Israeli Strike On Alleged Syrian Chemical Weapons Facility Leaves High Death Toll

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/israeli-strike-alleged-syrian-chemical-weapons-facility-leaves-large-death-toll

据叙利亚官员称,周日晚间,以色列对叙利亚塔尔图斯省和哈马省附近发动空袭,造成 18 人死亡、36 人受伤。 这些伤亡是自加沙冲突爆发以来以色列袭击造成的最重大损失。 一名叙利亚居民在接受 CNN 采访时表示,午夜前听到了大约八次爆炸声,这些爆炸发生在叙利亚军事科学研究中心(SSRSC)附近,怀疑与叙利亚的化学武器计划有关。 报道称,一些伤者仍然病情危重,这意味着袭击期间研究中心内的工作人员或人员在场。 叙利亚当局谴责这一事件是对其国家主权的残酷侵犯。 爆炸事件发生后,大规模野火吞没了马斯亚夫的乌云干河公路。 初步报告显示死者中可能有真主党特工。 总部位于英国的监测组织叙利亚人权观察站声称实际死亡人数更高——25人,其中包括平民、军事人员、真主党成员和与伊朗结盟的战士。 他们坚称,受攻击的研究中心被用来制造短程和中程精确导弹和无人机。 尽管这不是以色列第一次袭击此类设施,但其目的包括阻碍叙利亚军队的能力,并反驳大马士革对反对派据点使用化学武器的指控。 然而,叙利亚政府对西方和海湾联盟的这些指控提出异议,声称极端主义叛乱组织实施了化学袭击并实施了残暴行为。 随着伊朗和以色列之间的紧张局势升级,采取报复行动的可能性仍然很高。



A late Sunday night apparent Israeli aerial attack on Syria has left at least 18 people dead and 36 injured, Syrian state SANA news agency reported Monday. 

This marks the highest death toll in Syria from an Israeli strike since the Gaza war began last October. Several explosions were witnessed shortly before midnight on Sunday impacting the Tartous and Hama governorates, particularly in the area of the Masyaf countryside. Israeli strikes in this coastal vicinity is somewhat rare.

Image via Al Jazeera

The target appears to have been a secretive facility long eyed by the West as part of the Assad government's chemical weapons program.

"About half an hour before midnight, multiple airstrikes targeted the Syrian Military Scientific Studies and Research Center (SSRC) and several nearby buildings. I heard at least eight explosions, followed by the sound of ambulances," a local resident who spoke to CNN described.

Some of the injured remain in critical condition, and the unusually high death toll suggests there may have been employees and staff inside the research center building when it was hit. 

Syrian Health Minister Hassan al-Ghabbash described the strikes as a "brutal and barbaric aggression" against a sovereign state.

In the aftermath of the strikes, large forest fires erupted along the nearby Wadi al-Uyun highway in Masyaf. Syrian media sources released the below photograph of fires raging in the area...

Image source: SANA

The Associated Press has cited a UK-based anti-Assad monitoring group to claim that Hezbollah operatives were among those killed in the attack:

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a U.K.-based war monitor, said 25 were killed, including at least five civilians, while the others included Syrian army soldiers and members of Hezbollah and other Iran-linked armed groups.

One strike targeted a scientific research center in Masyaf, and others struck sites where "Iranian militias and experts are stationed to develop weapons in Syria," the observatory said. It said the research center was reportedly used for developing weapons, including short- and medium-range precision missiles and drones.

However, the reality is that these weapons program facilities have been targeted by Israel going back many years, in order to degrade the Syrian Army's capabilities, also in the wake of Western allegations that Assad forces had deployed chemical weapons against 'rebel' strongholds.

However, Damascus has long rejected the accusations of Washington and its Western and Gulf allies, saying instead that West-backed jihadi insurgents have launched chemical weapons attacks and carried out mass atrocities.

At this moment, the region is still on edge bracing for a potential Iranian attack on Israel in response to recent major provocations. This fresh Israeli attack on Syria will certainly provoke Tehran and Damascus, and the escalation spiral might not be over.

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