Trump Will Adopt Elon Musk's Proposal For Gov't Efficiency Commission To Conduct "Complete Financial Audit" On Federal Gov't

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/trump-announce-elon-musks-proposal-government-efficiency-commission

特朗普打算设立一个名为 DOGE 的政府效率部门。 这一举措可能很快就会宣布。 特朗普的目标是在纽约经济俱乐部发表演讲之前启动这一效率驱动行动。 他的演讲将重点讨论通过对所有联邦部门进行全面审查来简化政府运作。 此次审查的最终目的是确定潜在欺诈和滥用资金的领域,减少此类做法以改进管理。 特朗普希望抵消现任政府经济政策的负面影响,这些政策导致高通胀和中等收入家庭的压力。 此外,特朗普主张减少监管以促进经济增长。 最近支持特朗普的埃隆·马斯克提出了这些想法,并表示有兴趣加入特朗普的团队,如果有机会的话。 在本月早些时候的一次长达两个小时的谈话中,双方讨论了建立一个专注于提高整体效率的政府机构。 最后,特朗普认为,即将举行的选举将决定他们是继续在现任领导层的领导下走上经济困难之路,还是选择新的道路。 值得注意的是,据《国会山报》报道,政府欺诈造成的年度损失达 233 至 5,210 亿美元。



Former President Trump plans to adopt Elon Musk's proposed new commission, the Department of Government Efficiency abbreviated as 'DOGE.' According to The Wall Street Journal, Trump could unveil the new government efficiency commission as early as today. 

Trump plans to unveil the government efficiency commission before he delivers a speech at the Economic Club of New York. He will tell reporters that the commission would conduct "a complete financial and performance audit of the entire federal government" and make "recommendations for drastic reform." 

The commission's primary goal is to identify ways to eliminate fraud and improper payments, according to portions of the speech viewed by journos at WSJ. 

Trump's upcoming speech and proposed commission to address the failures of Biden-Harris' Bidenomics, which sparked an inflation storm and financially crushed mid—and low-tier consumers, also aims at deregulation. Trump has actively championed deregulation to make the economy great again.

Musk endorsed Trump on X shortly after the failed assassination attempt on July 13. He pledged millions of dollars to a super PAC supporting causes on the right. 

Speaking with Reuters last week, the former president said he would offer Musk a position if he were seriously interested. 

" He's a very smart guy. I certainly would—if he would do it, I certainly would," the former president said. "He's a brilliant guy."

Musk and Trump first publicly discussed a government efficiency commission during a two-hour conversation on X on August 13. The conversation has received 60.4 million views so far. 

Musk shared an AI picture last month of himself standing at a platform that read "Department of Government Efficiency" (DOGE) and wrote on X, "I am willing to serve."

Earlier this week, Musk reiterated, "I can't wait. There is a lot of waste and needless regulation in government that needs to go." 

On X this morning, Musk responded to one user's post about WSJ's story. He said, "I look forward to serving America if the opportunity arises. No pay, no title, no recognition is needed."

Trump also plans to say, "This election will decide whether we reward Kamala Harris with re-election and four more years of economic calamity—or whether we change direction." 

Let's not forget that the federal government loses between $233 billion and $521 billion to fraud annually, or about $4,000 per American household, as per The Hill

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