
原始链接: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41375548

在本文中,研究人员使用名为“Stable Diffusion v1.4”的扩散模型来创建与经典游戏“DOOM”中的场景类似的图像。 他们通过在游戏的数百万帧上训练人工智能模型来实现这一目标。 关键的创新是在初始帧中添加高斯噪声,并引导人工智能逐渐减少噪声并揭示底层帧。 该技术允许模型在多个帧之间保持稳定性并生成长图像序列。 作者声称这种方法为创建整个小说游戏打开了大门。 然而,批评者质疑这项技术是否真正抓住了传统游戏设计的本质,并认为它只是创建了一系列静态图像,而不了解游戏机制。 此外,人们还担心运行模型所需的计算能力以及与使用专有游戏资产相关的潜在版权问题。 总体而言,本文强调了将人工智能技术应用于游戏创作的令人兴奋的可能性,但也提出了有关这个快速发展领域的局限性和道德考虑的有效问题。



So, this is surprising. Apparently there’s more cause, effect, and sequencing in diffusion models than what I expected, which would be roughly ‘none’. Google here uses SD 1.4, as the core of the diffusion model, which is a nice reminder that open models are useful to even giant cloud monopolies.

The two main things of note I took away from the summary were: 1) they got infinite training data using agents playing doom (makes sense), and 2) they added Gaussian noise to source frames and rewarded the agent for ‘correcting’ sequential frames back, and said this was critical to get long range stable ‘rendering’ out of the model.

That last is intriguing — they explain the intuition as teaching the model to do error correction / guide it to be stable.

Finally, I wonder if this model would be easy to fine tune for ‘photo realistic’ / ray traced restyling — I’d be super curious to see how hard it would be to get a ‘nicer’ rendering out of this model, treating it as a doom foundation model of sorts.

Anyway, a fun idea that worked! Love those.

> Apparently there’s more cause, effect, and sequencing in diffusion models than what I expected

To temper this a bit, you may want to pay close attention to the demo videos. The player rarely backtracks, and for good reason - the few times the character does turn around and look back at something a second time, it has changed significantly (the most noticeable I think is the room with the grey wall and triangle sign).

This falls in line with how we'd expect a diffusion model to behave - it's trained on many billions of frames of gameplay, so it's very good at generating a plausible -next- frame of gameplay based on some previous frames. But it doesn't deeply understand logical gameplay constraints, like remembering level geometry.

I reminds me of dreaming. When you do something and turn back to check it has turned into something completely different.

edit: someone should train it on MyHouse.wad

That's absolutely true. It's also well-established by Simons et al. and others that healthy normal adults maintain only a very sparse visual representation of their surroundings, anchored but not perfectly predicted by attention, and this drives the unattended gorilla phenomenon (along with many others). I don't work in this domain, but I would suggest that object permanence probably starts with attending and perceiving an object, whereas the inattentional or change blindness phenomena mostly (but not exclusively) occur when an object is not attended (or only briefly attended) or attention is divided by some competing task.

Not exactly, but our representation of what's behind us is a lot more sparse than we would assume. That is, I might not be surprised by what I see when I turn around, but it could have changed pretty radically since I last looked, and I might not notice. In fact, an observer might be quite surprised that I missed the change.

Objectively, Simons and Chabris (and many others) have a lot of data to support these ideas. Subjectively, I can say that these types of tasks (inattentional blindness, change blindness, etc.) are humbling.

Well, it's a bit of a spoiler to encounter this video in this context, but this is a very good video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRFMuGBP15U

Even having a clue why I'm linking this, I virtually guarantee you won't catch everything.

And even if you do catch everything... the real thing to notice is that you had to look. Your brain does not flag these things naturally. Dreams are notorious for this sort of thing, but even in the waking world your model of the world is much less rich than you think. Magic tricks like to hide in this space, for instance.

The opposite - if you turn around and there's something that wasn't there the last time - you'll likely not notice if it's not out of place. You'll just assume it was there and you weren't paying attention.

We don't memorize things that the environment remembers for us if they aren't relevant for other reasons.

If a generic human glances at an unfamiliar screen/wall/room, can they accurately, pixel-perfectly reconstruct every single element of it? Can they do it for every single screen they have seen in their entire lives?

I never said pixel perfect, but I would be surprised if whole objects , like flaming lanterns suddenly appeared.

What this demo demonstrates to me is how incredible willing we are to accept what seems familiar to us as accurate.

I bet if you look closely and objectively you will see even more anomalies. But at first watch, I didn’t see most errors because I think accepting something is more efficient for the brain.

You'd likely be surprised by a flaming lantern unless you were in Flaming Lanterns 'R Us, but if you were watching a video of a card trick and the two participants changed clothes while the camera wasn't focused on them, you may well miss that and the other five changes that came with that.

Work which exaggerates the blindness.

The people were told to focus very deeply on a certain aspect of the scene. Maintaining that focus means explicitly blocking things not related to that focus. Also, there is social pressure at the end to have peformed well at the task; evaluating them on a task which is intentionally completely different than the one explicitly given is going to bias people away from reporting gorillas.

And also, "notice anything unusual" is a pretty vague prompt. No-one in the video thought the gorillas were unusual, so if the PEOPLE IN THE SCENE thought gorillas were normal, why would I think they were strange? Look at any TV show, they are all full of things which are pretty crazy unusual in normal life, yet not unusual in terms of the plot.

Why would you think the gorillas were unusual?

I understand what you mean. I believe that the authors would contend that what you're describing is a typical attentional state for an awake/aware human: focused mostly on one thing, and with surprisingly little awareness of most other things (until/unless they are in turn attended).

Furthermore, even what we attend to isn't always represented with all that much detail. Simons has a whole series of cool demonstration experiments where they show that they can swap out someone you're speaking with (an unfamiliar conversational partner like a store clerk or someone asking for directions), and you may not even notice [0]. It's rather eerie.

[0]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWSxSQsspiQ&t=5s

I saw a longer video of this that Ethan Mollick posted and in that one, the sequences are longer and they do appear to demonstrate a fair amount of consistency. The clips don't backtrack in the summary video on the paper's home page because they're showing a number of district environments but you only get a few seconds of each.

If I studied the longer one more closely, I'm sure inconsistencies would be seen but it seemed able to recall presence/absence of destroyed items, dead monsters etc on subsequent loops around a central obstruction that completely obscured them for quite a while. This did seem pretty odd to me, as I expected it to match how you'd described it.

Yes it definitely is very good for simulating gameplay footage, don't get me wrong. Its input for predicting the next frame is not just the previous frame, it has access to a whole sequence of prior frames.

But to say the model is simulating actual gameplay (i.e. that a person could actually play Doom in this) is far fetched. It's definitely great that the model was able to remember that the gray wall was still there after we turned around, but it's untenable for actual gameplay that the wall completely changed location and orientation.

> it's untenable for actual gameplay that the wall completely changed location and orientation.

It would in an SCP-themed game. Or dreamscape/Inception themed one.

Hell, "you're trapped in Doom-like dreamscape, escape before you lose your mind" is a very interesting pitch for a game. Basically take this Doom thing and make walking though a specific, unique-looking doorway from the original game to be the victory condition - the player's job would be to coerce the model to generate it, while also not dying in the Doom fever dream game itself. I'd play the hell out of this.

(Implementation-wise, just loop in a simple recognition model to continously evaluate victory condiiton from last few frames, and some OCR to detect when player's hit points indicator on the HUD drops to zero.)

(I'll happily pay $100 this year to the first project that gets this to work. I bet I'm not the only one. Doesn't have to be Doom specifically, just has to be interesting.)

MyHouse is excellent, but it mostly breaks our perception of what the Doom engine is capable of by not really using the Doom engine. It leans heavily on engine features which were embellishments by the GZDoom project, and never existed in the original Doom codebase.

To be honest, I agree! That would be an interesting gameplay concept for sure.

Mainly just wanted to temper expectations I'm seeing throughout this thread that the model is actually simulating Doom. I don't know what will be required to get from here to there, but we're definitely not there yet.


Fun variant: give it hidden state by doing the offscreen scratch pixel buffer thing, but not grading its content in training. Train the model as before, grading on the "onscreen" output, and let it keep the side channel to do what it wants with. It'd be interesting to see what way it would use it, what data it would store, and how it would be encoded.

But does it need to be frame-based?

What if you combine this with an engine in parallel that provides all geometry including characters and objects with their respective behavior, recording changes made through interactions the other model generates, talking back to it?

A dialogue between two parties with different functionality so to speak.

(Non technical person here - just fantasizing)

> DOOM ran great on an Intel 486

It always blew my mind how well it worked on a 33 Mhz 486. I'm fairly sure it ran at 30 fps in 320x200. That gives it just over 17 clock cycles per pixel, and that doesn't even include time for game logic.

My memory could be wrong, though, but even if it required a 66 Mhz to reach 30 fps, that's still only 34 clocks per pixel on an architecture that required multiple clocks for a simple integer add instruction.

The environment and everything in it.

“Everything” would mean all objects and the elements they’re made of, their rules on how they interact and decay.

A modularized ecosystem i guess, comprised of “sub-systems” of sorts.

The other model, that provides all interaction (cause for effect) could either be run artificially or be used interactively by a human - opening up the possibility for being a tree : )

This all would need an interfacing agent that in principle would be an engine simulating the second law of thermodynamics and at the same time recording every state that has changed and diverged off the driving actor’s vector in time.

Basically the “effects” model keeping track of everyones history.

In the end a system with an “everything” model (that can grow overtime), a “cause” model messing with it, brought together and documented by the “effect” model.

(Again … non technical person, just fantasizing) : )

That is kind of cool though, I would play like being lost in a dream.

If on the backend you could record the level layouts in memory you could have exploration teams that try to find new areas to explore.

Small objects like powerups appear and disappear as the player moves (even without backtracking), the ammo count is constantly varying, getting shot doesn't deplete health or armor, etc.

Even purely going forward, specks on wall textures morph into opponents and so on. All the diffusion-generated videos I’ve seen so far have this kind of unsettling feature.

So for the next iteration, they should add a minimap overlay (perhaps on a side channel) - it should help the model give more consistent output in any given location. Right now, the game is very much like a lucid dream - the universe makes sense from moment to moment, but without outside reference, everything that falls out of short-term memory (few frames here) gets reimagined.

I don't see this as something that would be hard to overcome. Sora for instance has already shown the ability for a diffusion model to maintain object permanence. Flux recently too has shown the ability to render the same person in many different poses or images.

> the problem is fundamentally the same as things moving out of sight/out of frame and coming back again

Maybe it is, but doing that with the entire scene instead of just a small part of it makes the problem massively harder, as the model needs to grow exponentially to remember more things. It isn't something that we will manage anytime soon, maybe 10-20 years with current architecture and same compute progress.

Then you make that even harder by remembering a whole game level? No, ain't gonna happen in our lifetimes without massive changes to the architecture. They would need to make a different model keep track of level state etc, not just an image to image model.

10 to 20 years sounds wildly pessimistic

In this sora video the dragon covers half the scene, and its basically identical when it is revealed again ~5 seconds later, or about 150 frames later. The is lots of evidence (and some studies) that these models are in fact building internal world models.


Buckle in, the train is moving way faster. I don't think there would be much surprise if this is solved in the next few generations of video generators. The first generation is already doing very well.

Did you watch the video, it is completely different after the dragon goes past? Its still a flag there, but everything else changed. Even the stores in the background changed, the mass of people is completely different with no hint of anyone moving there etc.

You always get this from AI enthusiast, they come and post "proof" that disproves their own point.

I'm not GP, but running over that video I'm actually having a hard time finding any detail present before the dragon obscures them not either exit frame right when the camera pans left slightly near the end or not re-appear with reasonably crisp detail after the dragon gets out of the way.

Most of the mob of people are indistinct, but there is a woman in a lime green coat who is visible, and then obstructed by the dragon twice (beard and ribbon) and reappears fine. Unfortunately when dragon fully moves past she has been lost to frame right.

There is another person in black holding a red satchel which is visible both before and after the dragon has passed.

Nothing about the storefronts appear to change. The complex sign full of Chinese text (which might be gibberish text: it's highly stylized and I don't know Chinese) appears to survive the dragon passing without even any changes to the individual ideograms.

There is also a red box shaped like a Chinese paper lantern with a single gold ideogram on it at the store entrance which spends most of the video obscured by the dragon and is still in the same location after it passes (though video artifacting makes it more challenging to verify that that ideogram is unchanged it certainly does not appear substantially different)

What detail are you seeing that is different before and after the obstruction?

> What detail are you seeing that is different before and after the obstruction?

First frame, guy in blue hat next to a flag. That flag and the guy is then gone afterwards.

The two flags near the wall are gone, there is something triangular there but there was two flags before the dragon went past.

Then not to mention that the crowd is 6 people deep after the dragon went past, while just 4 people deep before, it is way more crowded.

Instead of the flag that was there before the dragon, it put in 2 more flags afterwards far more to the left.

Third second a guy was out of frame for a few frames, and suddenly gained a blue scarf. AFter dragon went by he turned into a woman. Next to that person was a guy with a blue cap, he completely disappears.

> Most of the mob of people are indistinct

No they aren't, they are mostly distinct and basically all of them changes. If you ignore that the entire mob totally changes both in number and appearance and where it is, sure it is pretty good, except it forgot the flags, but how can you ignore the mob when we talk about the model remembering details? The wall is much less information dense than the mob, so that is much easier to remember for the model, the difficulty is in the mob.

> but there is a woman in a lime green coat who is visible,

She was just out of frame for a fraction of a second, not the big bit where the dragon moves past. The guy in blue jacket and blue cap behind her disappears though, or merges with another person and becomes a woman with a muffler after the dragon moved past.

So, in the end some big strokes were kept, and that was a very tiny part of the image that was both there before and after the dragon moved past so it was far from a whole image with full details. Almost all details are wrong.

Maybe he meant that the house looked mostly the same, I agree the upper parts does, but I looked at the windows and they were completely different, it is full of people heads after the dragon moved past while before it was just clean walls.

We are looking at first generation tech and pretty much every human would recognize the "before dragon" scene as being the same place as the "after dragon" scene. The prominent features are present. The model clearly shows the ability to go beyond "image-to-image" rendering.

If you want to be right because you can find any difference. Sure. You win. But also completely missed the point.

> pretty much every human would recognize the "before dragon" scene as being the same place as the "after dragon" scene

Not in a game and those were enemies, it completely changed what and how many they are, people would notice such a massive change instantly if they looked away and suddenly there were 50% more enemies.

> The model clearly shows the ability to go beyond "image-to-image" rendering.

I never argued against that. Adding a third dimension (time) makes generating a video the same kind of problem as generating an image, it is not harder to draw a straight pencil with something covering it than to draw the scene with something covering it for a while.

But still, even though it is that simple, these models are really bad at it, because it requires very large models and much compute. So I just extrapolated based on their current abilities that we know, as you demonstrated there, to say roughly how long until we can even have consistent short videos.

Note that videos wont have the same progression as images, as the early image models were very small and we quickly scaled up there, while now for video we start at really scaled up models and we have to wait until compute gets cheaper/faster the slow way.

> But also completely missed the point.

You completely missed my point or you changed your point afterwards. My point was that current models can only remember little bits under such circumstances, and to remember a whole scene they need to be massively larger. Almost all details in the scene you showed were missed, the large strokes are there but to keep the details around you need an exponentially larger model.

great question

tangentially related but Grand Theft Auto speedrunners often point the camera behind them while driving so cars don't spawn "behind" them (aka in front of the car)

Just want to clarify a couple possible misconceptions:

The diffusion model doesn’t maintain any state itself, though its weights may encode some notion of cause/effect. It just renders one frame at a time (after all it’s a text to image model, not text to video). Instead of text, the previous states and frames are provided as inputs to the model to predict the next frame.

Noise is added to the previous frames before being passed into the SD model, so the RL agents were not involved with “correcting” it.

De-noising objectives are widespread in ML, intuitively it forces a predictive model to leverage context, ie surrounding frames/words/etc.

In this case it helps prevent auto-regressive drift due to the accumulation of small errors from the randomness inherent in generative diffusion models. Figure 4 shows such drift happening when a player is standing still.

The concept is that if you train a Diffusion model by feeding all the possible frames seen in the game.

The training was over almost 1 billion frames, 20 days of full-time play-time, taking a screenshot of every single inch of the map.

Now you show him N frames as input, and ask it "give me frame N+1", then it gives you the frame n. N+1 back based on how it was originally seen during training.

But it is not frame N+1 from a mysterious intelligence, it's simply frame N+1 given back from past database.

The drift you mentioned is actually a clear (but sad) proof that the model does not work at inventing new frames, and can only spit out an answer from the past dataset.

It's a bit like if you train stable diffusion on Simpsons episodes, and that it outputs the next frame of an existing episode that was in the training set, but few frames later goes wild and buggy.

Research is the acquisition of knowledge that may or may not have practical applications.

They succeeded in the research, gained knowledge, and might be able to do something awesome with it.

It’s a success even if they don’t sell anything.

I don't think you've understood the project completely. The model accepts player input, so frame 601 could be quite different if the player decided to turn left rather than right, or chose that moment to fire at an exploding barrel.

1 billion frames in memory... With such dataset, you have seen practically all realistic possibilities in the short-term.

If it would be able to invent action and maps and let the user play "infinite doom", then it would be very different (and impressive!).

Like many people in case of LLMs, you're just demonstrating unawareness of - or disbelief in - the fact that the model doesn't record training data vetbatim, but smears it out in high-dimensional space, from which it then samples. The model then doesn't recall past inputs (which are effectively under extreme lossy compression), but samples from that high-dimensional space to produce output. The high-dimensional representation by necessity captures semantic understanding of the training data.

Generating "infinite Doom" is exactly what this model is doing, as it does not capture the larger map layout well enough to stay consistent with it.

> 1 billion frames in memory... With such dataset, you have seen practically all realistic possibilities in the short-term.

I mean... no? Not even close? Multiply the number of game states with the number of inputs at any given frame gives you a number vastly bigger than 1 billion, not even comparable. Even with 20 days of play time to train no, it's entirely likely that at no point did someone stop at a certain location and look to the left from that angle. They might have done from similar angles, but the model then has to reconstruct some sense of the geometry of the level to synthesize the frame. They might also not have arrived there from the same direction, which again the model needs some smarts to understand.

I get your point, it's very overtrained on these particular levels of Doom, which means you might as well just play Doom. But this is not a hash table lookup we're talking about, it's pretty impressive work.

This was the basis for the reasoning:

The map 1 has 2'518 walkable map units. There are 65536 angles.


If you capture 165M frames, you already cover all the possibilities in terms of camera / player view, but probably the diffusion models don't even need to have all the frames (the same way that LLMs don't).

There's also enemy motion, enemy attacks, shooting, and UI considerations, which make the combinatorials explode.

And Doom movement isn't tile based. The map may be, but you can be in many many places on a tile.

But it's not a game. It's a memory of a game video, predicting the next frame based on the few previous frames, like "I can imagine what happened next".

I would call it the world's least efficient video compression.

What I would like to see is the actual predictive strength, aka imagination, which I did not notice mentioned in the abstract. The model is trained on a set of classic maps. What would it do, given a few frames of gameplay on an unfamiliar map as input? How well could it imagine what happens next?

> But it's not a game. It's a memory of a game video, predicting the next frame based on the few previous frames, like "I can imagine what happened next".

It's not super clear from the landing page, but I think it's an engine? Like, its input is both previous images and input for the next frame.

So as a player, if you press "shoot", the diffusion engine need to output an image where the monster in front of you takes damage/dies.

How is what you think they say not clear?

We present GameNGen, the first game engine powered entirely by a neural model that enables real-time interaction with a complex environment over long trajectories at high quality.

It's a memory of a video looped to controls, so frame 1 is "I wonder how would it look if the player pressed D instead of W", then the frame 2 is based on frame 1, etc. and couple frames in, it's already not remembering, but imagining the gameplay on the fly. It's not prerecorded, it responds to inputs during generation. That's what makes it a game engine.

They could down convert the entire model to only utilize the subset of matrix components from stable diffusion. This approach may be able to improve internet bandwidth efficiency assuming consumers in the future have powerful enough computers.

But it's trained on the actual screen pixel data, AFAICT. It's literally a visual imagination model, not gameplay / geometry imagination model. They had to make special provisions to the pixel data on the HUD which by its nature different than the pictures of a 3D world.

Nicely summarised. Another important thing that clearly standsout (not to undermine the efforts and work gone into this) is the fact that more and more we are now seeing larger and more complex building blocks emerging (first it was embedding models then encoder decoder layers and now whole models are being duck-taped for even powerful pipelines). AI/DL ecosystem is growing on a nice trajectory.

Though I wonder if 10 years down the line folks wouldn't even care about underlying model details (no more than a current day web-developer needs to know about network packets).

PS: Not great examples, but I hope you get the idea ;)

> Google here uses SD 1.4, as the core of the diffusion model, which is a nice reminder that open models are useful to even giant cloud monopolies.

A mistake people make all the time is that massive companies will put all their resources toward every project. This paper was written by four co-authors. They probably got a good amount of resources, but they still had to share in the pool allocated to their research department.

Even Google only has one Gemini (in a few versions).

It's insane that that this works, and that it works fast enough to render at 20 fps. It seems like they almost made a cross between a diffusion model and an RNN, since they had to encode the previous frames and actions and feed it into the model at each step.

Abstractly, it's like the model is dreaming of a game that it played a lot of, and real time inputs just change the state of the dream. It makes me wonder if humans are just next moment prediction machines, with just a little bit more memory built in.

It makes good sense for humans to have this ability. If we flip the argument, and see the next frame as a hypothesis for what is expected as the outcome of the current frame, then comparing this "hypothesis" with what is sensed makes it easier to process the differences, rather than the totality of the sensory input.

As Richard Dawkins recently put it in a podcast[1], our genes are great prediction machines, as their continued survival rests on it. Being able to generate a visual prediction fits perfectly with the amount of resources we dedicate to sight.

If that is the case, what does aphantasia tell us?

[1] https://podcasts.apple.com/dk/podcast/into-the-impossible-wi...

Worth noting that aphantasia doesn't necessarily extend to dreams. Anecdotally - I have pretty severe aphantasia (I can conjure milisecond glimpses of barely tangible imagery that I can't quite perceive before it's gone - but only since learning that visualisation wasn't a linguistic metaphor). I can't really simulate object rotation. I can't really 'picture' how things will look before they're drawn / built etc. However I often have highly vivid dream imagery. I also have excellent recognition of faces and places (e.g.: can't get lost in a new city). So there clearly is a lot of preconscious visualisation and image matching going on in some aphantasia cases, even where the explicit visual screen is all but absent.

I fabulate about this in another comment below:

> Many people with aphantasia reports being able to visualize in their dreams, meaning that they don't lack the ability to generate visuals. So it may be that the [aphantasia] brain has an affinity to rely on the abstract representation when "thinking", while dreaming still uses the "stable diffusion mode".

(I obviously don't know what I'm talking about, just a fellow aphant)

Obviously we're all introspecting here - but my guess is that there's some kind of cross talk in aphantasic brains between the conscious narrating semantic brain and the visual module. Such that default mode visualisation is impaired. It's specifically the loss of reflexive consciousness that allows visuals to emerge. Not sure if this is related, but I have pretty severe chronic insomnia, and I often wonder if this in part relates to the inability to drift off into imagery.

What’s the aphantasia link? I’ve got aphantasia. I’m convinced though that the bit of my brain that should be making images is used for letting me ‘see’ how things are connected together very easily in my head. Also I still love games like Pictionary and can somehow draw things onto paper than I don’t really know what they look like in my head. It’s often a surprise when pen meets paper.

I agree, it is my own experience as well. Craig Venter In one of his books also credit this way of representing knowledge as abstractions as his strength in inventing new concepts.

The link may be that we actually see differences between “frames”, rather than the frames directly. That in itself would imply that a from of sub-visual representation is being processed by our brain. For aphantasia, it could be that we work directly on this representation instead of recalling imagery through the visual system.

Many people with aphantasia reports being able to visualize in their dreams, meaning that they don't lack the ability to generate visuals. So it may be that the brain has an affinity to rely on the abstract representation when "thinking", while dreaming still uses the "stable diffusion mode".

I’m no where near qualified to speak of this with certainty, but it seems plausible to me.

Interesting talk about the brain, but the stuff she says about free will is not a very good argument. Basically it is sort of the argument that the ancient greeks made which brings the discussion into a point where you can take both directions.

> It's insane that that this works, and that it works fast enough to render at 20 fps.

It is running on an entire v5 TPU (https://cloud.google.com/blog/products/ai-machine-learning/i...)

It's unclear how that compares to a high-end consumer GPU like a 3090, but they seem to have similar INT8 TFLOPS. The TPU has less memory (16 vs. 24), and I'm unsure of the other specs.

Something doesn't add up, in my opinion, though. SD usually takes (at minimum) seconds to produce a high-quality result on a 3090, so I can't comprehend how they are like 2 orders of magnitudes faster—indicating that the TPU vastly outperforms a GPU for this task. They seem to be producing low-res (320x240) images, but it still seems too fast.

There's been a lot of work in optimising inference speed of SD - SD Turbo, latent consistency models, Hyper-SD, etc. It is very possible to hit these frame rates now.

> It makes me wonder if humans are just next moment prediction machines, with just a little bit more memory built in.

This, to me, seems extremely reductionist. Like you start with AI and work backwards until you frame all cognition as next something predictors.

It’s just the stochastic parrot argument again.

Also recursion and nested virtualization. We can dream about dreaming and imagine different scenarios, some completely fictional or simply possible future scenarios all while doing day to day stuff.

Image is 2D. Video is 3D. The mathematical extension is obvious. In this case, low resolution 2D (pixels), and the third dimension is just frame rate (discrete steps). So rather simple.

This is not "just" video, however. It's interactive in real time. Sure, you can say that playing is simply video with some extra parameters thrown in to encode player input, but still.

I think you're mistaken. The abstract says it's interactive, "We present GameNGen, the first game engine powered entirely by a neural model that enables real-time interaction"

Further - "a diffusion model is trained to produce the next frame, conditioned on the sequence of past frames and actions." specifically "and actions"

User input is being fed into this system and subsequent frames take that into account. The user is "actually" firing a gun.

Academic authors are consistently better at editing away unclear and ambiguous statements which make their work seem less impressive compared to ones which make their work seem more impressive. Maybe it's just a coincidence, lol.

It's interactive but can it go beyond what it learned from the videos. As in, can the camera break free and roam around the map from different angles? I don't think it will be able to do that at all. There are still a few hallucinations in this rendering, it doesn't look it understands 3d.

You might be surprised. Generating views from novel angles based on a single image is not novel, and if anything, this model has more than a single frame as input. I’d wager that it’s quite able to extrapolate DOOM-like corridors and rooms even if it hasn’t seen the exact place during training. And sure, it’s imperfect but on the other hand it works in real time on a single TPU.

Then why do monsters become blurry smudgy messes when shot? That looks like a video compression artifact of a neural network attempting to replicate low-structure image (source material contains guts exploding, very un-structured visual).

Uh, maybe because monster death animations make up a small part of the training material (ie. gameplay) so the model has not learned to reproduce them very well?

There cannot be "video compression artifacts" because it hasn’t even seen any compressed video during training, as far as I can see.

Seriously, how is this even a discussion? The article is clear that the novel thing is that this is real-time frame generation conditioned on the previous frame(s) AND player actions. Just generating video would be nothing new.

In a sense, poorly reproducing rare content is a form of compression artifact. Ie, since this content occurs rarely in the training set, it will have less impact on the gradients and thus less impact on the final form of the model. Roughly speaking, the model is allocating fewer bits to this content, by storing less information about this content in its parameters, compared to content which it sees more often during training. I think this isn't too different from certain aspects of images, videos, music, etc., being distorted in different ways based on how a particular codec allocates its available bits.

I guess you are being sarcastic, except this is precisely what it is doing. And it's not hard: player movement is low information and probably not the hardest part of the model.

Uff, I guess you’re right. Mea culpa. I misread their diagram to represent inference when it was about training instead. The latter is conditioned on actions, but… how do they generate the actual output frames then? What’s the input? Is it just image-to-image based on the previous frame? The paper doesn’t seem to explain the inference part at all well :(

Video is also higher resolution, as the pixels flip for the high resolution world by moving through it. Swivelling your head without glasses, even the blurry world contains more information in the curve of pixelchange.

Correct, for the sprites. However, the walls in Doom are texture mapped, and so have the same issue as videos. Interesting, though, because I assume the antialiasing is something approximate, given the extreme demands on CPUs of the era.

After some discussion in this thread, I found it worth pointing out that this paper is NOT describing a system which receives real-time user input and adjusts its output accordingly, but, to me, the way the abstract is worded heavily implied this was occurring.

It's trained on a large set of data in which agents played DOOM and video samples are given to users for evaluation, but users are not feeding inputs into the simulation in real-time in such a way as to be "playing DOOM" at ~20FPS.

There are some key phrases within the paper that hint at this such as "Key questions remain, such as ... how games would be effectively created in the first place, including how to best leverage human inputs" and "Our end goal is to have human players interact with our simulation.", but mostly it's just the omission of a section describing real-time user gameplay.

We can't assess the quality of gameplay ourselves of course (since the model wasn't released), but one author said "It's playable, the videos on our project page are actual game play." (https://x.com/shlomifruchter/status/1828850796840268009) and the video on top of https://gamengen.github.io/ starts out with "these are real-time recordings of people playing the game". Based on those claims, it seems likely that they did get a playable system in front of humans by the end of the project (though perhaps not by the time the draft was uploaded to arXiv).

The paper should definitely be more clear on this point, but there's a sentence in section 5.2.3 that makes me think that this was playable and played: "When playing with the model manually, we observe that some areas are very easy for both, some areas are very hard for both, and in some the agent performs much better." It may be a failure of imagination, but I can't think of another reasonable way of interpreting "playing with the model manually".

I also thought this, but refer back to the paper, not the abstract:

> A is the set of key presses and mouse movements…

> …to condition on actions, we simply learn an embedding A_emb for each action

So, it’s clear that in this model the diffusion process is conditioned by embedding A that is derived from user actions rather than words.

Then a noised start frame is encoded into latents and concatenated on to the noise latents as a second conditioning.

So we have a diffusion model which is trained solely on images of doom, and which is conditioned on current doom frames and user actions to produce subsequent frames.

So yes, the users are playing it.

However, it should be unsurprising that this is possible. This is effectively just a neural recording of the game. But it’s a cool tech demo.

The agent never interacts with the simulator during training or evaluation. There is no user, there is only an agent which trained to play the real game and which produced the sequences of game frames and actions that were used to train the simulator and to provide ground truth sequences of game experience for evaluation. Their evaluation metrics are all based on running short simulations in the diffusion model which are initiated with some number of conditioning frames taken from the real game engine. Statements in the paper like: "GameNGen shows that an architecture and model weights exist such that a neural model can effectively run a complex game (DOOM) interactively on existing hardware." are wildly misleading.

I wonder if they could somehow feed in a trained Gaussian splats model to this to get better images?

Since the splats are specifically designed for rendering it seems like it would be an efficient way for the image model to learn the geometry without having to encode it on the image model itself.

I’m not sure how that would help vs just training the model with the conditionings described in the paper.

I’m not very familiar with Gaussian splats models, but aren’t they just a way of constructing images using multiple superimposed parameterized Gaussian distributions, sort of like the Fourier series does with waveforms using sine and cosine waves?

I’m not seeing how that would apply here but I’d be interested in hearing how you would do it.

I'm not certain where it would fit in, but my thinking is this.

There's been a bunch of work on making splats efficient and good at representing geometry. Reading more, perhaps NERFs would be a better fit, since they're an actual neutral network.

My thinking is that if you trained a NERF ahead of time to represent the geometry and layout of the levels, and plug that in to the diffusion model (as a part of computing the latents, and then also on the other side so it can be used to improve the rendering) then the diffusion model could focus on learning how actions manipulate the world without having to learn the geometry representation.

I don’t know if that would really help, I have a hard time imagining exactly what that model would be doing in practise.

To be honest none of the stuff in the paper is very practical, you almost certainly do not want a diffusion model trying to be an entire game under any circumstances.

What you might want to do is use a diffusion model to transform a low poly, low fidelity game world into something photorealistic. So the geometry, player movement and physics etc would all make sense, and then the model paints over it something that looks like reality based on some primitive texture cues in the low fidelity render.

I’d bet money that something like that will happen and it is the future of games and video.

Yeah, I realize this will never be useful for much in practice (although maybe as some kind of client side prediction for cloud gaming? But likely if you could run this in real time you might as well run whatever game there is in real time as well, unless there's some kind of massive world running on the server that's too large to stream the geometry for effectively), I was mostly just trying to think of a way to avoid the issues with fake looking frames or forgetting what the level looks like when you turn around that someone mentioned.

Not exactly that, but Nvidia does something like this already, they call it DLSS. It uses previous frames and motion vector to render a next frame using machine learning.

You are incorrect, this is an interactive simulation that is playable by humans.

> Figure 1: a human player is playing DOOM on GameNGen at 20 FPS.

The abstract is ambiguously worded which has caused a lot of confusion here, but the paper is unmistakably clear about this point.

Kind of disappointing to see this misinformation upvoted so highly on a forum full of tech experts.

If the generative model/simulator can run at 20FPS, then obviously in principle a human could play the game in simulation at 20 FPS. However, they do no evaluation of human play in the paper. My guess is that they limited human evals to watching short clips of play in the real engine vs the simulator (which conditions on some number of initial frames from the engine when starting each clip...) since the actual "playability" is not great.

There is a hint in the paper itself:

It says in a shy way that it is based on: "Ha & Schmidhuber (2018) who train a Variational Auto-Encoder (Kingma & Welling, 2014) to encode game frames into a latent vector"

So it means they most likely took https://worldmodels.github.io/ (that is actually open-source) or something similar and swapped the frame generation by Stable Diffusion that was released in 2022.

I think someone is playing it, but it has a reduced set of inputs and they're playing it in a very specific way (slowly, avoiding looking back to places they've been) so as not to show off the flaws in the system.

The people surveyed in this study are not playing the game, they are watching extremely short video clips of the game being played and comparing them to equally short videos of the original Doom being played, to see if they can spot the difference.

I may be wrong with how it works, but I think this is just hallucinating in real time. It has no internal state per se, it knows what was on screen in the previous few frames and it knows what inputs the user is pressing, and so it generates the next frame. Like with video compression, it probably doesn't need to generate a full frame every time, just "differences".

As with all the previous AI game research, these are not games in any real sense. They fall apart when played beyond any meaningful length of time (seconds). Crucially, they are not playable by anyone other than the developers in very controlled settings. A defining attribute of any game is that it can be played.

>I found it worth pointing out that this paper is NOT describing a system which receives real-time user input and adjusts its output accordingly

Well you're wrong as specified in the first video and by the authors themselves, maybe next time check better instead of writing comments with such authoritative tone of things you don't actually know.

Ehhh okay, I'm not as convinced as I was earlier. Sorry for misleading. There's been a lot of back-and-forth.

I would've really liked to see a section of the paper explicitly call out that they used humans in real time. There's a lot of sentences that led me to believe otherwise. It's clear that they used a bunch of agents to simulate gameplay where those agents submitted user inputs to affect the gameplay and they captured those inputs in their model. This made it a bit murky as to whether humans ever actually got involved.

This statement, "Our end goal is to have human players interact with our simulation. To that end, the policy π as in Section 2 is that of human gameplay. Since we cannot sample from that directly at scale, we start by approximating it via teaching an automatic agent to play"

led me to believe that while they had an ultimate goal of user input (why wouldn't they) they sufficed by approximating human input.

I was looking to refute that assumption later in the paper by hopefully reading some words on the human gameplay experience, but instead, under Results, I found:

"Human Evaluation. As another measurement of simulation quality, we provided 10 human raters with 130 random short clips (of lengths 1.6 seconds and 3.2 seconds) of our simulation side by side with the real game. The raters were tasked with recognizing the real game (see Figure 14 in Appendix A.6). The raters only choose the actual game over the simulation in 58% or 60% of the time (for the 1.6 seconds and 3.2 seconds clips, respectively)."

and it's like.. okay.. if you have a section in results on human evaluation, and your goal is to have humans play, then why are you talking just about humans reviewing video rather than giving some sort of feedback on the human gameplay experience - even if it's not especially positive?

Still, in the Discussion section, it mentions, "The second important limitation are the remaining differences between the agent’s behavior and those of human players. For example, our agent, even at the end of training, still does not explore all of the game’s locations and interactions, leading to erroneous behavior in those cases." which makes it more clear that humans gave input which went outside the bounds of the automatic agents. It doesn't seem like this would occur if it were agents simulating more input.

Ultimately, I think that the paper itself could've been more clear in this regard, but clearly the publishing website tries to be very explicit by saying upfront - "Real-time recordings of people playing the game DOOM" and it's pretty hard to argue against that.

Anyway. I repent! It was a learning experience going back and forth on my belief here. Very cool tech overall.

It's funny how academic writing works. Authors rarely produce many unclear or ambiguous statements where the most likely interpretation undersells their work...

I knew it was too good be true but seems like real time video generation can be good enough to get to a point where it feels like a truly interactive video/game

Imagine if text2game was possible. there would be some sort of network generating each frame from an image generated by text, with some underlying 3d physics simulation to keep all the multiplayer screens sync'd

this paper does not seem to be of that possibility rather some cleverly words to make you think people were playing a real time video. we can't even generate more than 5~10 second of video without it hallucinating. something this persistent would require an extreme amount of gameplay video training. it can be done but the video shown by this paper is not true to its words.

The quest to run doom on everything continues. Technically speaking, isn't this the greatest possible anti-Doom, the Doom with the highest possible hardware requirement? I just find it funny that on a linear scale of hardware specification, Doom now finds itself on both ends.

>Technically speaking, isn't this the greatest possible anti-Doom

When I read this part I thought you were going to say because you're technically not running Doom at all. That is, instead of running Doom without Doom's original hardware/software environment (by porting it), you're running Doom without Doom itself.

> Technically speaking, isn't this the greatest possible anti-Doom, the Doom with the highest possible hardware requirement?

Not really? The greatest anti-Doom would be an infinite nest of these types of models predicting models predicting Doom at the very end of the chain.

The next step of anti-Doom would be a model generating the model, generating the Doom output.

It's always fun reading the dead comments on a post like this. People love to point how how pointless this is.

Some of ya'll need to learn how to make things for the fun of making things. Is this useful? No, not really. Is it interesting? Absolutely.

Not everything has to be made for profit. Not everything has to be made to make the world a better place. Sometimes, people create things just for the learning experience, the challenge, or they're curious to see if something is possible.

Time spent enjoying yourself is never time wasted. Some of ya'll are going to be on your death beds wishing you had allowed yourself to have more fun.

The skepticism and criticism in this thread is against the hype of AI, it's implied by people saying "this is so amazing" that they think that in some near future you can create any video game experience you can imagine by just replacing all the software with some AI models, rendering the whole game.

When in reality this is the least efficient and reliable form of Doom yet created, using literally millions of times the computation used by the first x86 PCs that were able to render and play doom in real-time.

But it's a funny party trick, sure.

Yes it's less efficient and reliable than regular Doom, but it's not just limited to Doom. You could have it simulate a very graphically advanced game that barely runs on current hardware and it would run at the exact same speed as Doom.

So true. The hustle culture is an spreading disease that has replaced the fun maker culture from the 80s/90s.

It's unavoidable though. Cost of living being increasingly expensive and romantization of entrepreneurs like they are rock stars leads towards this hustle mindset.

> This is a stepping stone for generating entire novel games.

I don't see how.

This game "engine" is purely mapping [pixels, input] -> new pixels. It has no notion of game state (so you can kill an enemy, turn your back, then turn around again, and the enemy could be alive again), not to mention that it requires the game to already exist in order to train it.

I suppose, in theory, you could train the network to include game state in the input and output, or potentially even handle game state outside the network entirely and just make it one of the inputs, but the output would be incredibly noisy and nigh unplayable.

And like I said, all of it requires the game to already exist in order to train the network.

> (so you can kill an enemy, turn your back, then turn around again, and the enemy could be alive again)

Sounds like a great game.

> not to mention that it requires the game to already exist in order to train it

Diffusion models create new images that did not previously exist all of the time, so I'm not sure how that follows. It's not hard to extrapolate from TFA to a model that generically creates games based on some input

>It has no notion of game state (so you can kill an enemy, turn your back, then turn around again)

Well you see a wall you turn around then turn back the wall is still there. With enough training data the model will be able to pick up the state of the enemy because it has ALREADY learned the state of the wall due to much more numerous data on the wall. It's probably impractical to do this, but this is only a stepping stone like said.

> not to mention that it requires the game to already exist in order to train it.

Is this a problem? Do games not exist? Not only due we have tons of games, but we also have in theory unlimited amounts of training data for each game.

> Well you see a wall you turn around then turn back the wall is still there. With enough training data the model will be able to pick up the state of the enemy because it has ALREADY learned the state of the wall due to much more numerous data on the wall.

It's really important to understand that ALL THE MODEL KNOWS is a mapping of [pixels, input] -> new pixels. It has zero knowledge of game state. The wall is still there after spinning 360 degrees simply because it knows that the image of a view facing away from the wall while holding the key to turn right eventually becomes an image of a view of the wall.

The only "state" that is known is the last few frames of the game screen. Because of this, it's simply not possible for the game model to know if an enemy should be shown as dead or alive once it has been off-screen for longer than those few frames. It also means that if you keeping turning away and towards an enemy, it could teleport around. Once it's off the screen for those few frames, the model will have forgotten about it.

> Is this a problem? Do games not exist?

If you're trying to make a new game, then you need new frames to train the model on.

>It's really important to understand that ALL THE MODEL KNOWS is a mapping of [pixels, input] -> new pixels. It has zero knowledge of game state.

This is false. What occurs in inside the model is unknown. It arranges pixel input and produces pixel output as if it actually understands game state. Like LLMs we don't actually fully understand what's going on internally. You can't assume that models don't "understand" things just because the high level training methodology only includes pixel input and output.

>The only "state" that is known is the last few frames of the game screen. Because of this, it's simply not possible for the game model to know if an enemy should be shown as dead or alive once it has been off-screen for longer than those few frames. It also means that if you keeping turning away and towards an enemy, it could teleport around. Once it's off the screen for those few frames, the model will have forgotten about it.

This is true. But then one could say it knows game state for up to a few frames. That's different from saying the model ONLY knows pixel input and pixel output. Very different.

There are other tricks for long term memory storage as well. Think Radar. Radar will capture the state of the enemy beyond just visual frames so the model won't forget an enemy was behind them.

Game state can also be encoded into some frame pixels at the bottom lines. The Model can pick up on these associations.

edit: someone mentioned that the game state lasts past a few frames.

>If you're trying to make a new game, then you need new frames to train the model on.

Right so for a generative model you would instead of training the model on one game you would train it on multitudes of games. The model would then based off of a seed number output a new type of game.

Alternatively you could have a model generate a model.

All of what I'm saying is of course speculative. As I said, this model is a stepping stone for the future. Just like the LLM which is only trivially helpful now, the LLM can be a stepping stone for replacing programmers all together.

Doom system requirements:
  - 4 MB RAM
  - 12 MB disk space 
Stable diffusion v1
  > 860M UNet and CLIP ViT-L/14 (540M)
  Checkpoint size:
    4.27 Gb 
    7.7 GB (full EMA)
  Running on a TPU-v5e
    Peak compute per chip (bf16)  197 TFLOPs
    Peak compute per chip (Int8)  393 TFLOPs
    HBM2 capacity and bandwidth  16 GB, 819 GBps
    Interchip Interconnect BW  1600 Gbps
This is quite impressive, especially considering the speed. But there's still a ton of room for improvement. It seems it didn't even memorize the game despite having the capacity to do so hundreds of times over. So we definitely have lots of room for optimization methods. Though who knows how such things would affect existing tech since the goal here is to memorize.

What's also interesting about this work is it's basically saying you can rip a game if you're willing to "play" (automate) it enough times and spend a lot more on storage and compute. I'm curious what the comparison in cost and time would be if you hired an engineer to reverse engineer Doom (how much prior knowledge do they get considering pertained models and visdoom environment. Was doom source code in T5? And which vit checkpoint was used? I can't keep track of Google vit checkpoints).

I would love to see the checkpoint of this model. I think people would find some really interesting stuff taking it apart.

- https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/a4yi5t/original_doo...

- https://huggingface.co/CompVis/stable-diffusion-v-1-4-origin...

- https://cloud.google.com/tpu/docs/v5e

- https://github.com/Farama-Foundation/ViZDoom

- https://zdoom.org/index

Those are valid points, but irrelevant for the context of this research.

Yes, the computational cost is ridicolous compared to the original game, and yes, it lacks basic things like pre-computing, storing, etc. That said, you could assume that all that can be either done at the margin of this discovery OR over time will naturally improve OR will become less important as a blocker.

The fact that you can model a sequence of frames with such contextual awareness without explictly having to encode it, is the real breakthrough here. Both from a pure gaming standpoint, but on simulation in general.

I suppose it also doesn't really matter what kinds of resources the game originally requires. The diffusion model isn't going to require twice as much memory just because the game does. Presumably you wouldn't even necessarily need to be able to render the original game in real time - I would imagine the basic technique would work even if you used a state of the Hollywood-quality offline renderer to render each input frame, and that the performance of the diffusion model would be similar?

Well the majority of ML systems are compression machines (entropy minimizers), so ideally you'd want to see if you can learn the assets and game mechanics through play alone (what this paper shows). Better would be to do so more efficiently than that devs themselves, finding better compression. Certainly the game is not perfectly optimized. But still, this is a step in that direction. I mean no one has accomplished this before so even with a model with far higher capacity it's progress. (I think people are interpreting my comment as dismissive. I'm critiquing but the key point I was making was about how there's likely better architectures, training methods, and all sorts of stuff to still research. Personally I'm glad there's still more to research. That's the fun part)

>you could assume that all that can be either done at the margin of this discovery OR over time will naturally improve OR will become less important as a blocker.

OR one can hope it will be thrown to the heap of nonviable tech with the rest of spam waste

I'm not sure what you're saying is irrelevant.

1) the model has enough memory to store not only all game assets and engine but even hundreds of "plays".

2) me mentioning that there's still a lot of room to make these things better (seems you think so too so maybe not this one?)

3) an interesting point I was wondering to compare current state of things (I mean I'll give you this but it's just a random thought and I'm not reviewing this paper in an academic setting. This is HN, not NeurIPS. I'm just curious ¯ \ _ ( ツ ) _ / ¯)

4) the point that you can rip a game

I'm really not sure what you're contesting to because I said several things.

  > it lacks basic things like pre-computing, storing, etc.
It does? Last I checked neural nets store information. I guess I need to return my PhD because last I checked there's a UNet in SD 1.4 and that contains a decoder.

Sorry, probably didn't explain myself well enough

1) yes you are correct. the point i was making is that, in the context of the discovery/research, that's outside the scope, and 'easier' to do, as it has been done in other verticals (ie.: e2e self driving)

2) yep, aligned here

3) I'm not fully following here, but agree this is not NeurIPS, and no Schmidhuber's bickering.

4) The network does store information, it just doesn't store a gameplay information, which could be forced, but as per point 1, it is , and I think it is the right approach, beyond the scope of this research

1) I'm not sure this is outside scope. It's also not something I'd use to reject a paper were I to review this in a conference. I mean you got to start somewhere and unlike reviewer 2 I don't think any criticism is rejection criteria. That'd be silly since lack of globally optimal solutions. But I'm also unconvinced this is proven my self-driving vehicles but I'm also not an RL expert.

3) It's always hard to evaluate. I was thinking about the ripping the game and so a reasonable metric is a comparison of ability to perform the task by a human. Of course I'm A LOT faster than my dishwasher at cleaning dishes but I'm not occupied while it is going, so it still has high utility. (Someone tell reviewer 2 lol)

4) Why should we believe that it doesn't store gameplay? The model was fed "user" inputs and frames. So it has this information and this information appears useful for learning the task.

>What's also interesting about this work is it's basically saying you can rip a game if you're willing to "play" (automate) it enough times and spend a lot more on storage and compute

That's the least of it. It means you can generate a game from real footage. Want a perfect flight sim? Put a GoPro in the cockpit of every airliner for a year.

> Want a perfect flight sim? Put a GoPro in the cockpit of every airliner for a year.

I guess that's the occasion to remind that ML is splendid at interpolating, but extrapolating, maybe don't keep your hopes too high.

Namely, to have a "perfect flight sim" using GoPros, you'll need to record hundreds of stalls and crashs.

Plus, presumably, either training it on pilot inputs (and being able to map those to joystick inputs and mouse clicks) or having the user have an identical fake cockpit to play in and a camera to pick up their movements.

And, unless you wanted a simulator that only allowed perfectly normal flight, you'd have to have those airliners go through every possible situation that you wanted to reproduce: warnings, malfunctions, emergencies, pilots pushing the airliner out of its normal flight envelope, etc.

The possibility seems far beyond gaming(given enough computation resources).

You can feed it with videos of usage of any software or real world footage recorded by a Go Pro mounted on your shoulder(with body motion measured by some sesnors though the action space would be much larger).

Such a "game engine" can potentially be used as a simulation gym environment to train RL agents.

A diffusion model cannot be a game engine because a game engine can be used to create new games and modify the rules of existing games in real time -- even rules which are not visible on-screen.

These tools are fascinating but, as with all AI hype, they need a disclaimer: The tool didn't create the game. It simply generated frames and the appearance of play mechanics from a game it sampled (which humans created).

> even rules which are not visible on-screen.

If a rule was changed but it's never visible on the screen, did it really change?

> It simply generated frames and the appearance of play mechanics from a game it sampled (which humans created).

Simply?! I understand it's mechanically trivial but the fact that it's compressed such a rich conditional distribution seems far from simple to me.

> Simply?! I understand it's mechanically trivial but the fact that it's compressed such a rich conditional distribution seems far from simple to me.

It's much simpler than actually creating a game....

If someone told you 10 years ago that they were going to create something where you could play a whole new level of Doom, without them writing a single line of game logic/rendering code, would you say that that is simpler than creating a demo by writing the game themselves?

There are two things at play here: the complexity of the underlying mechanism, and the complexity of detailed creation. This is obviously a complicated mechanism, but in another sense it's a trivial result compared to actually reproducing the game itself in its original intended state.

They only trained it on one game and only embedded the control inputs. You could train it on many games and embed a lot more information about each of them which could possibly allow you to specify a prompt that would describe the game and then play it.

One thing I'd like to see is to take a game rendered with low poly assets (or segmented in some way) and use a diffusion model to add realistic or stylized art details. This would fix the consistency problem while still providing tangible benefits.


All video games are, by definition, interactive videos.

What I imagine you're asking about is, a typical game like Doom is effectively a function:

  f(internal state, player input) -> (new frame, new internal state)
where internal state is the shape and looks of loaded map, positions and behaviors and stats of enemies, player, items, etc.

A typical AI that plays Doom, which is not what's happening here, is (at runtime):

  f(last frame) -> new player input
and is attached in a loop to the previous case in the obvious way.

What we have here, however, is a game you can play but implemented in a diffusion model, and it works like this:

  f(player input, N last frames) -> new frame
Of note here is the lack of game state - the state is implicit in the contents of the N previous frames, and is otherwise not represented or mutated explicitly. The diffusion model has seen so much Doom that it, in a way, internalized most of the state and its evolution, so it can look at what's going on and guess what's about to happen. Which is what it does: it renders the next frame by predicting it, based on current user input and last N frames. And then that frame becomes the input for the next prediction, and so on, and so on.

So yes, it's totally an interactive video and a game and a third thing - a probabilistic emulation of Doom on a generative ML model.

Making an interactive video of it. It is not playing the game, a human does that.

With that said, I wholly disagree that this is not an engine. This is absolutely a game engine and while this particular demo uses the engine to recreate DOOM, an existing game, you could certainly use this engine to produce new games in addition to extrapolating existing games in novel ways.

The job of the game engine is also to render the world given only the worlds properties (textures, geometries, physics rules, ...), and not given "training data that had to be supplied from an already written engine".

I'm guessing that the "This door requires a blue key" doesn't mean that the user can run around, the engine dreams up a blue key in some other corner of the map, and the user can then return to the door and the engine now opens the door? THAT would be impressive. It's interesting to think that all that would be required for that task to go from really hard to quite doable, would be that the door requiring the blue key is blue, and the UI showing some icon indicating the user possesses the blue key. Without that, it becomes (old) hidden state.

Although impressive i must disagree. Diffusion models are not game engines. A game engine is a component to propell your game (along the time axis?). In that sense it is similar to the engine of the car, hence the name. It does not need a single working car nor a road to drive on do its job. The above is a dynamic, interactive replication of what happens when you put a car on a given road, requiring a million test drives with working vehicles. An engine would also work offroad.

Interesting point.

In a way this is a "simulated game engine", trained from actual game engine data. But I would argue a working simulated game engine becomes a game engine of its own, as it is then able to "propell the game" as you say. The way it achieves this becomes irrelevant, in one case the content was crafted by humans, in the other case it mimics existing game content, the player really doesn't care!

> An engine would also work offroad.

Here you could imagine that such a "generative game engine" could also go offroad, extrapolating what would happen if you go to unseen places. I'd even say extrapolation capabilities of such a model could be better than a traditional game engine, as it can make things up as it goes, while if you accidentally cross a wall in a typical game engine the screen goes blank.

The game doom is more than a game engine, isnt it? I‘d be okay with calling the above a „simulated game“ or a „game“. My point is: let‘s not conflate the idea of a „game engine“ which is a construct of intellectual concepts put together to create a simulation of „things happening in time“ and deriving output (audio and visual). the engine is fed with input and data (levels and other assets) and then drives(EDIT) a „game“.

training the model with a final game will never give you an engine. maybe a „simulated game“ or even a „game“ but certainly not an „engine“. the latter would mean the model would be capable to derive and extract the technical and intellectual concepts and apply them elsewhere.

> Here you could imagine that such a "generative game engine" could also go offroad, extrapolating what would happen if you go to unseen places.

They easily could have demonstrated this by seeding the model with images of Doom maps which weren't in the training set, but they chose not to. I'm sure they tried it and the results just weren't good, probably morphing the map into one of the ones it was trained on at the first opportunity.

There is no text conditioning provided to the SD model because they removed it, but one can imagine a near future where text prompts are enough to create a fun new game!

Yes they had to use RL to learn what DOOM looks like and how it works, but this doesn’t necessarily pose a chicken vs egg problem. In the same way that LLMs can write a novel story, despite only being trained on existing text.

IMO one of the biggest challenges with this approach will be open world games with essentially an infinite number of possible states. The paper mentions that they had trouble getting RL agents to completely explore every nook and corner of DOOM. Factorio or Dwarf Fortress probably won’t be simulated anytime soon…I think.

With enough computation, your neural net weights would converge to some very compressed latent representation of the source code of DOOM. Maybe smaller even than the source code itself? Someone in the field could probably correct me on that.

At which point, you effectively would be interpolating in latent space through the source code to actually "render" the game. You'd have an entire latent space computer, with an engine, assets, textures, a software renderer.

With a sufficiently powerful computer, one could imagine what interpolating in this latent space between, say Factorio and TF2 (2 of my favorites). And tweaking this latent space to your liking by conditioning it on any number of gameplay aspects.

This future comes very quickly for subsets of the pipeline, like the very end stage of rendering -- DLSS is already in production, for example. Maybe Nvidia's revenue wraps back to gaming once again, as we all become bolted into a neural metaverse.

God I love that they chose DOOM.

> With enough computation, your neural net weights would converge to some very compressed latent representation of the source code of DOOM. Maybe smaller even than the source code itself? Someone in the field could probably correct me on that.

Neural nets are not guaranteed to converge to anything even remotely optimal, so no that isn't how it works. Also even though neural nets can approximate any function they usually can't do it in a time or space efficient manner, resulting in much larger programs than the human written code.

Could is certainly a better word, yes. There is no guarantee that it will happen, only that it could. The existence of LLMs is proof of that; imagine how large and inefficient a handwritten computer program to generate the next token would be. On the flipside, human beings very effectively predicting the next token, and much more, on 5 watts is proof that LLM in their current form certainly are not the most efficient method for generating next token.

I don't really know why everyone is piling on me here. Sorry for a bit of fun speculating! This model is on the continuum. There is a latent representation of Doom in weights. some weights, not these weights. Therefore some representation of doom in a neural net could become more efficient over time. That's really the point I'm trying to make.

The raw capacity of the network doesn't tell you how complex the weights actually are. The capacity is only an upper bound on the complexity.

It's easy to see this by noting that you can often prune networks quite a bit without any loss in performance. I.e. the effective dimension of the manifold the weights live on can be much, much smaller than the total capacity allows for. In fact, good regularization is exactly that which encourages the model itself to be compressible.

I think your confusing capacity with the training dynamics.

Capacity is autological. The amount of information it can express.

Training dynamics are the way the model learns, the optimization process, etc. So this is where things like regularization come into play.

There's also architecture which affects the training dynamics as well as model capacity. Which makes no guarantee that you get the most information dense representation.

Fwiw, the authors did also try distillation.

Sorry I wasn't more clear! I'm referring to the Kolmogorov complexity of the network. The OP said:

> With enough computation, your neural net weights would converge to some very compressed latent representation of the source code of DOOM. Maybe smaller even than the source code itself? Someone in the field could probably correct me on that.

And they're not wrong! An ideally trained network could, in principle, learn the data-generating program, if that program is within its class of representable functions. I might have a NN that naively looks like it takes up GBs of space, but it might actually be parameterizing a much simpler function (hence our ability to prune/compress the weights without performance loss - most of the capacity wasn't being used for any interesting computation).

You're right that there's no guarantee that the model finds the most "dense" representation. The goal of regularization is to encourage that, though!

All over the place in ML there are bounds like:

test loss <= train loss + model complexity

Hence minimizing model complexity improves generalization performance. This is a kind of Occam's Razor: the simplest model generalizes best. So the OP is on the right track - we definitely want networks to learn the "underlying" process that explains the data, which in this case would be a latent representation of the source code (well, except that doesn't really make sense since you'd need the whole rest of the compute stack that code runs on - the neural net has no external resources/embodied complexity it calls, unlike the source code which gets to rely on drivers, hardware, operating systems, etc.)

  > An ideally trained network could, in principle, learn the data-generating program
No disagreement
  > I might have a NN that naively looks like it takes up GBs of space, but it might actually be parameterizing a much simpler function (hence our ability to prune/compress the weights without performance loss - most of the capacity wasn't being used for any interesting computation).
Also no disagreement.

I suggested that this probably isn't the case here since they tried distillation and saw no effect. While this isn't proof that this particular model can't be compressed more it does suggest that it is non-trivial. This is especially true given the huge difference in size. I mean we're talking about 700x...

Where I think our disagreement is in that I read the OP as saying __this__ network. If we're talking about a theoretical network, well... nothing I said anywhere is in any disagreement with that. I even said in the post I linked to that the difference shows that there's still a long way to go but that this is still cool. Why did I assume OP was talking about __this__ network? Well because we're in a thread talking about a paper and well... yes, we're talking about compression machines so theoretically (well not actually supported by any math theory) this is true for so many things and that is a bit elementary. So makes more sense (imo) that we're talking about this network. And I wanted to make it clear that this network is nowhere near compression. Can further research later result in something that is better than the source code? Who knows? For all the reasons we've both mentioned. We know they are universal approximators (which are not universal mimicers and have limits) but we have no guarantee of global convergence (let alone proof such a thing exists in many problems).

And I'm not sure why you're trying to explain the basic concepts to me. I mentioned I was an ML researcher. I see you're a PhD at Oxford. I'm sure you would be annoyed if I was doing the same to you. We can talk at a different level.

Totally fair points all. Sorry if it came across as condescending!

I agree with you that this network probably has not found the source code or something like a minimal description in its weights.

Honestly, I'm writing a paper on model compression/complexity right now, so I may have co-opted the discussion to practice talking about these things...! Just a bit over-eager (,,>﹏<,,)

Have you given much thought to how we can encourage models to be more compressible? I'd love to be able to explicitly penalize the filesize during training, but in some usefully learnable way. Proxies like weight norm penalties have problems in the limit.

Obviously assets would get encoded too, in some form. Not necessarily corresponding to the original bitmaps, if the game does some consistent post-processing, the encoded thing would more likely be (equivalent to) the post-processed state.

That’s just an artifact of the language we use to describe an implementation detail, in the sense GP means it, the data payload bits are not essentially distinct from the executable instruction bits

The Holographic Principle is the idea that our universe is a projection of a higher dimensional space, which sounds an awful lot like the total simulation of an interactive environment, encoded in the parameter space of a neural network.

The first thing I thought when I saw this was: couldn't my immediate experience be exactly the same thing? Including the illusion of a separate main character to whom events are occurring?

Similarly, you could run a very very simple game engine, that outputs little more than a low resolution wireframe, and upscale it. Put all of the effort into game mechanics and none into visual quality.

I would expect something in this realm to be a little better at not being visually inconsistent when you look away and look back. A red monster turning into a blue friendly etc.

Video games are gonna be wild in the near future. You could have one person talking to a model producing something that's on par with a AAA title from today. Imagine the 2d sidescroller boom on Steam but with immersive photorealistic 3d games with hyper-realistic physics (water flow, fire that spreads, tornados) and full deformability and buildability because the model is pretrained with real world videos. Your game is just a "style" that tweaks some priors on look, settings, and story.

Sorry, no offence, but you sound like those EA execs wearing expensive suits and never played a single video game in their entire life. There’s a great documentary on how Half Life was made. Gabe Newell was interviewed by someone asking “why you did that and this, it’s not realistic”, where he answered “because it’s more fun this way, you want realism — just go outside”.

Most games are conditioned on text, it's just that we call it "source code" :).

(Jk of course I know what you mean, but you can seriously see text prompts as compressed forms of programming that leverage the model's prior knowledge)

> one can imagine a near future where text prompts are enough to create a fun new game

Sit down and write down a text prompt for a "fun new game". You can start with something relatively simple like a Mario-like platformer.

By page 300, when you're about halfway through describing what you mean, you might understand why this is wishful thinking

If it can be trained on (many) existing games, then it might work similarly to how you don't need to describe every possible detail of a generated image in order to get something that looks like what you're asking for (and looks like a plausible image for the underspecified parts).

So, diffusion models are game engines as long as you already built the game? You need the game to train the model. Chicken. Egg?

here are some ideas:

- you could build a non-real-time version of the game engine and use the neural net as a real-time approximation

- you could edit videos shot in real life to have huds or whatever and train the neural net to simulate reality rather than doom. (this paper used 900 million frames which i think is about a year of video if it's 30fps, but maybe algorithmic improvements can cut the training requirements down) and a year of video isn't actually all that much—like, maybe you could recruit 500 people to play paintball while wearing gopro cameras with accelerometers and gyros on their heads and paintball guns, so that you could get a year of video in a weekend?

Even if you spend 40 hours a week in video conferences, you'll have to work for over four years to get one years' worth of footage. Of course, by then the models will be even better and so you might actually have a chance of going surfing.

I guess I should start hoarding video of myself now.

the neural net doesn't need a year of video to train to simulate your face; it can do that from a single photo. the year of video is to learn how to play the game, and in most cases lots of people are playing the same game, so you can dump all their video in the same training set

That feels like the endgame of video game generation. You select an art style, a video and the type of game you'd like to play. The game is then generated in real-time responding to each action with respect to the existing rule engine.

I imagine a game like that could get so convincing in its details and immersiveness that one could forget they're playing a game.

Well, 2001 is actually a happy ending, as Dave is reborn as a cosmic being. Solaris, at least in the book, is an attempt by the sentient ocean to communicate with researchers through mimics.

Have you ever played a video game? This is unbelievably depressing. This is a future where games like Slay the Spire, with a unique art style and innovative gameplay simply are not being made.

Not to mention this childish nonsense about "forget they're playing a game," as if every game needs to be lifelike VR and there's no room for stylization or imagination. I am worried for the future that people think they want these things.

The problem is quite the opposite, that AI will be able to generate games so many game with so many play styles that it will totally dilute the value of all games.

Compare it to music gen algo's that can now produce music that is 100% indiscernible from generic crappy music. Which is insane given that 5 years ago it could maybe create the sound of something that maybe someone would describe as "sort of guitar-like". At this rate of progress it's probably not going to be long before AI is making better music than humans. And it's infinitely available too.

Its a good thing. When the printing press was invented there were probably monks and scribes who thought that this new mechanical monster that took all the individual flourish out of reading was the end of literature. Instead it became a tool to make literature better and just removed a lot of drudgery. Games with individual style and design made by people will of course still exist. They'll just be easier to make.

There are thousands of games that mimic each other, and only a handful of them are any good.

What makes you think a mechanical "predict next frame based on existing games" will be any good?

If you train it on multiple games then you could produce new games that have never existed before, in the same way image generation models can produce new images that have never existed before.

It's unlikely that such a procedurally generated mashup would be perfectly coherent, stable and most importantly fun right out of the gate, so you would need some way to reach into the guts of the generated game and refine it. If properties as simple as "how much health this enemy type has" are scattered across an enormous inscrutable neural network, and may not even have a single consistent definition in all contexts, that's going to be quite a challenge. Nevermind if the game just catastrophically implodes and you have to "debug" the model.

Maybe, in future, techniques of Scientific Machine Learning which can encode physics and other known laws into a model would form a base model. And then other models on top could just fine tune aspects to customise a game.

Well, yeah. Image diffusion models only work because you can provide large amounts of training data. For Doom it is even simpler, since you don't need to deal with compositing.

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