
原始链接: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41476873

以下是您对用户界面的批评的摘要: 1. 一致性和标准——“查看选项”下拉菜单在标签和功能方面缺乏一致性,导致用户困惑。 2. 系统状态的可见性 - 隐藏在图形用户界面中的滚动条妨碍用户了解其在文件或列表中的当前位置。 3. 用户控制和自由 - 缺乏易于访问的按钮来导航到更高的目录限制了用户自由并迫使用户依赖替代导航方法。 4. 识别而不是回忆 - 激活常用功能所需的键盘快捷键没有按逻辑放置或对用户来说不明显。 5. 错误预防 - 界面设计允许在单击图标时意外移动窗口,从而增加出错的机会。 6. 帮助和文档 - 内置帮助无法提供执行基本任务的指导,使其毫无用处。 7. 美观和简约的设计 - 分散注意力和多余的工具提示使界面混乱,违反了简约和美观的原则。 8. 使用的灵活性和效率 - 仅通过键盘快捷键访问的隐形功能妨碍了新手和高级用户的可用性。 9. 系统与现实世界之间的匹配 - 系统内使用的术语不一致,由于标签和功能不匹配而给用户造成混乱。 10. 帮助用户识别、诊断错误并从错误中恢复 - 上下文右键单击会导致结果不一致,使错误识别、诊断和恢复过程复杂化。



This should help you trace the argumentation to cited research that is certainly not ”tone deaf”:


1. *Consistency and Standards* Claim: "The 'View Options' dropdown didn't contain view options, but rather sort options, and I didn't realize it was a split button with two completely different functions."

Violation: This breaks Consistency and Standards. The user expects consistent terminology and functionality, but the dropdown name doesn't match what it actually does, leading to confusion.

2. *Visibility of System Status* Claim: "Hidden scroll bars... hides information not only about what I can do with the GUI itself, but also about where I'm currently positioned."

Violation: Violates Visibility of System Status. Hidden scrollbars prevent the user from knowing their position in the list or file system, making it difficult to navigate.

3. *User Control and Freedom* Claim: "I miss a button for going one level up, to the parent directory. There are buttons for going back and forward in the navigation history, but that's not the same thing."

Violation: Violates User Control and Freedom. Not having an obvious way to go up a directory removes essential control, forcing users to rely on less intuitive navigation methods.

4. *Recognition Rather Than Recall* Claim: "It seems this editing mode can only be activated using a keyboard shortcut, Ctrl-L, which isn’t immediately apparent—or, to be frank, very logical."

Violation: Violates Recognition Rather than Recall. The user should not need to remember specific keyboard shortcuts to access common functionality. The UI should present these options visibly.

5. *Error Prevention* Claim: "Moving windows by clicking on icons that already have a specific function feels unintuitive and introduces an unnecessary risk of misclicking."

Violation: Violates Error Prevention. The user can easily move the window unintentionally when trying to interact with icons, which increases the chance of errors.

6. *Help and Documentation*

Claim: "Searching and then browsing the built-in help for 'list view' didn’t actually help me find out how to enable the list view."

Violation: Violates Help and Documentation. The help system fails to guide users to solutions for basic tasks, which defeats its purpose.

7. *Aesthetic and Minimalist Design* Claim: "Tooltips are either misleading, or comically uninformative and thus annoyingly distracting."

Violation: Violates Aesthetic and Minimalist Design. Tooltips should convey useful information without being intrusive. Redundant and irrelevant tooltips clutter the interface.

8. *Flexibility and Efficiency of Use*

Claim: "In Gnome Files, we’re instead given a handful of features scattered across the UI. Hidden features (accessible solely through keyboard shortcuts) can only be learned by browsing what is best described as a non-interactive menu."

Violation: Violates Flexibility and Efficiency of Use. Hidden shortcuts reduce the efficiency for experienced users and make the interface less discoverable.

9. *Match Between System and the Real World* Claim: "Menu names and their contents are confusing, with 'View Options' actually being sort options."

Violation: Violates Match Between System and the Real World. The system should use terminology and design elements that align with user expectations, but here the names contradict their function.

10. *Help Users Recognize, Diagnose, and Recover from Errors* Claim: "Context-clicking in the top part of the window gives spurious and unpredictable results."

Violation: Violates Help Users Recognize, Diagnose, and Recover from Errors. Inconsistent behavior in the context-click menus makes it difficult for users to understand or recover from unexpected results.

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