Macgregor: America's Reckoning With Reality

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/macgregor-americas-reckoning-reality

美国正面临通货膨胀、犯罪率上升和道德沦丧等诸多挑战。 过去三年食品价格上涨了21%,抵押贷款利率翻了一番,房租价格上涨,拐卖儿童事件时有报道。 由于离婚、单亲家庭陷入困境、吸毒、高自杀率和法治薄弱等因素,许多美国人对社会状况持负面看法。 这导致了对机构、法院和军队的怀疑,以及公民的绝望和疏远感。 批评者认为,身份政治已经在美国政治舞台的结构中根深蒂固,造成分裂并侵蚀国家团结。 一些人担心移民政策对文化完整性的影响,并对政治精英在充实自己的同时对这些问题漠不关心表示担忧。 开放边界和“一票一票”而不是“一人一票”,以及对外国劳工的日益依赖,都被视为对民族认同的威胁。 教育的持续政治化和激进思想的推广,例如在学校对儿童进行性化,进一步加剧了保守派的不安。 政府承诺提供遥不可及的福利,例如免学费教育、医疗保健和住房,但缺乏明确的资助计划。 国债和偿还国债的财政负担逐年增加。 人们越来越怀疑总统候选人对这些问题的认识和反应,一些人指责政治机构 - 被称为统一党 - 将自身利益和个人利益置于普通美国人的需求之上。 一些批评者认为,民族认同的侵蚀是美国非国家化、将公民转变为顺从的消费者并淡化美国传统价值观重要性的刻意努力的一部分。



Authored by Colonel Douglas Macgregor (ret.) via TheAmericanConservative.com,

The Republican and Democratic National Conventions, always heavy on glamor and light on substance, are over. It’s time to move beyond sloganeering and address reality.

In the United States, the price of food is up 21 percent in three years. Thirty-year mortgage rates were 3.7 percent; they are now 7 percent. Rents are skyrocketing, car loan delinquencies are rising and, last year, there were at least 150,000 reports of American children going missing in what is becoming a child-trafficking emergency.

Millions of Americans think that our society is experiencing a moral collapse. Divorce is widespread, single parents struggle to raise children, drug abuse is rampant, suicide rates are high, and the rule of law is collapsing across the country.

Is it really a surprise that Americans doubt their institutions, their courts, even the leadership of their own armed forces? Americans feel disconnected from their collective, national identity. Shamed into isolation and self-hatred under the oppressive weight of mass-media, pop-culture, and official deceit, Americans feel helpless to stop their freefall into nihilism—the belief in nothing, not justice or beauty, no divine influence, just nothing.  

Americans feel like their homeland is being transformed into a wasteland. More and more Americans think that taxation without representation is the norm in all 50 states, not just in DC. Voting for one or another of the major parties, Democrats or Republicans, does little to arrest the nation’s descent into chaos.

What does Washington’s ruling political class of so-called Democrats and Republicans, hereafter referred to as the Uniparty, think?

Frankly, the Uniparty does not care.

While American wages declined, and jobs dried up Washington’s ruling political class grew rich from insider deals and cronyism. Since January 2021, America’s 750 billionaires have increased their wealth by $1.5 trillion. Like the political figures the billionaires pick to run the government, including 5,000 political appointees, they have no “skin in the game.”

The Uniparty celebrates trashy, degenerate events like the opening ceremony for the Olympics in Paris. Americans who object to the degradation of Christianity and Western values and beliefs are dismissed as bigots, extremists, or White Christian Nationalists.

Americans want to know what is happening to their country. Americans want to know why they are living in a world where the ugly pretend to be beautiful and the beautiful are being brainwashed to think that they are ugly.

Part of the answer is that the politics of identity are no longer just a campaign strategy. They are now a reality, a permanent feature of America’s political landscape.

Why else would General C.Q. Brown, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, complain that the U.S. Armed Forces have too many white pilots? Anyone who thinks that the federal programs for diversity, inclusion, and equity are sincere and mean anything other than hatred for our country and the generations of Americans that fought and died for it is extremely naive. It’s like suggesting the Ku Klux Klan was pro-civil rights in the 1960s.

Thanks to open borders, a system of “one ballot, one vote” is replacing “one citizen, one vote.” Thanks to this system of institutionalized fraud, Americans can expect the Uniparty’s new crop of illegal foreign “voters,” a mix of future dependents, lawbreakers, low-skilled workers, to show up on November 5 and vote to decide America’s future. These are also the masses of foreigners, with no ties to our society, that the ruling class wants to staff our armed forces.

Why would the Uniparty inflict this damage on the American People?

The Uniparty knows that, without common identity or kinship, democracy is replaced with tribal anarchy, a societal condition that leads to nihilism, drug abuse, criminality, and worse.  

The goal is painfully obvious. It is the denationalization of the United States, the fundamental destruction of national identity and the social cohesion that supports it. The process involves the conversion of Americans into an amorphous mass of sedated consumers. The transformation of the U. S. Armed Forces into mercenary military formations staffed by illegal migrants is an enormously important step in the direction of denationalization.

After all, before Americans won their independence, their national identity rested on the shoulders of the Continental Army. If General Washington could hold the Continental Army together despite fearful odds, our country and its governing body—congress—existed.  The Continental Army was, and today’s Armed Forces still are, the repository of American national Identity.

The Uniparty rejects these charges. Instead, the Uniparty tells us how fortunate we are to welcome tens of millions of foreigners into our country where they will enhance our culture, society and way of life. Really, how many “Rs” are there in “fat chance?”

Meanwhile, the Uniparty promotes the sexualization of children in our public school systems. Naturally, the Uniparty pretends to care for the workingman or woman, and it promises everything to everyone for nothing in perpetuity—tuition-free college, free health care, free housing, free everything. The Uniparty is giving non-paying, illegal immigrants access to our healthcare system.

How the Uniparty will pay for these things is a question no one answers. Servicing the national debt on an annual basis already involves a sum larger than the defense budget. Are the presidential candidates aware? Do they care? For the Uniparty, none of these concerns matters. The daily life of the Uniparty is about self-enrichment, sensual pleasure, and social prestige. The Uniparty motto is “When in doubt, print more money.” 

Equally troubling is the Uniparty’s enthusiasm for war. In fact, the Uniparty sees enormous benefit to war, even to the point of turning over control of the U.S. Armed Forces to the direction of a foreign power for use in a major war that will escalate to involve other nuclear-armed powers.

But Americans are not stupid.

Americans know that open borders are not a net benefit, and they know that modern war is not a game or an event that occurs only on foreign soil. The new, emerging constellation of potential adversaries in Eastern Europe and the Middle East is no longer a loose collection of hapless opponents without armies, air forces, navies, air defenses, or persistent surveillance from seabed to space.  

President Abraham Lincoln was right: “If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide.”

The time for Americans to halt the destruction is upon us.

The question is whether Americans will remain bystanders or intervene to save the Republic.

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