回收堆栈 Reclaim the Stack

原始链接: https://reclaim-the-stack.com

我们花了 7 个月的时间构建了一个基于 Kubernetes 的平台,以取代 mynewsdesk.com 上我们的 SaaS 产品的 Heroku。 结果成本降低了 90%,性能提高了 30%。 我们还通过减少部署时间和更快/更易于访问的工具显着改善了开发人员体验。我们现在已经开源了整个堆栈,因此您可以做同样的事情,但只需几天而不是 7 个月。 是时候回收堆栈了!阅读文档加入 Discord 服务器

We spent 7 months building a Kubernetes based platform to replace Heroku for our SaaS product at mynewsdesk.com. The results were a 90% reduction in costs and a 30% improvement in performance. We also significantly improved developer experience with reduced deploy times and faster / more accessible tooling.We have now open sourced the entire stack, so you can do the same, but in a few days instead of 7 months. It's time to Reclaim the Stack!Read the DocumentationJoin the Discord Server

Reclaim the Stack

We spent 7 months building a Kubernetes based platform to replace Heroku for our SaaS product at mynewsdesk.com. The results were a 90% reduction in costs and a 30% improvement in performance. We also significantly improved developer experience with reduced deploy times and faster / more accessible tooling.

We have now open sourced the entire stack, so you can do the same, but in a few days instead of 7 months. It's time to Reclaim the Stack!

Read the DocumentationJoin the Discord Server
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