Waste Of The Day: Unscrupulous NGOs Rake In Billions For Foreign Assistance

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/waste-day-unscrupulous-ngos-rake-billions-foreign-assistance

根据美国国会研究服务处 (CRS) 最近的一份报告,2013 年至 2022 年间,有 15 个非营利组织从美国政府筹集了超过 10 亿美元的资金用于外国非军事项目。 在获得美国国际开发署 (USAID) 资助的 6,000 个非政府组织 (NGO) 中,只有 20% 的资金流向了 10 个团体,其中包括 4 个营利性公司。 两个组织总共收到了近 70 亿美元,但由于之前对资金滥用的担忧而被认为存在问题。 RTI International 就是这样一个组织,它因在抗疟疾运动中捏造假受益人并向联邦政府收取未提供服务的费用而受到批评。 尽管天主教会内部以及针对 LGBTQ+ 个人的性虐待指控和歧视指控存在争议,但另一家最大的受援机构天主教救济服务机构 (Catholic Relief Services) 仍获得了 46 亿美元,占所有向宗教组织提供的资金的一半以上。 此外,500 亿美元的外援被分配给了一些组织,这些组织的身份通过经过编辑的信息而被保密,这使得追究责任变得困难。 2023 财年的外国援助总额为 660 亿美元,其中大量拨款用于中东。 正如 OpenTheBooks.com 的调查所强调的那样,美国支持盟友很重要,但对纳税人资金的资助和问责应该受到限制。



Authored by Jeremy Portnoy via RealClearInvestigations,

Topline: Between 2013 and 2022, 15 nonprofits each received over $1 billion from the federal government for foreign, nonmilitary projects, according to a new report from the Congressional Research Service.

Key facts: Six thousand non-governmental organizations, or NGOS, received grants and contracts from the U.S. Agency for International Development, but 20% of the money went to just 10 groups. Four of them are for-profit enterprises.

Almost $7 billion went to two particularly unworthy organizations.

Non-profit research group RTI International accepted $2.3 billion for humanitarian projects around the world, even though past reports have warned of issues with RTI’s spending.

Various audits from 2006 to 2014 claimed that RTI invented “fictional beneficiaries” to make an anti-malaria campaign seem more effective than it really was. They also sent computers to a Nicaraguan school that didn’t have electricity and billed the federal government for teacher salaries in Senegal that had already been paid, according to the audits.

Catholic Relief Services was the top recipient of federal money — $4.6 billion — singlehandedly accounting for more than half of the funds sent to faith-based organizations.

Six of their former board members were named by a Pennsylvania grand jury in 2019 for allowing sex abuse in the Catholic Church. Catholic Relief Services was also found guilty in 2022 of discriminating against a gay employee.

The federal government also sent $50 billion in foreign aid to groups whose names are redacted from public databases, according to the report. In total, Congress gave $66 billion in foreign assistance in FY2023.

Background: A significant portion of USAID’s funds go toward the Middle East, amounting to almost $21 billion from 2021 to 2023, according to OpenTheBooks.

That included $1.4 billion in cash transfers to Jordan, more than any other foreign nation received. The Congressional Research Service quantified over $5 billion in budget assistance to Jordan from 2013 to 2022; no other country received more than $2 billion.

OpenTheBooks also identified some odd initiatives funded in the Middle East. The U.S. spent $3.3 million on “women entrepreneurship development” in Gaza and $339,000 to convince Saudi Arabians to stop keeping cheetahs as pets.

Summary: It’s vital for the U.S. to help its allies, but spending should be limited to legitimate entities with proven records of being good stewards of taxpayer money.

 The #WasteOfTheDay is brought to you by the forensic auditors at OpenTheBooks.com

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