
原始链接: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41381598

给定的文本讨论了在线资源的几个问题,以便通过分步指南自学各种技术和非技术技能。 作者对所涵盖主题的广泛性、技能分类的固执己见以及先决条件缺乏明确性表示担忧。 作者强调了指令不明确的例子,例如关注技术(例如学习多个引擎、框架和编程语言)而不是最终产品或目标。 进一步的批评提到缺乏现实世界的应用,特别是在建筑等实际领域,并且未能提供成功的必要信息,例如建筑规范知识、许可证要求和行业内常用的工具。 此外,作者还提供了改进建议,包括简化演示格式、提供更现实的项目目标、提供更详细、针对具体情况的指导,以及通过 GitHub 促进协作和社区参与。 最后,作者承认,尽管存在缺陷,该资源对于寻找各个学科切入点的新手来说可能是有益的。



This is a brilliant idea but execution leaves a lot to be desired. I get that there's a lot of judgement calls going on here but I really wish this would become a popular project with lots of subject experts to weigh in.

Looking at the PCB design skill tree, it just doesn't look very realistic. "Use an Autorouting tool," for example, is second after "Learn PCB Software" when it should be in the top half of the tree (if not in the top few rows).

"Design an SMD PCB" is on the same horizontal line as "Hand solder SMD Parts", as is "Learn to Read a Schematic" and "Learn PCB Software"(?!) Learning the PCB design software is a process that must run in parallel with most of the skill tree.

"Use a reflow oven to solder a PCB" is two who levels above "Use a pick & place machine" and so on. I get that a lot of this is path dependent on experience but "Use SMD tweezers" should probably go alongside "Solder SMD parts"...

Given the sheer breadths of topics (many non-tech), it'd be hard to to get expters to help cater every list. and of course, these kinds of skill workflows will always be opiionated. I can vouch in for game dev on a few odd sticklers:

- There's definietely a lot of fluff in the beginning and a few odd side roads. Fluff is definitely fine in the beginning (yes, you ideally should play games, and especially bad ones), but some seem a bit useless without more direction. like following a dev stream or learning about accessibility features (which I think is great, but this is so far into the future unless your audience is someone who needs it. Accessibility is polish beyond polish).

- There's an odd focus on tech that implies "more tools good". Make a game in Renpy, then make one in godot later on, then learn a 2d and 3d engine? as a nitpick I also find it funny that "make a game in Unreal Engine" either requires a game in Unity, a VR game, or this scenic route of level design and user research. What's your goal and game motivation? I go with the Bruce Lee mentality here. Pick a direction, pick a tool, then get really good at that tool. devs make games, not tools.

- similar story with game features and ieas. AI (game AI not llm), procedural generation, voice acting, puzzles, modding, etc? Some people could go their entire careers and not need to use these for their games. It's a general purpose list but I guess this is where roadmaps could help. you definitely need different steps to work on a puzzle game compared to VN, compared to a procgen'd rougelite.

- "fail to submit a game jam game before the deadline"... well, I didn't ask for a personal attack :(

I thought the "House Building" one would include things like wiring, plumbing, drywall, mudding & taping, texturing, painting, finish carpentry, framing/formbuilding(rough carpentry), concrete, flooring, and so on. Instead it's more about doing feasability and stuff. The Renovation & Repair one lumps a lot of discrete skill sets together and maybe leaves a lot of stuff up to "experts."

A lot of these "skill sets" have fractal complexity, where if you dig in on "Concrete work" you'll find yourself going down a rabbit hole of form building, hydrostatic pressure, foundation squaring, and so on. Even pouring an unreinforced slab for a patio requires some distinct skills. Plumbing is the same way where being able to replace a water heater could devolve into sweating new fittings.

Is the intent here to document what you could do without knowing what the residential code is and how to pull permits in your area?

I would assume that you are not a carpenter: As a carpenter, I would include: Knowledge of Universal Building Codes, knowledge of local building codes, Local code checklists, Blue print reading, Site survey reading, and first hand knowledge of your local building department. (AHJ)

Concrete forms, soil management, concrete testing, that is more than a rabbit hole, its a whole immense specialty. ( Ask Richard Sloan, who literally taught me how to finish concrete like glass... over very large areas. )

Tiling is deep also. ( Thanks Alejandro ).

Even after more than 10 years work, texturing as a skill is still beyond me, and like far beyond me.

Your point is well taken, but...

This is an amazingly LARGE amount of work.

Environmental skill?I cannot wait to see this one:

I should make a Building a Desktop PC, Coaching, Transform your life. Truck Driving and Taking no sh*.

>Tiling is deep [...] texturing is a skill beyond me.

Interesting. Sounds like you have way more experience than me, but I feel pretty comfortable doing tiling and do a decent job, after doing a kitchen floor, backsplash, bathroom floor, and shower. The biggest risk with doing tiling is once you learn how to do it, you'll start noticing bad tiling jobs everywhere. Particularly lippage.

I've also done decent jobs of texturing the couple attempts I've done. I don't love them, if I stare at them I think they look terrible but if I'm walking past I don't notice them. What in car racing they'd call a 50/50 paint job: looks good from 50 feet when it's going 50MPH. :-) But, what I'm starting to do, and what I did on my bathroom remodel, is doing a level 5 finish. It took me a while to get to where I was happy, but not having to texture and instead just painting the untextured wall came out pretty nice. I guess it's more common in "the west" to texture and level 5 in "the east" (USA).

Perfection is just making sure any flaws are smaller than the observer's perceived level of detail.

> you'll start noticing bad tiling jobs everywhere

To me, that's the crux of it. There are structural and system jobs (load bearing carpentry, electrical, plumbing) and there's everything else (tiling, painting, countertops, cabinetry, etc).

If you screw up the latter... it looks bad, and that's about the end of it.

Which is to say, give it a go. Most people, with the proper investment of time and care, can do a better-than-contractor job on non-code/permit type work, simply by virtue of caring about it more.

>simply by virtue of caring about it more.

There is a lot of power in caring about your work. My philosophy is: Anything worth doing is worth overdoing. Contractors can't affordably overdo their work, generally. They need to bang it out and get on to the next one. Their experience lets them work faster, but their budget limits the level of work they can do.

Plus, I love the level of knowledge it gives me about the house. For example, when our drier started blowing the breaker every load, I was comfortable enough to open the panel and take a peek and notice that one of the legs on the breaker was heat damaged, and the breaker was cracked, and that leg wasn't torqued down very well. Cut off the damaged wire, replaced the breaker, and I'm back in business. And that work was done by a pro 7 years ago.

>what you could do without knowing what the residential code is and how to pull permits in your area?

Don't let permits stop you. I'm sure it varies from location to location, but our city permit office is crazy helpful to DIYers, and it makes sense: making it easy for DIYers to get permits and inspections is a huge win for safety in the long run.

I love having the "backstop" of an inspection to find any problems I have, and the inspectors have all been extremely nice. And for my tub drain, it was in a confined area that was really hard to work the necessary pieces in, the general inspector called in a plumbing inspector who called in a master plumber before we could get it worked out so that I didn't end up with an S-trap.

Literally three people to do a tub waste, wow, btw just about every tub waste is in a confined area where it's hard to work the necessary pieces in. That is the nature of tub wastes.

The point being: Having the inspection prevented me from having an S-trap that I likely would have had if I or a plumber had done it without inspection. In my case it was particularly tough because I had the floor joists, cross bracing 2 water pipes, and another 2x4 to negotiate, while the drain was moved over 2 inches from where the original was. It was doable, but was great to have a master plumber verify my final solution wasn't an S-trap.

I assume it's just a bingo card. So it is used to tell you your skills and possibly guide you to other skills, but not meant as a curriculum. It tells you who you are, not what you should be.

Really wish these were called achievements instead of a skill tree to head off every discussion fixated on how these aren't actually tree structures and/or don't work like, or even have a similar intent as, video game skill trees.

Especially seeing them in practice, it's pretty clear to me that the goal is to fill in all the segments, which helps to identify which skills or projects might be be sitting in a blind spot. And especially in a group environment, helping to point out which people might be able to answer questions about specific tasks because it's easier to spot on a chart like this than asking each member the same questions.

The design clearly wants to be a tree, though. I don't feel the intent was to fill out every skill tree, but the "start here" and direct graph structure implies some sort of roadmap.

It's less appealing, but a more directly communicative design would be more of a difficulty "bucket". Do X% of tasks in tier 1 and then start trying to tap into tier 2, etc.

yeah, they're poorly named and that seems to be one of several ways they're poorly thought out. but, whatever, 90% of everything is crap, and maybe they'll get better

So much hate here in these comments and threads. I know for myself, sometimes it's good to even have an idea of small/medium/large sized projects / ideas to run with to consider as an "experience" in doing a new skill I've never worked in before.

It looks like these are an attempt to create units of work that are approachable and individually researchable to complete.

I think it's pretty great!

The great thing about open source is that it enables all the people with the time to post negative comments here to address the shortcomings that their keen eyes have spotted...right?

we're literally bikeshedding at this point. Labels are trivial to change. Not worth dumping an entire project over.

What "higher quality" project deserved to be worked on more than this in your mind.

> So much hate here in these comments and threads.

This is a shallow dismissal of the legitimate criticisms that others have of this project.

This is Hacker News. The culture and goal is to satisfy intellectual curiosity and have interesting conversations. The point is NOT to emotionally dogpile (either positively or negatively) on things. That's boring, not enlightening, not intellectual gratifying, not curiosity-satisfying. If you have a legitimate praise or criticism, then you can air it, as long as it's interesting.

No, I think he has a point. There's more than one person saying stuff like "these are awful", which is unnecessarily harsh. Sycophancy isn't good, but neither is just ripping on someone's work. You can give constructive criticism and still be nice about it.

100%, and the author is self-aware enough to even offer an opportunity to "fix bugs," meaning if the community put their money where their mouth is, we can probably help the author upgrade these pretty easily. I'm jotting notes on the various "trees" I can contribute to myself, and plan on sending those later today. Hope others join me.

> The point is NOT to emotionally dogpile (either positively or negatively) on things.

which is what he GP is criticizinh. What interesting conversation do we get out of "These skill trees are so awful....Also they aren't trees." or "Almost as if this whole thing was the output of an LLM" do we get here?

The fact that you consider pretty reasonable and dispassionately presented criticism/feedback to be "hate" speaks more to your general fragility than anything else. Glad to hear you find the project useful though.

These skill trees are so awful. The computing one has "learn to type on a keyboard" after buying a domain, setting up an email domain, make a website, make a blog, or building your own computer. Their measure of advance in general is basically random.

Also they aren't trees.

You are reading it in the wrong direction. "Learn to type on a keyboard" is the basic skill (and I am pretty sure it means some form of touch typing, not a finger-poking), and "Buying a domain" is the advanced one.

Peak HN to clearly not even spend 1 minute to understand the content to then come in the comments ranting about how bad it is and that it's wrong. Sure, some of the ordering of difficulties may be off but a lot of it is subjective depending on what you already know I'd say. I think they're a good way of getting some motivation of projects to undertake

I mean, it might work for ppl who are visualizers (those who like to have whiteboards all around them) and struggle with making a plan to master a skill.

I am assuming, of course, that everyone will break down a path into their own personal steps rather than just downloading an random roadmap.

I can see this being more appealing than a boring to-do list.

I think that this is getting negative feedback because "skill trees" raise expectations that this doesn't satisfy. A skill tree would be a dependency graph showing which skills depend on which other skills. This is more of a template for a related set of skills stacked by difficulty. Maybe just call it "Maker Skill Stacks" to head off the disappointment.

Yeah, something like that would help—I might go with "achievement chart", since many aren't even "skills".

But there's also a lot of people pointing out that the basic vs advanced sorting is really questionable in some cases. It's going to be impossible to get an objectively correct sorting, but some seem to just be completely wrong.

Were these skill "trees" the output of an LLM or something? Of the domains I have a lot of familiarity with, the ordering (if it can even be assumed the easy ones are at the bottom and the hard ones at the top) make little sense.

I think if I were a newbie in any of these subjects and followed the "trees" as presented I would be quickly discouraged and lost.

I applaud the effort, but, these templated skill trees are just not very good imo. I have only one issue but it's a big one:

It's missing a tree structure, so there is no ordering of skills (learn easy stuff before hard stuff because there is a learning curve to anything).

They might be good as prints to hang on your wall, but in the current state they're more "achievement lists" rather than anything resembling a tech tree.

It looks like the easy stuff is at the bottom and the harder stuff is at the top. It's more of a skill line than a skill tree.

That being said, I find the idea intriguing and the format appealing.

Usually when I’m learning a new thing I work backwards: what do I want to do, and what do I need to understand to accomplish it? The reason is very simple. If you learn a huge list of “skills” or “tools” you’ll be a mile wide and an inch deep, which isn’t really good enough to get anything done. You have to get your hands dirty.

This is also why (controversial take incoming) I don’t think calculus should be a prerequisite for computer science or even machine learning. Yes, it is possible you will need to know it. But most likely you won’t. Most people aren’t writing their own loss functions or backprop libraries. And if you are, great! You can learn it later. Way too many people stop before they ever get started because of unnecessary gatekeeps.

One reason calculus is a good prerequisite for CS is that it's typically where you introduced to the concepts of limits and are taught how to look at a formula and see how it behaves at extrema and critical points, if you're good it can be done by eye or with some basic white boarding.

And that's (in the broadest strokes) the key skill set for complexity analysis and software architecture. One of the worst trends I've seen in recent years is the dogma of benchmarking and profiling as the gods of performance analysis. Any decent software engineer should be able to reason about how a program behaves by reading it before reaching for automated tooling - which by the way, won't tell you why a benchmark is bad or why some section of the program is a bottleneck.

I love the idea, but I think "Modern and relevant" is almost impossible while still being compatible with what I think of as maker culture.

Like... Writing a sorting algorithm comes before using a debugger? I've never written a sorting algorithm and don't expect I'm going to want to any time soon.

I think ideally these would be simple markdown or JSON files with the cool tree layout generated automatically.

I'd rather see a more fantasy game looking layout, I'm sure some would love a sci-fi or cyberpunk theme, and everyone would like easy pull requests and contributing.

I think perhaps a true tree layout might be the best, because it could capture the orthogonality of different paths.

Low level algorithms could be a totally different branch from "Regular old coding", to capture the orthogonality and extreme specialization of modern tech.

I'd probably also keep the steps a lot more general.

Like, for electronics, I would probably have firmware, analog (Branching to RF and power), hand assembly, digital, and DFM.

Digital might go:

* Blink an LED with Arduino

* Build something with at least two outputs and two inputs

* Use a discrete logic gate

* Do something with an FPGA

* Design a Linux or other OS capable PCB

Analog could go:

* Use an op amp * Sub microvolt signals * Megahertz * 10Mhz * Make an RF transmitter or receiver * Control something greater than 25 watts * Design a piece of uncommon scientific equipment

I'm pretty amazed at the idea, and how many variations are already filled out. The ones I knew something about seemed really complete. Well done!

I've always characterized "Makers" as "geeks who missed shop class" --- this sort of thing just underscores how our educational system fails when it doesn't include methodologies such as Sloyd:


>Students may never pick up a tool again, but they will forever have the knowledge of how to make and evaluate things with your hand and your eye and appreciate the labor of others...

Quite a few commentators suggesting AI was used to generate the charts. Well, the README has been updated!

"Were these made with AI? No, these were made in collaboration with experts or using my own expertise, without any AI usage."

Same goes for anyone who wants to suggest a better nomenclature (and there are some good suggestions amongst the HN comments).

"Will you keep the 'Skill Trees' name when they aren't really traditional skill trees? While these templates are skill tree inspired, I'm working on some new name ideas, potentially 'Skill Trackers' or something else. Any suggestions appreciated!"

This is a fantastic idea, and I think the overall negativity misses the point of it being an evolving and collaborative project on github.

When you don't know what you don't know, any little map can be helpful to get one started.

When one desires to learn a skill they usually don't know what questions to ask to get started. This is one of the biggest challenges in learning, and there's a multibillion dollar industry devoted to easing that burden via textbooks and instructional videos. But equally important: beginners don't have a mental model for where that specific desired skill or knowledge lies on the continuum of the domain in which they're seeking to grow. This project puts skills in context, even if some of those contexts are (currently) very flawed.

For example, I've begun working with a couple of teenage garage bands that live near me. I have a lot of experience as a working musician, and they didn't have any at all-- but they knew they wanted to write, record, and perform teenage garage music. I noticed a "Music" domain on the maker tree. It could use improvement, but what it does is make clear that there's more to being a performing musician than learning guitar. In fact I've watched these kids go from "make a playlist" to "learn about copyright & licensing" to "produce a track with another person" to "play a ticketed show", and many of these steps were both required ("learn to keep a beat" springs to mind ;) ) and also not obvious to them when they started.

Each one of these domains is massive and full of intrinsic, context-dependent experiential knowledge. But they make a great starting point. I already learned some things about, say, the PCB design domain and have a better catalog of what I'd need to search the internet for to begin that rabbit-hole.

Edit: spelling, grammar

"Stippling" is misspelled in the Comic Artist skill tree. Which I can pretty much fill in given that I can fill in the blank spaces with checked-off things like "get cover quotes from three people with seven Hugos between them". But I can't fill it in with "get two Reuben nominations" like one of my friends can. Also I feel like "submit your work to publishers" and "get someone else to publish your stuff for you" is distinctly lacking. And pretty much a requirement for the "two Rube noms". Personally I'd remove "use hatching/crosshatching/stipling" and the other misspelling of "digitally adjust the hue/saturation/contaract etc".

The Visual Artist one mostly works though. I can fill pretty much all of that one in too.

I agree. These are fun badges to maybe collect and help move you along a path. I don't think they should be followed in a sequence. For example, if you look at the game development one... why do I need to write a game design document before making a game? Doesn't seem like the right approach in my opinion.

I don't want to be negative at all so I'll ask for clarification. What is expected if you have filled in every single one of these "goals"?

I would honestly expect for the three disciplines where I am fairly confident I am good at, ie 10+ years of experience in an actual working environment. I would expect a relatively new to the industry person to have completed most of the goals. Completing the "skill tree" is the start of the journey in those disciplines not the end.

My take, if you have done this skill tree you are now equipped to know whether you actually want to become an expert in that field.

If this skill tree is up to the hobbyist level then sure, it's not too bad.

Fun lists but the "1 tile = 1 point" needs more realistic weights - for example "take a video" is equivalent to "make a short film" in points earned, where realistically pushing a button is not the same effort as making a short. Maybe there should be a logarithmic/exponential/multiplier scale associated with progressing up the list. Or determine an average time-to-complete metric from user feedback and indicate such on the skill progression.

My personal complaint is that "jewelry making" is on their todo list....jewelry making is like 20 different hobbies!! I make chainmaille jewelry. I know nothing about wire wrapping, let alone working with heat. Then you can have beaded jewelry, where there's bead crochet/weaving/other techniques (I don't know much about beads). There's macrame, there's glass, you can do ceramics, resin, etc. And this is just materials, not talking about designing vs crafting. That is not one hobby!

I've had an idea for a while of a site... kinda like letterboxd, where you could log "learning paths" for textbooks and the like (for example to log what chapters you've gone through, exercises and the like).

I've built out some of it but would always get a bit lost in the weeds. I think there's a big challenge with self-learning in that you do kind of want feedback from people about whether you're going about some material the right way or not.

This sort of stuff looks fun though.

For the uninitiated there are robust formal versions of this used by industry. My product bases higher ed and corporate assessment scoring on these. Check out ONET and Lightcast as a starting place.

I’m not familiar with these kinds of gamification concepts. The idea of a skill tree is that you have to work on prerequisite skills before getting to the outer reaches of the tree, no?

I wonder why the cocktail tree has “Ask a liquor store to stock a new ingredient” as one of the most advanced category? Sounds more like an achievement.

I checked out learn to code. Had things like write a quicksort, use a bitwise operator, teach a friend, give a speech on coding.

Probably not the most useful list.

I love the idea, I love the format. As others have mentioned this isn't really a skill tree, it is more of a skill line.

It is extremely difficult to be an expert in ~50 different skills. Because of this, it is difficult to make ~50 high quality skill progressions.

Have you considered trying to crowd source skill achievements and priorities for these progressions?

Cooking has such a weird idea of basic vs. advanced.

"Make garlic bread" is near the bottom, and then "use fresh garlic or ginger in a meal" is five rows higher. Apparently using fresh garlic and ginger is more advanced than "make a daal", which I've never considered even doing without fresh ginger?

(And, wait, making popcorn is even more advanced?!)

These specifics aside, the big issue I have is that basic/advanced is the wrong axis. It should be fundamental building blocks going up to more complex things dependent on those building blocks: using fresh ginger is a building block you learn so you can cook daal. You don't learn how to cook daal and at a later date learn how to add spices!

I like the idea. To cooking I would add:

- rice and beans from three continents

- make a good vinegrette

- make three mother sauces (learn a roux, fond, etc)

- brine, dress, and roast a chicken/poultry

- hunt, field dress, and butcher venison

- catch, filet, and serve fish

- top of the skill heap would be a bouliabaisse, if heap didn't include baking

Bought my first 3D printer 2 months ago. Probably have 2/3 of the 3D printing one filled out already lol. (Much of which is pretty much a freebie just by buying a Bambu Labs printer)

can someone say something about the entrepreneur skill tree? I've got the business Idea, want to solve via dropshipping and am stuck on finding makers and how to talk to them. Basically big-dog robot for granny, he can bring her food upstairs and follow her to the grocery. can't have complex smartphone controlls, a chip in your pocket so it follows you should be the default and so on - if you steal it, you're solving a problem for me, lol

these are great. under civics, I didn't see "file an Access to Information (FOIA) request" which would have been good. under IT security, it's actually not bad from a beginner perspective as you need to know those things to know what the next levels up are. the music tree could use some detail, but overall I shared it with friends.

wait, if i started using debian, even as admin, much of the stuff never applied to me. never installed java or python by hand, as it is not needed. never installed nixos.

Not saying, this is the way it should be (and i admit, i installed java by hand .. on freebsd once), but i am a bit skeptical.

“Maker movement” is a hard commercialization angle of DIY, or really, doing anything. Not sure who came up with the label “Maker” but I’m personally not a fan. Maybe reading Christopher Tolkien has rubbed off on me. As someone who works hands on with a lot of things, I can’t help but feel like a cultural shift is taking place. I’m all for DIY so this is great, but you don’t have to be a “Maker” to get shit done.

As with anything, the word starts to get applied to things that the originators didn't necessarily intend.

My working definition of "maker" is someone who fabricates physical things. It's less DIY'er and more crafts & hobbies on steroids. The classic example is people who work in prop departments in movies and theatre. In that arena, you need to be a jack of all trades when it comes to fabricating physical anything. The skills include everything from woodworking and metalworking to mold making, model making, painting etc.

The more you specialize the less the word "maker" applies as I conceive of it. A guitar luthier could certainly be considered a maker by some, I mean it is "making guitars" but the term is intentionally broader than someone who specializes in making something very specific.

But consider the term "furniture maker." We have used the word "maker" in the past to describe someone who makes something specific. You just take off the qualifier and you have someone who makes all sorts of things.

My wife and I are part time magicians and what I often say drives me to magic is that it is the ultimate "maker" hobby. It is extremely multi-disciplined. There's the strict "magic domain" (misdirection, sleight of hand) but depending on what you want to do you end up getting into all sorts of tangential skill development from costume and wardrobe fabrication to building illusions out of a variety of materials (woodworking & metal working) to making smaller hidden devices ("gimmicks" as magicians call them) to practical VFX (makeup, prosthetics etc.)

All that being said, I completely agree that the term has become so overused as to start to border on meaningless.

> It's less DIY'er and more crafts & hobbies on steroids.

This is how I view it as well. DIY is something entirely different from making. But the term has been misused for so long that it has, at least in the larger population, lost a whole lot of meaning.

To me it's less about DIY [0] and more about a production vs consumption attitude. The label "maker" is meant to distinguish someone who makes stuff, as opposed to consuming stuff (e.g. watch a TV show) or doing stuff (e.g. rock climbing).

Sure, the word had been coopted to sell things. But so has DIY. And basically any label. If something is big enough to have a label that enough people use, someone else is going to use it to sell to that group. Our society commercializes the hell out of everything.

[0] but of course there's overlap

My impression is that the term came from Make magazine marketing/PR/branding.

I think that we say "maker spaces" rather than "hacker spaces" probably has a lot to do with the success of Make's branding efforts.

I have always understood "maker" to mean someone creating something new: Art, a new product, a bespoke bit of sports equipment. I do not believe that going whitewater rafting or reading an e-book qualifies as anything. Pouring cement or wiring a new light switch is more handyman than "maker" imho.

I'm going "meh" here for all the skill trees I'm actually familiar with. Using keyboard shortcuts has nothing to do with coding. Negronis don't require more skills than old-fashioneds. Change Bedsheets comes well before any deep cleaning. The music one is just utterly absurd ("learn a difficult lick" before "learn guitar"?)

I love the idea. The execution... leaves questions.

After skimming the skills I'm familiar with, I came to the same conclusion. I was actually relieved when I saw that Blacksmithing isn't finished yet, and that's something that I'm definitely still an amateur at. I can't contribute anything meaningful to it, nor do I feel like it really needs an in-depth skill tree because most of it is just applying the same few basic skills in different orders.

I feel like the author should have done a few for areas that they are actually knowledgeable in, then left the rest up to others. These feel too much like they were made by someone who tried to learn the surface of every topic they could access but doesn't know enough to organize any of what they learned.

I generally agree, though a lot of these could be salvaged by a little bit of reordering. However, I have to pick:

> Using keyboard shortcuts has nothing to do with coding.

Unless you're coding with a pencil or a mouse, it very much does. People like to repeat the "most of my time coding is spend on thinking; typing speed is irrelevant" mantra quite mindlessly, and then they fail to appreciate just how much time they actually spend typing, miss that their bad typing ability is still impacting their overall speed (see: Amdahl's law) and is hindering them from working at a higher conceptual level than just characters and syntax tokens.

Proficiency with keyboard shortcuts of your environment makes high-level operations like "swap these condition branches" or "move these functions over to that class" or "rename this function" atomic or near-atomic operations that you can use on the fly, without thinking much about it. This in turn makes you reason in those higher-level terms more, improving utilization of your thinking capabilities in the non-typing phase too.

So yeah, I'd very much classify keyboard shortcut proficiency (including the associated mentality) as a mid-level critical coding skill.

I guess I've been doing it wrong and my (3.5 decades so far, somewhat successful, somewhat senior) career happened by accident.

I don't debate keyboard shortcuts accelerate you somewhat, but they have low payoff and they aren't foundational for anything else. It doesn't hurt to learn them, but it's in no way a necessary skill. You can be just as good a SWE by just being all mouse-clicky. Or living with cut/copy/paste only. What matters is understanding the operations they enable, and internalizing that the source code is merely a representation of the actual problem, not the goal. (And I've debugged and fixed 250k line code bases via fax, so I feel very confident making that statement)

(Also, "swap these branches", "move function", and "rename function" are really not high-level operations.)

Advanced cooking skill: "Make Sushi"

No. Do not attempt this casually. Every couple years someone in the northwest gets the idea to catch their own salmon and serve it up as sushi. Sushi is not an at-home thing. Either learn to freeze the fish yourself per local hygiene rules and in the correct freezer, or buy from the professionals.

For reference, with tables listing the basic rules in various jurisdictions: https://www.publichealthontario.ca/-/media/Documents/E/2017/...

I haven't read it, but I assume "making sushi" starts with buying sashimi-safe proteins, not literally catching fish out of the water. Some proteins, like farmed Atlantic salmon, are safe enough that you can just buy them at Whole Foods. Bluefin tuna appears to actually be exempt from the FDA freezing rule, too.

You can in fact casually make nigiri. It's not a big deal. I'd start with poke, though, because good nigiri is actually pretty hard to do.

As someone commented on AskCulinary: the big no-no is random (non-exempt) raw wild catch.

> I assume "making sushi" starts with buying sashimi-safe proteins, not literally catching fish

Buying the proteins? Do you mean that or do you mean buying the fish, maybe?

Fish isn't the only option for protein in sushi. "Protein" is among other things cooking slang for "the thing in the dish that serves the purpose meat often does". In a tamago nigiri, egg would be the protein.

"Make Sushi" doesn't mean "catch and prepare your own salmon". It just means you assemble some seaweed, rice, and optionally raw fish. It's 100% in the realm of doable (safely) by an amateur.

Sushi is absolutely, 100% an "at-home thing". The idea that only "professionals" can do things is something we need to get away from, and I would hope people will see these charts and be inspired to leave that sort of learned helplessness behind in at least one area of their lives.

Go ahead, go make some sushi. People have been doing it for as long as sushi has existed. You can leave off the raw fish if you're unsure how to do that safely.

Most basic sushi just starts with cucumber, maybe avocado, carrot, perhaps going a little beyond and doing a Japanese omelette topping, and obviously seaweed. I wouldn't consider fish to be part of any first attempt at sushi. It's all about the rice and vinegar and getting handy at working with it.

Sandworm101 seems to be thinking of sashimi.

If you're in Seattle, you can also go to Uwajimaya, which will sell you every type of seafood you'd find at a typical sushi joint and the knife you'd use to prepare it. It's really not hard at all to make sushi at home!

I'm not sure if I'd trust those two sources. Whole Foods was known for having sushi-grade ahi, but a lot has changed since Amazon bought them. Most upscale grocery stores should be ok.

Interesting. Does this apply to all Norwegian farmed salmon though? The one at Lidl that hasn't been frozen explicitly says to not eat it raw. Perhaps a German law that they have to state it on the package?

> Sushi is not an at-home thing

It depends on where you live. If you're in the Bay Area, you can go to the Tokyo Fish Market in Berkeley to pick up a variety of sushi-grade fish, beer, sake and related groceries.

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