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| Yup. Think about what happened when the Internet Society almost sold the .org TLD to Ethos Capital and they were planning on raising the registration prices by a lot. |
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| I felt the need to get in addition to (shall we say) foo-bar.nl the foobar.nl the foo-bar.com and foobar.com because I dont want a competitor picking up those and customers might type it like that. |
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| Could you elaborate on why? The companies I have worked for have pretty much all used domain.com for marketing and app.domain.com for the actual application. What's wrong with this approach? |
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| If there’s any scope for a user to inject JavaScript, then potentially this gives a vector of attack against other internal things (e.g admin.domain.com, operations.domain.com etc) |
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| Mega corps have their own top-level domains. For example there're .apple, .google, .amazon, .youtube and probably some more I had forgotten.
Even when companies don't have their own top-level domain, they can have their own domain registrar. For example "facebook.com" is registered with "registrarsafe.com" as registrar. The latter registrar is a wholly owned subsidiary of Facebook. I learned this from this HN thread https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=28751497 |
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| A friend of mine recently let the domain used for documentation of Pykka, a Python actor library, expire. Some of course registered the domain, resurected the content and injected ads/spam/SEO junk.
Since the documentation is Apache License 2.0 there isn't much one can do, other than complain to the hosting about misuse of the project name/branding. But so far we haven't heard back from the hosting provider's abuse contact point (https://github.com/jodal/pykka/issues/216 if anyone is interested). |
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| A plain
could've already solved the issue. But getting everyone to agree and adopt something like that is hard.Although as fanf2 points out below, it seems you could also just start with the IANA whois server. Querying https://www.iana.org/whois for `mobi` will return `whois: whois.nic.mobi` as part of the answer. |
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| > $ sqlite3 whois-log-copy.db "select source from queries"|sort|uniq|wc -l
Oh cool they saved the logs in a database ! Wait... |sort|uniq|wc -l ?? But why ? |
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| That's the other way around (and also SuSE, Ubuntu LTS and even Debian stable): here are the things you can get security backports for vs here are the security backports for things you need. |
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| Wow! Highly entertaining and scary at the same time. Sometimes ijust wish i was clueless about all those open barn doors. |
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| Thank you for clarifying. That is indeed much more worrying.
If we were able to guarantee NO certificate authorities used WHOIS, this vector would be cut off right? And is there not a way to, as a website visitor, tell who the certificate is from and reject/distrust ones from certain providers, e.g. Digicert? Edit: not sure if there's an extension for this, but seems to have been done before at browser level by Chrome: https://developers.google.com/search/blog/2018/04/distrust-o... |
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| JavaScript land fares little better.
IMO it’s because php and js are so easy to pick up for new programmers. They are very forgiving, and that leads to… well… the way that php and js is… |
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| They fucked themselves and the rest of us moved on.
You can become a good person late in life and still be lonely because all your bridges are burned to the ground. |
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| Does exactly what? Ban whole ecosystems because somebody on the internet used it wrong? Could you please provide any substantiation to this entirely unbelievable claim? |
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| Considering we have 3 major tech companies (Microsoft/Apple/Google) controlling 90+% of user devices and browsers, I believe this is more solvable than we'd like to admit. |
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| obligatory https://xkcd.com/927/
Honestly: we're in this situation because we keep trying to band-aid solutions onto ancient protocols that were never designed to be secure. (I'm talking about you DNS.) Given xkcd's wisdom though, I'm not sure if this is easily solvable. |
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| dns should not have to be secure, it should be regulated as a public utility with 3rd-party quality control and all the whistles.
only then can it be trustworthy, fast and free/accessible |
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| Certificate pinning is more or less dead. There are mobile apps that still do it, but most security engineers would say that's a mistake. WebPKI integrity is largely driven through CT now. |
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| The comic is about re-inventing the wheel. What you propose "standards evolving" would be the opposite in spirit (and is what has happened with DNSSEC, RPKI, etc) |
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| You're correct - noting that Lets Encrypt supports DNSSEC/NSEC fully.
Unfortunately though, the entire PKI ecosystem is tainted if other CAs do not share the same security posture. |
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| > 1. WHOIS isn't encrypted or signed, but is somehow suitable for verification (?)
HTTP-based ACME verification also uses unencrypted port-80 HTTP. Similar for DNS-based verification. |
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| > HTTP-based ACME verification also uses unencrypted port-80 HTTP
I mean, they need to bootstrap the verification somehow no? You cannot upgrade the first time you request a challenge. |
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| Human relationships also open you up to social engineering attacks. Unless they’re face-to-face, in person, with someone who remembers what you actually look like. Which is rare these days. |
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| None of these relate to TLS/SSL - that's the wrong level of abstraction: they relate to fragility of the roots of trust on which the registration authorities for Internet PKI depend. |
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| As long as TLS/SSL depends on Internet PKI as it is, it is flawed. I guess there's always Private PKI, but that's if you're not interested in the internet (^: |
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| > 4. Email, used for verification in this post, is also poorly protected against BGP hijacks.
Do mail servers even verify TLS certs these days instead of just ignoring them? |
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| https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/327121 is the first one, and I'm having trouble locating up the second (possibly due to the search pollution from the first one) but there are a bunch of "Exiftool has been updated to version [0-9.]+ in order to mitigate security issues" style lines in their security releases feed so it's possible they were bitten by upstream Exiftool CVEs
Anyway, turns out that shelling out to an external binary fed with bytes from the Internet is good fun |
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| https://duckduckgo.com/?q=hash+site:reddit.com/r/lolphp
https://duckduckgo.com/?q=crypt+site:reddit.com/r/lolphp >crc32($str) and hash("crc32",$str) use different algorithms .. >Password_verify() always returns true with some hash >md5('240610708') == md5('QNKCDZO') >crypt() on failure: return <13 characters of garbage > strcmp() will return 0 on error, can be used to bypass authentication > crc32 produces a negative signed int on 32bit machines but positive on 64bit mahines >5.3.7 Fails unit test, released anyway The takeaway from these titles is not the problems themselves but the pattern of failure and the issue of trusting the tool itself. Other than that if you've used php enough yourself you will absolutely find frustration in the standard library If you're looking for something more exhaustive there's the certified hood classic "PHP: A fractal of bad design" article as well that goes through ~~300+~~ 269 problems the language had and/or still has. https://eev.ee/blog/2012/04/09/php-a-fractal-of-bad-design/ Though most of it has been fixed since 2012, there's only so much you can do before the good programmers in your community (and job market) just leave the language. What's left is what's left. |
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| Any language can be insecure. There’s nothing inherently bad about PHP, other than it’s the lowest-hanging fruit of CGI languages and has some less-than-ideal design decisions. |
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| It's very easy to make PHP safe, certainly now that we've passed the 7 mark and we have internal ASTs. Even when using eval, it's beyond trivial to not make gross mistakes. |
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| Today the Certificate Authorities in the Web PKI use the "Ten Blessed Methods" (there are in fact no longer ten of them, but that's what I'm going to keep calling them).
[[ Edited to add: I remembered last time I mentioned these some people got confused. The requirement is a CA must use at least one of the blessed methods, there used to be "Any other method" basically they could do whatever they wanted and that "method" was of course abused beyond belief which is why it's gone. They can do whatever they like in addition, and there are also some (largely not relevant) checks which are always mandatory, but these "blessed methods" are the core of what prevents you from getting a certificate for say the New York Times websites ]] https://cabforum.org/working-groups/server/baseline-requirem... The Ten Blessed Methods are listed in section of the Baseline Requirements, there are currently twenty sub-sections corresponding to what the Forum considers distinct methods, the newer ones unsurprisingly are later in the list, although many are retired (no longer permitted for use) "Email, Fax, SMS, or Postal Mail to Domain Contact" specifically says to check whois as does "Phone Contact with Domain Contact". For the commercial CAs this is all bad for their bottom line, because a willing customer can't buy their product due to some bureaucratic problem. They want to give you $50, but they can't because some IT bloke needs to update a field in some software. When they ask the IT guy "Hey, can you update this field so I can buy a $50 certificate" the IT guy is going to say "Oh, just use Let's Encrypt" and you don't get $50. So you want to make it as easy as possible to give you $50. Bad for the Internet's Security? Who cares. ISRG (the Let's Encrypt CA) of course doesn't care about $$$ because the certificates do not cost money, only the provisioning infrastructure costs money, so they only implement, and IIRC because those make sense to automate and have reasonable security assuming no bugs. |
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> While this has been interesting to document and research, we are a little exasperated. Something-something-hopefully-an-LLM-will-solve-all-of-these-problems-something-something. |
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| Make sure you read the article since it doesn't look like they're doing that at all. The sentence you cited is pretty tricky to parse so your reaction is understandable. |
> As part of our research, we discovered that a few years ago the WHOIS server for the .MOBI TLD migrated from whois.dotmobiregistry.net to whois.nic.mobi – and the dotmobiregistry.net domain had been left to expire seemingly in December 2023.
Never ever ever ever let a domain expire. If you're a business and you're looking to pick up a new domain because it's only $10/year, consider that you're going to be paying $10/year forever, because once you associate that domain with your business, you can never get rid of that association.