Older Office Towers In Cities Face "Tsunami Of Trouble"

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/older-office-towers-cities-face-tsunami-trouble

与城市以外的办公楼相比,商业房地产(CRE)市场在城市核心区的旧办公楼面临着巨大的困难。 造成这种困境的部分原因是在高利率条件下财务要求与可获得的贷款之间存在差异,这增加了建筑业主的压力。 由于远程工作安排的日益普遍,较高的空缺率继续困扰着各个市场。 正如彭博社撰写的详细描述洛杉矶、芝加哥和波士顿等地区“僵尸”结构的文章所描述的那样,全国著名市中心地区的老摩天大楼都面临着空旷的空间。 值得注意的是,布鲁克菲尔德(Brookfield)、黑石(Blackstone)和喜达屋资本集团(Starwood Capital Group)等大房东已经放弃了这些旧房产。 根据 MSCI 提供的当前数据,大都市地区的写字楼资产价值下降了约 52%,其中旧金山、曼哈顿、华盛顿特区和波士顿受到的打击最为严重。 在 2019 年至 2023 年间,由于需求减少,美国办公室的价值大约消失了 5000 亿美元(5,570 亿美元),主要影响的是较旧的建筑项目。 美国只有大约 2% 的大楼可以被列为精英大楼,其租金收入比业内其他大楼高出 84%。 与城市地区其他地方的同类建筑相比,市中心优质物业的租金增长速度较慢。 相反,中央商务区的写字楼租金增长缓慢。 这些趋势表明历史市中心地区的经济活力下降,表明它们可能需要拆除和重建。 据报道,巴尔的摩一栋陈旧办公楼的业主在拍卖过程中仅以 440 万美元的价格出售,反映了该特定地点商业区的价格下跌。 专家认为,这种情况构成了真正的房地产市场低迷,而不仅仅是局部房地产价值的下降。 Stifel Financial 等知名财富管理公司正在将业务转移到垂死的城市商业区之外新开发的、更安全的设施。 高盛分析师维奈·维斯瓦纳坦 (Vinay Viswanathan) 预测,商业房地产衰退周期可能会结束,理由是商业地产估值前景有所改善。 然而,橡树资本管理公司顾问 Rebel Cole 表示,商业地产的困境可能还会进一步发展,类似于过去的危机,例如储蓄贷款灾难和金融危机。



Commercial real estate market challenges are more severe for older office towers in downtown metro areas than those outside city centers. The mismatch between funding needs and available credit in a high-interest-rate environment has also intensified the strain on building owners, as elevated tower vacancy rates persist across many markets due to the ongoing trend of remote work becoming the norm. 

Bloomberg penned a CRE note on aging business districts from Los Angeles to Chicago to Boston of zombie towers with high vacancy rates that have no use in today's economy. 

Big landlords, including Brookfield, Blackstone, and Starwood Capital Group, have walked away from older downtown towers in recent quarters.

The latest data from MSCI shows office values in metro areas have crashed 52% from their highs. Some of the worst declines have occurred in San Francisco, Manhattan, Washington, and Boston.

Source: Bloomberg

Between 2019 and 2023, about $557 billion of value evaporated from US offices due to a multi-year slide in demand, with older towers quickly falling out of favor with companies, according to an estimate by economists at Columbia and New York universities. CBRE Group noted that only 2% of towers in the US are considered top-tier, with rents 84% higher than the rest of the market. 

Data from brokerage Savills shows office rents in business districts have grown slower than rents for similar buildings outside metro areas. 

Source: Bloomberg

The move to new towers highlights how, for decades, the bubbles in legacy downtown districts, fueling economies, have ended for now, and older towers will have to be torn down.

According to Ruth Colp-Haber, chief executive officer of Wharton Property Advisors, a New York brokerage, landlords of old towers are falling under severe pressure because finding financing in today's high-rate environment for renovations is extremely tough.

"What we have left are older buildings, many in AAA locations, but facing a tsunami of trouble," she said, adding, "It used to be there was plenty of business to go around. Now it's a zero-sum game."

X user Triple Net Investor provided color on an office tower in crime-ridden Baltimore City that sold at auction for only $4.4 million. The tower was built in the 1960s in a business district that has seen tower prices collapse over the last several years. 

Following a series of our reports highlighting the crash in tower prices in the Inner Harbor area, under the old leadership of the Baltimore Sun, the paper tried to convince everyone, "Drop in downtown Baltimore real estate values not a crisis." 

To be very frank. It's a crisis. Democrats running the crime-ridden metro area are delusional and blinded by their woke religion as the city's population recently crashed to a 100-year low, and violent crime remains a major issue.

We've had conversations with multiple folks at wealth management and investment banking firm Stifel Financial about the latest shift of operations outside the dying business district to a new tower in a much safer and newer district. At first, Stifel contemplated leaving the city for the suburbs because far-left Democrats in City Hall could not enforce law and order.

In a recent note, Goldman's Vinay Viswanathan told clients some welcoming news about where the CRE downcycle could potentially be... "From a macro perspective, we think commercial property valuations are getting closer to their bottom." 

Let's not forget the comments from Rebel Cole, a finance professor at Florida Atlantic University who advises Oaktree Capital Management, who warned early last month, "Compared with the Savings & Loans crisis and 2008, we're still in the first or second innings" when it comes to distressed CRE assets.

Come on, Jerome Powell, the CRE market needs some sizeable interest rate cuts.

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