Adding Insult To Margin Calls, Nvidia Receives DOJ Subpoena Making Record Price Drop Even Worse

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/adding-insult-margin-calls-nvidia-receives-doj-subpoena-making-record-price-drop-even-worse

卡玛拉·哈里斯 (Kamala Harris) 的司法部在实力被削弱的总统乔·拜登 (JoeBiden) 的领导下,向包括 NVIDIA 在内的科技公司发出传票,这些公司因涉嫌违反反垄断法而受到调查。 这是继之前的调查问卷之后进行的。 此举可能会导致正式投诉,并导致 NVIDIA 股价大幅下跌。 调查表明,NVIDIA 使转向竞争供应商变得具有挑战性,从而损害了那些不仅仅依赖其 AI 芯片的消费者。 反垄断机构认为,英伟达正在滥用其主导地位,而英特尔等竞争对手则在苦苦挣扎。 尽管受到批评,NVIDIA 仍专注于在数据中心提供“现成”的解决方案,以加快人工智能的采用,而不是鼓励囤积。 前司法部长卡玛拉·哈里斯曾在美国司法部旧金山办事处领导调查。 据报道,美国司法部正在调查 NVIDIA 收购 RunAI 的案子,并对客户因该交易而放弃 NVIDIA 芯片可能遇到的困难表示担忧。 此外,调查人员正在调查 NVIDIA 是否向独家用户或系统购买者提供优惠待遇。 作为对调查的回应,分析师预计 NVIDIA 的收入到 2024 年将飙升至 1200 亿美元,而 2020 年将达到 160 亿美元,这主要是由数据中心销售推动的。 英伟达的利润预计将在 2021 年超过其主要竞争对手 AMD 的总销售额。至于陷入困境的芯片巨头英特尔,未来仍充满不确定性。



In what may be described as an attempt to sabotage her own election odds, moments after the close Bloomberg reported that Kamala Harris' Justice Department - because let's be honest, Joe Biden is officially a vegetable - sent subpoenas to Nvidia and other companies as it seeks evidence that the chipmaker violated antitrust laws, an escalation of its investigation into the dominant provider of AI processors, in the process sending the stock prices sliding even more.

The DOJ, which had previously delivered questionnaires to companies, is now sending legally binding requests that oblige recipients to provide information, Bloomberg reported citing sources. That takes the government a step closer to launching a formal complaint against a company, which may well have its flaws but monopolizing the industry, when its competitors such as Intel are simply criminally incompetent, is not one of them.

According to antitrust officials, Nvidia is making it harder to switch to other suppliers and penalizes buyers that don’t exclusively use its artificial intelligence chips. Which is idiocy: if anything, it is the capabilities of Nvidia chips that are forcing every tom, dick and harry to order one even if the chatGPT idiocy is nowhere near the paradigm shifting discovery idiots on TV make it seem to be. Meanwhile, all Nvidia is doing is sitting back and capitalizing by selling the "picks and shovels" to those same idiots who in about a year will realize that they spent millions on chips to power chatbots that generate zero returns.

Nvidia shares, which already suffered a record-setting rout on Tuesday when they lost a historic $280 billion in market cap, fell further in late trading after Bloomberg reported on the subpoenas, bringing its total drop today to $340 billion!

Some speculated if the idiots that are runnings Kamala's campaign are now intentionally looking to sabotage her election odds by crashing the market-leading generals ahead of the November elections.

As part of the probe, investigators have been contacting other technology companies to gather information. The DOJ’s San Francisco office - where one Kamala Harris was Attorney General not that long ago - is taking the lead running the inquiry.

As Bloomberg reports, in the DOJ probe, regulators have been investigating Nvidia’s acquisition of RunAI, a deal announced in April. That company makes software for managing AI computing, and there are concerns that the tie-up will make it more difficult for customers to switch away from Nvidia chips. Regulators also are inquiring whether Nvidia gives preferential supply and pricing to customers who use its technology exclusively or buy its complete systems.

Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang has said he prioritizes customers who can make use of his products in ready-to-go data centers as soon as he provides them, a policy designed to prevent stockpiling and speed up the broader adoption of AI.

While the stated reason for the DOJ probe is laughable, what is far more likely is that in typical Democrat fashion, the administration is making it clear it will get its pound of flesh in bribes, kickbacks and penalties, from what is at the moment, the world's most important company.  Analysts project that Nvidia will generate over $120 billion of revenue in calendar 2024, up from $16 billion in 2020, with most of that money coming from its data center unit. In fact, Nvidia is set to bring in more profit this year than the total sales of its nearest rival, Advanced Micro Devices. As for one-time chip giant icon Intel, well... rest in peace.

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