"I Will Kill You And Your Families" – Somali Migrant Stabs German Man In The Neck, 30 Police Officers Make Arrest

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/i-will-kill-you-and-your-families-somali-migrant-stabs-german-man-neck-30-police-officers

3月9日,在德国小镇瓦尔特斯豪森,一名27岁索马里男子在当地一家超市外实施袭击。 此次袭击涉及对顾客的无端言语骚扰,最终一名 46 岁男子在要求袭击者停止攻击性行为后被刺伤颈部。 警方逮捕了此前已被定罪的嫌疑人,并指控他谋杀未遂、暴力骚乱和威胁等罪名。 目击者称,嫌疑人在袭击前高喊“我要杀了你和你的家人”。 这一事件引发了大批警察的出动,就在几天前,德国各地发生了一系列类似的移民持刀袭击事件。 由于德国另类选择党(AfD)等极右翼政党最近在选举中获胜,反移民情绪日益高涨。



By Remix News

In yet another knife attack involving a foreigner, a Somali man stabbed a 46-year-old man in the neck outside a supermarket in the small town of Waltershausen. Thirty police officers arrived on scene and took him into custody.

At 5:30 p.m., the incident started with the 27-year-old Somali man purposefully coughing on customers at random inside the “Netto” discount supermarket. He then began threatening them and randomly entering into arguments with various customers.

When a 46-year-old man asked the Somali man to stop, the Somali man allegedly threatened to kill him. The victim then told the Somali to calm down, at which point the Somali stabbed him in the neck, according to the Welt newspaper.

The victim was able to evade the attacker, thus preventing further stab wounds, and other witnesses nearby intervened to stop the Somali. The victim was able to escape with only minor injuries, despite suffering a stab wound to the neck.

The incident triggered a major police operation, with 30 police officers arriving on scene to arrest the Somali man, who was intoxicated. He is now being charged with attempted manslaughter, violent disorder, and threats. He is known for previous crimes as well and has convictions on his record.

“The accused reportedly said to the victim and other people, ‘I will kill you and your families.’ He is then said to have stabbed the victim in the neck with a knife and knowingly accepted his death,” said a public prosecutor.

He faces 15 years in prison.

The small town, which is 50 kilometers west of Erfurt in the eastern state of Thuringia, is one of the strongholds of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party in the country. Over the weekend, the AfD won the elections in the state, scoring the first victory for a right wing party in Germany since World War 2.

The stabbing attack follows a wave of knife crimes involving migrants, including the Solingen knife attacks which killed three Germans at the Festival of Diversity a week ago. Foreigners now account for a record share of violent crimes in the country, as per government statistics from 2023.

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