
原始链接: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41491896

该用户似乎对现代技术的使用表示不满,并表示他们很少使用高级移动应用程序。 他们提到了大多数人在智能手机上常用的几种功能和应用程序,包括导航系统、摄像头(二维码扫描、物体识别)、图像光学字符识别 (OCR)、具有搜索功能的数字照片库、语音描述、 健身跟踪设备、天气应用程序、远程访问工具、电子书阅读器、播客播放器、音乐流媒体、视频/电视应用程序、特殊相机滤镜或镜头、笔记应用程序、日历、电子邮件、预约安排应用程序、基于位置的服务应用程序、语言 翻译工具、教育应用程序、聊天机器人、互联网搜索和各种社交媒体平台。 该用户还提到,他们不驾驶或拥有其他个人电子设备,这表明总体上与外部技术的交互有限。 尽管在科技领域工作了二十多年,但他们的观点暗示着对当代创新的冷漠,意味着要么缺乏意识,要么故意超然。 他们的最后一个问题可能表明了对常见手机功能的好奇,尽管该消息看起来带有讽刺意味或故意漠不关心。



You don’t use maps for looking around? For navigation while driving? You’re allowed to have in-car satnav or not drive.

You don’t use the camera for QR codes? Fine you don’t want to scan things for information. You don’t use the image recognition in the camera app to select people and copy them out of the background? That’s fine you don’t participate selfies and party photos. To do OCR on text in photos? It’s fine that you never want it. To select e.g. plants and search for what they are on Google? It’s fine that you know what everything is/don’t care/don’t photograph plants. To search your photo library by text for things and people recognised in the pictures? Fine that you know where all your pictures are. To describe photos by voice? Fine that you have good eyesight.

You don’t use the builtin daily steps tracker, or any third party running or cycling or exercise mapping / route trackers, or any Garmin style route planners? Fine that you don’t have other devices for that kind of thing or don’t go out.

You don’t use the weather app, or a third party one? Fine that you don’t want to.

You don’t use any remote terminal, Remote Desktop, programming, Jupyter, anything? Fine that you have a laptop which does everything you need.

Kindle, any ebook reader, any podcast app? Fine that you have paper and don’t listen to posts.

Any music player? Fine that you don’t listen to music.

Any Netflix style video or TV show app, BBC iPlayer? Fine that you don’t even own a TV.

Any third party camera app such as night eyes or webcam stacking, or use the phone as a wireless webcam on another computer? Fine that you aren’t interested in photo novelties.

No Evernote or OneNote cloud synced notebooks or todo lists? Calendar? Email? Fine that you only ever write plain text in a plain text file and you don’t have meetings or appointments.

No local train, tram, bus, library, cinema, schedule app? Fine that you drive everywhere or go nowhere.

No educational apps? Fine that you learn things in other ways. No Chatgpt? Fine that you don’t ask LLMs things. No Google or phind or kagi search? Also fine.

Look, 25 years in tech, am I really writing out a list of “things people do on phones” as if I genuinely believe that you’ve never heard of any of this stuff while also adding how it’s fine because I’m totally expecting you to do the “too cool for school” dismissal of everything?

Has your 25 years in tech been Bronze Age tech? You must be 40 ish, and lived through the era of dumb phones being new and everyone talking about nothing but what contract texts and minutes they had, the time when everyone had Blackberries, the time when features were things like a compass, clock, snake game, custom ringtones, FM radio, and people were doing endless comparisons of their new phone to their old one, the first camera phones, when data went from WAP to GPRS to 2G and web browsers, when “location based services” were called out on TV adverts, and all through the smartphone years nobody ever showed you the cool app they just found, when translating foreign signs was coded in assembly on a 3GS to being just a built in thing in Google camera, when Evernote was a tech darling as people realised the cloud sync convenience, when “no Wi-Fi less space than a nomad” gave way to “all previous gadgets are now one” and the rise of smart tv and smart homes and appliances with their own apps and streaming, every app launched on “show HN” or linked,

you missed everything for fifteen years and “don’t really know what people do with phones anyway?”

That’s got to be a troll comment where you know very well what people do and are pretending not to because you look cooler if you’re disaffected and uninvolved… Right?

Why else would you have no interest in phones but be in an iPhone 16 launch thread? and think your comment on how you don’t even use a phone anyway is a good comment worth posting?

Or you have main character syndrome and think the only things which exist should be for you to use need nothing else matters?

Assume good faith… are you … hoping someone can share a list of “things phones can do?” then here is another partial one.

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