick reminder, UTF-8 encodes codepoints in one of the following ways:

  • 1 byte: 0xxxxxxx
  • 2 bytes: 110xxxxx 10xxxxxx
  • 3 bytes: 1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
  • 4 bytes: 11110xxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx

The xs signify the bits of a codepoint; the shortest representation long enough to fit all the bits is used. All codepoints fit in 21 bits.

Rust’s standard library implements UTF-8 encoding by providing, among other functions, char::encode_utf8 to store the char encoding to a buffer. There is, however, one minor inconvenience. The signature of the method is

fn encode_utf8(self, dst: &mut [u8]) -> &mut str;

…which means that it writes to a buffer that already stores valid u8s. You can’t just create an uninitialized buffer and put UTF-8 there; you need to initialize (e.g. zero-initialize) it in advance.

The assumption here is that the optimizer is smart enough to optimize out zeroization. This would be true in other cases, but UTF-8 is a variable-length encoding. If you zeroed more bytes than encode_utf8 would place, zeroization would be wrong to optimize out. So you need to zeroize a variable amount of bytes. But the semantics become too complicated to capture accurately for LLVM here, so it just drops the ball.

So serde_json used another approach:

scratch.extend_from_slice(c.encode_utf8(&mut [0u8; 4]).as_bytes());

[0u8; 4] is a local variable, so zeroing more bytes than necessary shouldn’t be a problem because aliasing analysis should help with this. Which is kind of true in theory.

In practice, something horrendous happens instead. Remember how LLVM drops the ball on variable-length zeroization? Well, it drops the ball on a variable-length copy too. Vec::extend_from_slice needs to copy 1 to 4 bytes from the local buffer to heap, so LLVM invokes glibc’s memcpy to do that. Wonderful.

The best way to avoid calls to memset and memcpy turned out to be generating UTF-8 manually. This is trivial algorithm-wise, but requires unsafety, so I was initially somewhat scared of that, but I had to submit.

Together with a few other minor modifications, this further increased performance on War and Peace to 374 MB/s (+9%).

Final results

All in all, my work improved serde_json performance on various string-heavy JSON benchmarks by 10%, 23%, and 32%. A lot of JSON data contains many strings, so I believe that this will benefit the ecosystem in the long run.

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